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NACE International East Asia Pacific Rim Area Conference & Expo 2014 September 2 – 4, 2014 Nusa Dua Convention Center Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia Evaluation.

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2 NACE International East Asia Pacific Rim Area Conference & Expo 2014 September 2 – 4, 2014 Nusa Dua Convention Center Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia Evaluation on the Cathodic Protection Inspection Methods for Underground Pipeline Paper No : P - 14 Ari Kurniawan – PT. KPM Oil and Gas – Aditya F. Arif– PT. Rekayasa Industri– Saturday, May 11, 2019 2014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo

3 Outline  Background  Methods  Results and Discussion  Summary  References 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo2

4 Background  Cathodic Protection (CP) combined with coating are still the best method to prevent external corrosion  CP requires routine inspection as specify in Standard and Code  Some pipe owner does not perform inspection due to lack of knowledge or budget  Case Study for 16 inch aged gas pipeline 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo3

5 Background – Case Study  Pipeline  Length : 9 km  OD/WT: NPS 16 inch/9.53 mm  CP System: SACP every 300-600 m  Coating: Coaltar Enamel  Age: > 10 years  Condition: Pararel with 2 foreign pipeline with ICCP  Current Inspection : p/s potential measurement only – pipeline was protected  Improvement method : CIPS, PCM, DCVG, ACVG 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo4

6 Background – Case Study P/S Potential Measurement last 3 month 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo5 TP No Chainage (m) Potensial Measurement vs CSE ( -mV) Remark Month 1Month 2Month 3 10770780791Unprotected 2200980975981Protected 3627850859862Protected 4967852857863Protected 51373860851870Protected 62066942920953Protected 72334973961980Protected 826259819621005Protected 92908862849856Protected 103393851860854Protected 113920941930940Protected 12416810129891002Protected 134466870850852Protected 144708849842845Less Protected 155071851847862Protected 165257923910926Protected 175944960951963Protected 186128810820816Less Protected 196355849850853Protected 206647812823810Less Protected 216882750740745Unprotected 227132853851860Protected 237368849839851Protected 247561930921935Protected 258432850851863Protected 269040800820832Less Protected

7 Methods  Close Interval Potential Survey (CIPS)  Pipeline Current Mapper (PCM)  Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG)  BellHole/Direct Examination 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo6

8 Picture source : Peabody’s Control of Pipeline Corrosion, Methods CIPS (Close Interval Potential Survey )

9 P/s Potensial (-mV) - 850 mV Chainage (m) TP 1TP 2 - 1000 mV - 950 mV Methods CIPS (Close Interval Potential Survey )

10  Continous potential measurement method  Measurement interval 1-3 meter  Use trailing wire and data logger  To check CP Protection level along pipeline Methods CIPS (Close Interval Potential Survey ) Picture source : CP2 – Cathodic Protection Technician Course Manual

11  Measure Current Attenuation along pipeline  Indicate Pipe anomaly (Coating defect, metal contact, etc) Picture source : Pipeline Current Mapper User Guide by Radiodetection Methods PCM (Pipeline Current Mapper)

12 Normal Current DistributionAnomaly Current Distribution Picture source : Pipeline Current Mapper User Guide Methods PCM (Pipeline Current Mapper)

13  Indicate Coating defect/anomaly by measure DC Voltage Gradient  Perform along pipeline  Not Indicate CP Protection Level  Could calculate qualitative Coating Defect (%IR) Picture source : Personal file Methods DCVG (Direct Current Voltage Gradient)

14 No % IRClassification 10-15%No repair required 215-35%Recommended to repair 335-60%Worthed to repair 460-100%Immediate repair 13 Picture source : Method Statement of DCVG by DCVG Technology Ltd Classification of Coating Defect Based on % IR Methods DCVG (Direct Current Voltage Gradient)

15 Methods ACVG (Alternate Current Voltage Gradient)  Indicate Coating defect/anomaly by measure AC Voltage Gradient  Performed along pipeline  Does not Indicate CP Protection Level  Could be used in concrete and asphalt Picture source : Pipeline Current Mapper User Guide

16 Methods ACVG (Alternate Current Voltage Gradient)

17  Carried out at indicated location  Perform  visual observation  Potential measurement  Wall thickness measurement  CD repair Picture source : Personal file Methods Bellhole – Direct Examination

18 Results and Discussion Cathodic Protection Level 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo17 CIPS survey result at segment chainage 0 – 4500, first segment

19 Results and Discussion Cathodic Protection Level 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo18 CIPS survey result at segment chainage 4500-9200, second segment

20 Results and Discussion Cathodic Protection Level 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo19 CIPS survey result at segment chainage 0 - 700 Current Pick Up Current Discharge

21 Results and Discussion Cathodic Protection Level 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo20  Protection level achieved only at test point  Indication of stray current at chainge 200-400 and 400-600  Stray current come from other CP System (ICCP)

22 Results and Discussion Coating Integrity Survey 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo21 Result of PCM, ACVG and DCVG surveys segment KM 0-4500, first segment

23 Results and Discussion Coating Integrity Survey 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo22 Result of PCM, ACVG and DCVG surveys segment KM 4500-9000, second segment

24 Results and Discussion Coating Integrity Survey 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo23 Result of PCM, ACVG and DCVG surveys segment KM 0-4500, first segment CD No Chainage (m) Indirect Inspection Result Digging Validation Result PCM DCVG (%IR) ACVG (dB) CIPS Coating Condition Pipe Condition P/S Potensial (-mV) 1381Yes1934UYesCD FoundGC630 2559-11-UYesCD FoundPT610 31368Yes--U Good 742 44031-4,93-PYesCD FoundGC865 54094--27P No --- 65488--32U No --- 75806Yes-30UYesCD FoundGC719 86145-- 21 U No -- - 96198-- 35 U No -- - 107405Yes-37UYesCD FoundGC731 118038-2,39-U No --- 128075Yes8,2840UYesCD FoundGC678 138138-4,81-UYesCD FoundGC695 148982Yes1526UYesCD FoundPT642 Note U : Unprotected, P : Protected, GC : General Corrosion, PT : Pitting

25 Results and Discussion Coating Integrity Survey 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo24 CD found at chainage 4031CD found at chainage 8075

26 Results and Discussion Coating Integrity Survey 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo25 Pitting found at chainage 559

27 Summary  P/s potential measurement at certain sampling points is only able to give a figure on the CP level at the sampling points and hence inadequate for aged pipeline with possible interference with other CP system.  Combination of CIPS, PCM, DCVG and ACVG is an effective method to determine coating integrity and CP effectiveness.  It is highly recommended to apply a combination of CIPS, PCM, DCVG and ACVG surveys in a mandatory basis instead of supplementary. 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo26

28 References  A.W. Peabody, Ronald. L. Bianchetti, Peabody’s Control of Pipeline Corrosion, 2 nd ed. (Houston, TX: NACE, 2001)  W.Von. Beckmann, et al, Handbook of Cathodic Corrosion Protection Theory and Practies of Electrochemical Protection Processess, 3 rd ed. (Houston, TX: Gulf Professional Publishing, 1997)  NACE SP0169-2007, “Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping System” (Houston, TX: NACE)  NACE International, CP2 – Cathodic Protection Technician Course Manual, (Houston, TX: NACE, 2008) : p 6:24  P. Nicholson, “External Corrosion Direct Assessment”, NACE CORCON INDIA 2004, (New Delhi, India: NACE India Section- Corrosion Society of India, December 2-4 2004)  NACE SP0502-2008, “External Corrosion Direct Assessment” ” (Houston, TX: NACE) 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo27

29 THANK YOU Acknowledgments PT. KPM Oil and Gas Board of Director 5/11/20192014 NACE EAP Conference & Expo28

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