Vendredi 14 décembre Français II

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1 Vendredi 14 décembre Français II
1. Where is the nicest Christmas Market in France? 2. What is the name of the famous French Christmas song? 3. How old is it approximately? 4. What s the name of the traditional Christmas cake? 5. Name two typical flavors. Micro Dialogues

2 Vendredi 14 décembre Français I
1. Where is the nicest Christmas Market in France? 2. What is the name of the famous French Christmas song? 3. How old is it approximately? 4. What s the name of the traditional Christmas cake? 5. Name two typical flavors. ER verbes Vérifier les devoirs Mise en pratique Review Questions final

3 Vendredi 14 décembre Français PreAP/AP
1. Where is the nicest Christmas Market in France? 2. What is the name of the famous French Christmas song? 3. How old is it approximately? 4. What s the name of the traditional Christmas cake? 5. Name two typical flavors. Essai + présentations

4 Micro dialogue HI I am leaving tomorrow for Strasbourg.
What is the weather like in Strasbourg in the winter? It is very cold and it is hailing, it’s freezing and it’s snowing. There is a lot of fog. Oh la la! My family and I are leaving for Tahiti. The weather is always beautiful there. It is hot and sunny and there is not a lot of wind in the winter. In the summer it rains a lot. In the spring there are a lot of storms in Miami. My friends are going to Florida in March. They will go windsurfing. I am going to ski and skate in Strasbourg, it’s better. I think that there is more sun in Tahiti than in Florida in the Fall, and I think it is going to rain a lot this winter, and the weather is going to be cool. Yes, I think so too but I know that it is not warmer in Tahiti than in Tucson. Tucson is a bit less humid than Tahiti in the summer. Have a good trip! Thanks! Have a nice vacation!

5 Micro dialogue Salut Je pars demain pour Strasbourg.
Quel temps fait-il à Strasbourg l’hiver? Il fait très froid, il grêle, il gèle et il neige. Il y a beaucoup de brouillard. Oh la la! Ma famille et moi partons pour Tahiti. Le temps y est toujours beau. Il fait chaud, il fait beau et il n’y a pas beaucoup de vent l’hiver. L’été il pleut beaucoup. Au printemps il y a beaucoup d’orages à Miami. Mes amis vont en Floride en mars. Ils vont faire de la planche à voile. Je vais skier et patiner à Strasbourg c’est mieux. Je pense qu’il y a plus de soleil à Tahiti qu’en Floride en automne, et je pense qu’il va beaucoup pleuvoir cet hiver, et le temps va être frais. Oui je le pense aussi mais je sais qu’il ne fait pas plus chaud à Tahiti qu’à Tucson. Tucson est un peu plus humide que Tahiti l’été. Bon voyage! Merci! Bonnes vacances!

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