Mercredi 29 août Français II

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1 Mercredi 29 août Français II
Bardot was married 4 times and had numerous affairs. She has one son. She has been living in Saint Tropez since 1958 , her famous house is called La Madrague. Bardot a été mariée quatre fois et a eu de nombreux amants. Elle a un fils. Elle vit à Saint Tropez depuis 1958 sa célèbre maison s’appelle la Madrague. Histoire Bal de promotion

2 Mercredi 29 août Français I
Bardot was married 4 times and had numerous affairs. She has one son. She has been living in Saint Tropez since 1958 , her famous house is called La Madrague. Bardot a été mariée quatre fois et a eu de nombreux amants. Elle a un fils. Elle vit à Saint Tropez depuis 1958 sa célèbre maison s’appelle la Madrague. Revoir les tests (copy) 1-10 Est-ce que je peux… 10-20 Cornell Age* Dialogue Quiz on “how are you” on Friday

3 Micro dialogue Hi How are you? Terrible and you, how are you?
Doing great thanks! How old are you? I am* 15 and you, how old are you? I am almost 16 Bye See you tomorrow


5 Cornell Topic – Greetings and introductions EQ – How to ask for someone’s age and how to give yours.

6 onze [ ] 12 douze [ ] 13 treize [ ] 14 quatorze [ ] 15 quinze [ ] 16 seize [ ] 17 dix-sept [ ] 18 dix-huit [ ] 19 dix-neuf [ ] 20 vingt [ ]

7 Tu as quel âge? Il a quel âge? Il a … Elle a quel âge? Elle a …
J’ai onze ans J’ai quatorze ans J’ai quinze ans J’ai seize ans Et toi? J’ai dix-sept ans J’ai dix-huit ans

8 Mercredi 29 août Français PreAP/AP
Bardot was married 4 times and had numerous affairs. She has one son. She has been living in Saint Tropez since 1958 , her famous house is called La Madrague. Bardot a été mariée quatre fois et a eu de nombreux amants. Elle a un fils. Elle vit à Saint Tropez depuis 1958 sa célèbre maison s’appelle la Madrague. Le gendarme de St Tropez

9 CORNELL NOTES Topic: Clothing
Essential question : How to compare two pieces of clothes or other things?

At the end of a sentence and after words like “avec, pour, que, et, chez” … Examples: Je viens avec toi Je l’acheté pour lui Il est plus grand qu’elle Ils mangent chez nous Toi et moi, on s’amuse beaucoup Je vais chez eux demain

11 The red dress is larger than the green dress
The black shoes are bigger than the brown shoes The white hat is cuter than the yellow one The purple socks are more comfortable than the white socks The blue pants are* smaller than the back pants* The black necklace is cheaper than the red one I am as tall as you (are) She is as funny as he is It is as beautiful as Arizona It is not as beautiful as Paris I am less prepared than you**

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