An infinitive / linfinitif is 1) the name of a verb 2) the unconjugated form of a verb 3) the form of the verb that means to + the meaning of the verb.

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2 An infinitive / linfinitif is 1) the name of a verb 2) the unconjugated form of a verb 3) the form of the verb that means to + the meaning of the verb (to play, to have)




6 First, you need to remember exactly what the subject pronouns mean: je = Inous = we tu = you (informal)vous = you (formal and plural) il = he, itils = they (m and coed) elle = she, itelles = they (f only) on = we (informal)

7 All regular -er verbs are conjugated the same way. Memorize one, and you can use the same pattern for all of them

8 STEP 1 Find the stem of the verb - To do that, take off the last two letters of the infinitive. Exemple: jouer – to play jouer - erjou to play the stem (la racine)

9 STEP 2 List the subject pronouns in this way: jenous tuvous il/elle/onils/elles

10 STEP 3 List the stem after each subject pronoun: je jou nous jou tu jou vous jou il/elle/on jou ils/elles jou

11 STEP 4 Add the following endings to the stem: je [stem] e nous [stem] ons tu [stem] es vous [stem] ez il/elle/on [stem] e ils/elles [stem] ent

12 So here is an example of a regular -er verb conjugated. je joue nous jouons tu jouesvous jouez il/elle/on joue ils/elles jouent jouer = to play

13 je joue = I am playing, I play, I do play tu joues = you are playing, you play, you do play il joue = he is playing, he plays, he does play elle joue = she is playing, she plays, she does play on joue = we are playing, we play, we do play nous jouons = we are playing, we play, we do play vous jouez = you are playing, you play, you do play ils jouent = they are playing, they play, they do play elles jouent = they are playing, they play, they do play jouer = to play

14 je regarde nous regardons tu regardesvous regardez il/elle/on regarde ils/elles regardent regarder = to watch

15 au négatif je ne regarde pas nous ne regardons pas tu ne regardes pasvous ne regardez pas il/elle/on ne regarde pas ils/elles ne regardent pas regarder = to watch

16 je cherche nous cherchons tu cherchesvous cherchez il/elle/on cherche ils/elles cherchent chercher = to search/look for

17 jétudie nous étudions tu étudies vous étudiez il/elle/on étudie ils/elles étudient étudier = to study

18 j'habite nous habitons tu habitesvous habitez il/elle/on habite ils/elles habitent habiter = to live

19 je mange nous *mangeons tu manges vous mangez il/elle/on mange ils/elles mangent manger = to eat

20 je commence nous *commençons tu commences vous commencez il/elle/on commence ils/elles commencent commencer = to begin

21 All regular -ir verbs are conjugated the same way. Memorize one, and you can use the same pattern for all of them

22 STEP 1 Find the stem of the verb - To do that, take off the last two letters of the infinitive. Exemple: finir – to finish finir - irfin to finish the stem (la racine)

23 STEP 2 List the subject pronouns in this way: jenous tuvous il/elle/onils/elles

24 STEP 3 List the stem after each subject pronoun: je fin nous fin tu fin vous fin il/elle/on fin ils/elles fin

25 STEP 4 Add the following endings to the stem: je [stem] is nous [stem] issons tu [stem] is vous [stem] issez il/elle/on [stem] it ils/elles [stem] issent

26 So here is an example of a regular -ir verb conjugated. je finis nous finissons tu finisvous finissez il/elle/on finitils/elles finissent finir = to finish

27 So here is an example of a regular -ir verb conjugated. je ne finis pas nous ne finissons pas tu ne finis pas vous ne finissez pas il/elle/on ne finit pas ils/elles ne finissent pas finir = to finish

28 All regular -re verbs are conjugated the same way. Memorize one, and you can use the same pattern for all of them

29 STEP 1 Find the stem of the verb - To do that, take off the last two letters of the infinitive. Exemple: vendre – to sell vendre - revend to sell the stem (la racine)

30 STEP 2 List the subject pronouns in this way: jenous tuvous il/elle/onils/elles

31 STEP 3 List the stem after each subject pronoun: je vend nous vend tu vend vous vend il/elle/on vend ils/elles vend

32 STEP 4 Add the following endings to the stem: je [stem]s nous [stem] ons tu [stem] s vous [stem] ez *il/elle/on [stem]* ils/elles [stem] ent * Add nothing; leave stem only

33 So here is an example of a regular -re verb conjugated au négatif. je ne vends pas nous ne vendons pas tu ne vends pas vous ne vendez pas il/elle/on ne vend pas ils/elles ne vendent pas vendre = to sell

34 So here is an example of a regular -re verb conjugated au négatif je vendsnous vendons tu vendsvous vendez il/elle/on vend ils/elles vendent vendre = to sell

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