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Un chat deux chats deux chiens Un chien deux chevaux Un cheval

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Présentation au sujet: "Un chat deux chats deux chiens Un chien deux chevaux Un cheval"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Un chat deux chats deux chiens Un chien deux chevaux Un cheval
Un oiseau Singular and plural forms. deux oiseaux

2 Ecoutez l’animal – qu’est-ce que c’est?
I’ve not inserted the sound files as they are too large to then upload but you can find sound effects of various animals by doing an internet search and then either insert them into the PPT or just play them in class. This is a fun way to get the pupil to practice writing the words. You can organise it how you like – e.g. ask them to write J’ai or leave it out if you feel it would be better. It’s a good opportunity to get them to check their writing and spelling using vocab lists, peer assessment etc. (see below). I use my knowledge about language and success criteria to help me, and I can check that I have written familiar words and phrases accurately. MLAN 2-14a

3 A. E. 1. 2. B. F. 3. 4. C. G. 5. 6. D. H. 7. 8.

4 Les animaux génétiquement modifiés.
Qu’est-ce que c’est?

5 c’est…

6 c’est…

7 c’est…

8 c’est…

9 c’est…

10 c’est…

11 c’est…

12 c’est…

13 et un chat Un lapin

14 et Un chien un oiseau

15 Un chien et un chat

16 Un cheval et un poisson

17 Un cheval et un oiseau

18 Une souris Un chat et

19 Un cheval et chien

20 Un chien et un lapin

21 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?
Kes keel monk? Regarde les images. Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

22 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

23 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

24 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

25 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

26 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

27 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

28 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

29 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

30 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

31 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

32 Qu’est-ce qu’il manque?

33 Les animaux télépathe

34 Je n’ai pas de J’ai un chat un chat

35 Playing Pierre – This is a fun game to play and really helps focus on getting pronunciation really accurate. Give all pupils in the class a number. Ask them to write it onto a fresh page in their jotter. Make sure the number “snakes” around the class Leave the last pupil and ask them to come and sit in your seat at the front of the class. This pupil is now Pierre. Ask all pupils to draw a picture of an animal on the same page as their numbers. The whole class will say the phrase, “Un, deux, trois, go Pierre!” Pierre will then answer, “Silence la classe! Ecoutez!” and then say a number between 1 and however many are in the class. Whosever number Pierre says must then say what their animal is, e.g. un chat. They will then say another number of Pierre. The next person then says their phrase and so on. This continues until someone makes a mistake, isn’t listening, is too slow etc. at which point, they have to move to the last seat in the class (e.g. 23) and everyone moves down a seat. To explain, if Pierre makes a mistake they move to the last seat, everyone then leaves their stuff and moves down a seat meaning there is a new Pierre and everyone else has a new number and a new animal to say.

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