Foundation/ Higher Tier Role Play 2 An accident. You have had an accident in and you are now at the hospital. You will have to…. 1.Say what hurts. 2.Where.

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Présentation au sujet: "Foundation/ Higher Tier Role Play 2 An accident. You have had an accident in and you are now at the hospital. You will have to…. 1.Say what hurts. 2.Where."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Foundation/ Higher Tier Role Play 2 An accident

2 You have had an accident in and you are now at the hospital. You will have to…. 1.Say what hurts. 2.Where and when the accident happened. 3.Answer the question. 4.Say where you are staying.

3 1. Say what hurts.

4 1. Jai mal au bras.

5 2. Where and when the accident happened.

6 2. Je jouais au football dans le parc à huit heures/ ce soir/ hier.

7 3. Votre nom de famille et votre âge?

8 3. Cest P-R-I-C-E et jai seize ans.

9 4. Say where you are staying.

10 4. Je reste dans lhôtel Soleil.

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