Point de départ In D’accord! Level 1, you learned how to use the interrogative adjective quel, as in Quelle heure est-il? You will now learn how to use.

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1 Point de départ In D’accord! Level 1, you learned how to use the interrogative adjective quel, as in Quelle heure est-il? You will now learn how to use the interrogative pronoun lequel. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 5A.2-1 1

2 Lequel agrees with the noun to which it refers.
If a person or thing has already been mentioned, use a form of lequel, translated as which one(s), in place of quel(le)(s) [+ noun]. Lequel agrees with the noun to which it refers. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 5A.2-2 2

3 Remember that past participles agree with preceding direct objects.
Place the form of lequel wherever you would place quel(le)(s) [+ noun] in a question. Remember that past participles agree with preceding direct objects. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 5A.2-3 3

4 Forms of lequel contract with the prepositions à and de.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 5A.2-4 4

5 Essayez! Réécrivez les phrases avec des formes de lequel.
1. Pour quelle compagnie travaillez-vous? _________________________ 2. Quel métier préférez-vous? _________________________ 3. À quel métier t’intéresses-tu? _________________________ 4. De quels stages est-ce que vous parlez? _______________________ Pour laquelle travaillez-vous? © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 5A.2-5 5

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