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La Réforme de la PCP 2012 Biodiversity coordination group

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1 La Réforme de la PCP 2012 Biodiversity coordination group 15.11.2011
FISHERIES La Réforme de la PCP Biodiversity coordination group E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h

2 Contexte de la réforme…
En France par exemple, pour les 4 régions de l’AGLIA, les débarquements on chuté de 12% en 2008 et de 9% en 2009. Source: Eurostat Fisheries

3 Contexte de la réforme… subventions inefficaces
*scrapping under FIFG Fisheries

4 Contexte de la réforme…
…une flotte en perte Annual Economic Report 2010 – DG MARE Fisheries

5 Need for substantial reforme…
Strong case for reform: status quo is not a viable option! Stock recovery to sustainable levels = a precondition for economic success Market Policy to support sustainable fisheries and aquaculture CFP and environnement: MSFD CFP and maritime policy: finding solutions for fisheries communities Europe 2020: smart, green and inclusive growth … also in Fisherie Our place / role in world fisheries Fisheries

6 The key elements of the reform …
Sustainability A future for fisheries and aquaculture industry and jobs Satisfying consumers’ needs and expectations Better governance through regionalisation Smarter financing External Dimension Fisheries

7 Sustainability - MSY Commitment at World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, 2002) and in UNCLOS Turning the principle into a policy objective Catching a larger quantity of fish Larger size of fish landed → higher market value Lower costs incurred in catching the fish Fisheries

8 Ecosystem approach Regulate fisheries and environment
Replace single-species management plans by fishery-based plans Incorporate environmental concerns in management plans Fast-track procedures to implement environmental policy (Natura2000, MSFD) E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 8

9 FISHERIES Eliminating discards Some very good initiatives by sector, but… problems remain!!  Need for a clear legal, stepwise obligation to ban discards … with flexibility to make it workable inevitable legislative changes Market Policy E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 9

10 Transferable Fishing Concessions
Reduce capacity through business: depoliticise the overcapacity Increase sector’s sense of responsibility At national level – maintain relative stability Flexibility to accommodate national conditions Not mandatory for small-scale coastal fisheries Safeguards: - ‘Economic link’ - Avoid excessive concentration - Favour good behaviour Fisheries

11 FISHERIES Aquaculture Integral part of the CFP A strategic plan for development – MS to plan and coordinate Aquaculture and Natura2000 Fresh water aquaculture substantial contribution to market, part of cultural heritage, important environmental function Potential for sustainable development E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Fisheries Slide 11

12 Consumer’s needs Increase value of fishery and aquaculture products for human consumption Labelling to foster responsible consumption Canned and processed More precise information on origin Date of catch / harvest Fresh / defrosted Volontary labelling: dynamic but not misleading Producer Organisations: key actors for de-centralised policy, more value added to products SIMPLIFICATION Actes législatifs: de 4 Conseil + 23 COM à 1 PE-Conseil + 8 deleg / implem Plus de Règl. annuel d’intervention (1 Conseil + 6 COM) Prix d’intervention au niveau approprié, supervisé par les EM Instruments: Intervention: de 6 mécanismes à un seul: stockage Standards commerciaux: plus de taille / catégories de fraîcheur Notification/Enregistrement: Grande réduction (ex: prix et intervention) Usage des outils IT Financement: des EAGF + FEP à Fond européen maritime et pêche ROLE DES ACTEURS: Marché des renseignements: Fournit des connaissances économiques aux marchés Enquêtes de prix, tendances des marchés Réduction des mécanismes d’intervention Plus de retraits Un seul mécanisme de stockage: Orienté business, stabilité du marché + valeur ajoutée Basé sur prix d’intervention adapté aux réalités du marché Fisheries

13 Smarter financing: Money for policy change
1 single financial instrument for CFP - 6.7€ billion … Emphasis on innovation, greening and inclusive growth Removing inefficient fleet subsidies Strong boost to aquaculture (including inland) Strong boost to the development of coastal communities Money to develop cross-cutting instruments of IMP Data collection, control, marketing and production planning Fisheries

14 …»greening» Styrong conditionality with CFP objectoves
Selectivity, low-impact fishing, support for discard policy Money to support environnemental objectives – MSFD Diversification, better use of know-how and experience, protection / restauration of marine biodiversity Education and training, scientists – fishermen partnerships Empower stakeholders to participate in management and sustaionable fisheries strategies …… Fisheries

15 External dimension Strengthen global fisheries governance at multilateral level Achieve common goals: harmonisation of standards with third countries Strategic partnerships (USA, Japan) Sustainable Fisheries Agreements: Export high standards, not overcapacity Reinforce scientific basis of the agreements Support more effectively fisheries sector in Third Countries Vessel owners, contributing more to their access to Third Countries' waters Fisheries

16 FISHERIES Merci! E u r o p e a n C m i s M t A f d F h Fisheries Slide 16

17 Une meilleure gouvernance: régionalisation
enlever la micro-gestion du niveau codécision, amener la prise de décision plus près du terrain décider quels résultats souhaités, choix des moyens aux acteurs… faciliter la co-gestion avec les parties prenantes, renforcement du rôle et des responsabilités des OP enrichir le processus d’expertise réelle Responsabiliser les EM, conditions établies en codécision Régionalisation une opportunité, pas une obligation

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