Pâques - Easter. Joyeuses Pâques 1. When do the bells stop ringing in France? 2. What do people remember when the bells are silent? 3. When do the bells.

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Présentation au sujet: "Pâques - Easter. Joyeuses Pâques 1. When do the bells stop ringing in France? 2. What do people remember when the bells are silent? 3. When do the bells."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Pâques - Easter

2 Joyeuses Pâques 1. When do the bells stop ringing in France? 2. What do people remember when the bells are silent? 3. When do the bells start ringing again? 4. In the traditional story, where do the bells magically fly to? 5. What does cloche volant mean? 6. What do children look out for pulling a chariot of eggs? 7. What is the game that children like to play with the eggs at Easter? 8. Describe the old contest that used to be played with eggs. 9. What did the surviving egg symbolise? 10. What is Poisson dAvril? 11. When does it take place? 12. What is the trick children play?

3 le vendredi saint Good Friday le dimanche de pâques Easter Sunday le lundi de pâques Easter Monday

4 loeuf de pâques

5 un panier

6 un poussin

7 un lapin

8 la jonquille

9 la tulipe

10 le crocus

11 un agneau

12 une cloche

13 un ruban

14 le chocolat

15 Joyeuses Pâques

16 1.vendredi saint 2.loeuf de pâques 3.un panier 4.le chocolat 5.le crocus 6.une cloche 7.le lundi de pâques 8.la tulipe 9.un poussin 10.Joyeuses pâques 11.le lapin de pâques 12.le dimanche de pâques a. chocolate b. easter bunny c. crocus d. Easter Monday e. Good Friday f. chick g. Easter Sunday h. Easter eggs i. basket j. tulips k. bell l. Happy Easter

17 1 32 456 789 10 1112 Happy Easter

18 Joyeuses Pâques 1. When do the bells stop ringing in France? 2. What do people remember when the bells are silent? 3. When do the bells start ringing again? 4. In the traditional story, where do the bells magically fly to? 5. What does cloche volant mean? 6. What do children look out for pulling a chariot of eggs? 7. What is the game that children like to play with the eggs at Easter? 8. Describe the old contest that used to be played with eggs. 9. What did the surviving egg symbolise? 10. What is Poisson dAvril? 11. When does it take place? 12. What is the trick children play?

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