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Si clauses in French
Si Clauses are used... To say what someone would do if things were different, use two clauses, an ‘if’ clause and a result clause. The “if” clause will start with si (if) and will be in the imparfait. The “result” clause will be in the conditional. Either clause can come first. Examples: Si tu voulais être en bonne santé, tu ferais de l’exercice. Tu achèterais des légumes si tu voulais bien manger. You can also use si + l’imparfait to invite someone to something. Example: Si on faisait de l’exercice?
Si Clauses are used... To make a suggestions using the present tense in both clauses. Example: Si tu veux aller en France, tu as besoin d’un passeport. To express hopes or wishes, to give advice, or to tell what would happen if the situation were different. Use si with the imperfect in one clause; use the conditional in the result clause. Example: Si j’avais de l’argent, j’achèterais une belle voiture. To give an invitation or to say how about… by using si + imparfait. Example: Si on faisait du camping?
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