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Publié parMelisent Allard Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Ligne du temps de Rome Rome founded in 753 BCE -first ruled by kings
-Became a republic in 509 BCE -by 275 BCE Rome controlled the entire Italian Penninsula
Etrusques Premier habitants du nord de l’Italie ( 750 av. JC )
Ont conquis Rome en environ 600 av. JC artisans, fermiers et commercants Ont contributé à la montée de Rome et à sa culture First inhabitants of Northern Italy c. 750 BCE Conquered Rome around 600 BCE Burial customs= tombs hollowed out of group or under mounds of dirt Interior of tombs resembled houses of living Skilled artisans, farmers and accomplished traders In Rome, they dug an enormous ditch (Great Sewer) to create a drained area named the Forum which became the heart of Rome (people meet to talk, trade, govern and worship) contributed to the rise of Rome and culture
Forum romain Le Forum romain était le centre politique et économique de Rome pendant la République. Est devenu le coeur de Rome où les gens parlaient, commercaient et gouvernaient. The Roman Forum (Forum Romanum) was the political and economical centre of Rome during the Republic. It emerged as such in the 7th century BCE and maintained this position well into the Imperial period, when it was reduced to a monumental area. It was mostly abandoned at the end of the 4th century. The Forum Romanum is located in a valley between the Capitoline Hill on the west, the Palatine Hill on the south, the Velia on the east and Quirinal Hill and the Esquiline Hill to the north. The Velia was levelled in Antiquity. The importance of the Forum area is indicated by the presence of many of the central political, religious and judicial buildings in Rome. The Regia was the residence of the kings, and later of the rex sacrorum and pontifex maximus; the Curia, was the meeting place of the Senate; and the Comitium and the Rostra, where public meetings were held. Major temples and sanctuaries in the Forum include the Temple of Castor and Pollux, the Temple of Saturn and the Temple of Vesta. Commercial and judicial activities took place in the basilicas, the two remaining are the Basilica Aemilia and the Basilica Julia. Due to the political importance of the area there were also numerous honorary monuments.
La monarchie étrusque Les étrusques ont pris contrôle des Romains
Le dernier roi étrusque était Tarquin le Fier= il a perdu le pouvoir en 509 av. JC à cause que le peuple était fatigué de son règne de terreur Les Romains ne voulaient plus être dominés par des rois, menant à la fondation de la république démocratique L’influence étrusque: alphabet, arches, numeraux, sports sanglants, politiques, etc. First King was Romulus = based on ancient myth (raised at Palatine aka Seven Hills of Rome and future residence of emperors) -high magistrates of Roman Republic used purple robes and ivory thornes of Etruscan kings (lucumones) -symbol of authority over life an death called fasces (axe bound into a bundle of wooden rods; when magistrates were present, it was carried by an escort of officials known as lictors -Tarquin the Proud= expelled by a popular rebellion in 509 BCE -rebellion had been sparked bc the king’s son Sextus raped a virtuous aristocratic woman named Lucretia, who consequently committed suicide. -
République romaine (509 av. JC)
Dans une république, les citoyens élisent leur chef pour mener le gouvernement Résultat du mécontentement de la monarchie tyrannique des Étrusques Une combinaison d’aristocracie, d’oligarchie and de démocracie When the last Etruscan king was thrown out of Rome in 509 B.C., Roman leaders decided to begin a very new form of government - a republic. In a republic, citizens elect leaders to run their government. In Rome, the leaders chosen to replace the king were called consuls. These consuls were elected by a group of ordinary citizens known as an assembly, and the consuls were given advice by a group of rich people known as the Senate. Although the citizens elected their own representatives, the Roman Republic was not a democracy because not every citizen had equal power. Citizens were divided into two classes, patricians and plebeians. A Roman was born into their class. As citizens, both patricians and plebeians had the right to vote. However, only patricians had the right to hold any political, military or religious offices. All power was in the hands of the patricians. Senate: latin for ‘old men’. Early kings took advice from Senate (latin for ‘old men’ or council of elders
Sénat et le peuple de Romwe
L’histoire interne de la République en est une de tension constante entre les particiens et les plébiens. Patriciens Aristocracy qui est propriétaire de terres Du latin ‘patres’ qui veut dire père Plébiens Peuple Pauvre sans terres Du mot latin ‘plebs’ qui veut dire peuple commun As citizens, both patricians and plebeians had the right to vote. However, only patricians had the right to hold any political, military or religious offices. All power was in the hands of the patricians. Patres= father; from the days before the Etruscans, each village chief had been advised by the heads of the families in the village The common people of Rome were very angry over harsh treatment by the rich and powerful people of Rome, so they had moved out of the city. The leaders knew that their city was in serious danger unless the common people returned. So they agreed to give the people more rights. This struggle between the Roman leaders and the common people continued for 200 years as the common people of Rome tried to gain equal rights.
Rôles dans la république
Magistrats: les deux magistrats les plus puissants étaient les consuls; les deux avaient le droit de véto (Latin pour “je l’interdis”) sur l’autre dans les décisions importantes (élus par les patriciens) Assemblées :quatre assemblées (organisées par la richesse) de citoyens mâles élus comme magistrats annuellement pour voter et appliquer les lois Sénat: conseil d’hommes qui ont controlé Rome (budget et affaires étrangères) ; controllaient la majorité des terres et étaient nommés pour la vie Tribunes: Seulement les mâles qui n’étaient pas dans le sénat pouvaient participer; 2 tribunes élues et avaient le droit de véto sur les décisions des consuls; a éventuellement augmenté à 10 tribunes In Rome, the leaders chosen to replace the king were called consuls. These consuls were elected by a group of ordinary citizens known as an assembly, and the consuls were given advice by a group of rich people known as the Senate. Although the citizens elected their own representatives, the Roman Republic was not a democracy because not every citizen had equal power. Citizens were divided into two classes, patricians and plebeians. A Roman was born into their class. Consuls= two elected rulers (they were elected by the patricians for a one year term; with each consul ruling for a month at a time at home; at war they commanded the army on alternative days -consuls appointed assistants (qoaestors) and they were later elected by the patricians. They looked after finances of RR -early on, patricians hled almost all the power in Rome as they could only vote for consuls and their assembly (Senate) could decide on laws. The Senate also advised the consuls. -pleibians were not pleased and demanded they were represented; eventually got a council of their own (concilium plebs)
Victoires romaines Pendant les 400 ans entre l’expulsion des Étrusques et la fin de la République romaine: Unification complète de la péninsule italienne par 27- av. JC Rome défait Carthage, donnant à Rome le contrôle de l’Afrique du nord et ses provinces en Espagne La Macédoine et la Grèce sont conquis et deviennent les provinces romaines Pergamum (Turquie aujourd’hui) devient une province de l’Asie mineure, la première possession romaine en Asie Le sud de la Gaule (France) conquise par les Romains
Le monde grec Après la mort d’Alexandre le grand en 323 av. JC, il y a une bataille de pouvoir = instabilité
Mécontentement avec la République romaine
Division de plus en plus grande entre les patriciens et les plébiens Difficultés en ce qui a trait au droit de citoyenneté dans les colonie Richesse des guerres et l’expansion rendent les chefs avides et malhonnêtes et cause les pauvres à vouloir plus de droits Plusieurs consuls sont assassinés. D’autres cherchent à prendre la position par la force. Des rébellions d’esclaves augmentent en réaction au traitement sévère Solutions Tentatives continues pour contrôler les tensions et aider les pauvres (frères Gracchus) Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus= cherchent des réformes terraines, proposent plus de droits pour les citoyens… les deux sont tués Raisons pour la chute de la République Inabilité de l’état de réduire la différence entre les riches et les pauvres Perte de controle de la nouvelle richesse et le nouveau commercialisme à Rome Protestations sociales des non-romainspour la citoyenneté romaine Réformes militaires qui augmentent le pouvoir et l’influence des généraux romains (ex. Jules César) Widening gap between rich (patricians) and poor (plebeians) Issue of Roman citizenship in colonies Wealth from wars and expansion made the leaders greedy and dishonest, and it also caused the poor people to become disloyal to the government Solutions continuous attempts to control tensions and help poor (Gracchus brothers) Tiberius sought land reforms to redistribute land but when he sought re-election to Tribune, he was killed) Gaius gave free monthly supply of grain and resettlement of colonies and more rights to non-citizens but he was declared public enemy and was killed Reasons for Fall of Republic state’s inability to bridge the gap between rich and poor inability to effectively control Rome’s new found wealth and increasing commercialisms civil war broke out and Caesar, who was the leader, defeated his rivals and declared himself dictator, bringing about Roman Empire
Le premier triumvirat En 60 av. JC, trois généraux romain: Pompée, Crassus and César forment le premier Triumvirat: Trois hommes dirigent Le plan était de dominer la république romaine, en se basant sur la puissance de leurs armées Crassus est tué en bataille, et César cherche à défaire Pompée (ce qu’il a fait) Rome est divisée par une guerre civile. En 46 av. JC, Jules César, est choisi pour être dictateur pour 10 ans (par le Sénat) et il l’a allongé pour que ce soit pour la vie. 44 av. JC- 15 mars César est assassiné par des “défenseurs de la liberté” as Caesar took control of north, Crassus crushed Spartacus rebellion and fought in Persia, Pompey fought in Mediterranean
La naissance de l’empire romain
Après l’assassinat de César= guerre civile Deuxième triumvirat: Octave, Marc Antoine et Lepidus en 43 av. JC se divisent la république entre eux Lepidus est poussé du pouvoir Marc Antoine rencontre et marie Cléopâtre en 36 av. JC, mais Octave défait l’armée de Marc Antoine. Marc Antoine et Cléopâtre se suicident Octave est laissé comme maître du monde romain 27 av. JC Fin de la république romaine
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