Présentation sur les instruments des RH du Sous-comité des RH du CCSP

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1 Présentation sur les instruments des RH du Sous-comité des RH du CCSP
Marie-Flore Baptiste 18 février 2010

2 Le point sur les instruments des RH
État actuel Objectifs Motivations Principes directeurs Instruments de la GI et de la TI Gestion du changement Sommaire The purpose of the presentation is to provide you with an update on all the activities we have been undertaken for the past 6 months. In regards to IMIT activities in HRVCIV. I have to stress that these activities has been established based on the consultation that I have been doing with some of you and the directors colleagues of mine during different forum Either IMIT steering committee or one-on-one meetings.

3 Situation actuelle SGRH, version 8.9
Installé en 2007 Utilise seulement 30 % des capacités actuelles Transition à la mise en exploitation Améliorations et ajustements mineurs depuis la mise en œuvre Processus opérationnels communs et configuration commune Collaboration et échanges avec d’autres organismes du gouvernement du Canada You have heard these stories before and I like to remind any audience and ourselves the team this gives us a based to move on… Only using ~30% of Capabilities We are still using 30% of capabilities a slight increase 10% increase – Leave Self Self service, Employee Profile and pay interface, and now e-pay card. The others were straight upgrade from 7.5 We implemented some of the functionalities and left lots of important functionalities because of anticipation of another phase . We conducted fit-gap based on a systems that oracle and the program centre was promising and expectation of a sound infrastructure from ADMIM. These requirements were defined but could not turned on. We required more time and we acknowledge as Monique Pacquin use to say it was a big (UAT) We also needed to conduct more business alignment with the technology before turning them on… examples, generate letters, more self-services employee profiles, (see Carole, Marlene etc etc). We are limited with GOC version and cluster membership Being the first we had lots of deficiencies needs to be deal with ADM IM Transitioning to In-Service It has been two years since we started transition HRMS into in-service (ADMIM – DHRIM) We have been able to resolve many outstanding issues and made fixes. Because of the transition and we were able to complete the work with VOTE 5 funding. In the past funding of the in-service support organization was not clear between Military and CIV. Planning is largely ad-hoc and reactive to the immediate needs of the multiple user communities The in-service support organization currently manages day-to-day maintenance as well as the planning, development and implementation of new functionality. This limits the organization’s ability to rapidly introduce new functionality. We have Business Analysts that are making business decision changes to the systems Accountability for the data and business functions is not at this point HR-CIV’s Changes and customization still needs to be approved by HR-CIV Communication mechanism for coordinating planning and services, managing expectations and facilitating new input is ineffective Subject and systems expertises is lacking to support NDHQ and the regions. End-user training focuses on system procedures and does not provide enough business content The reporting capabilities is non-existence it is not efficient to create reports The systems is still being used as a tracking system not working tools – Data is being entered after the fact and if a monitoring process is establish we will start seeing data deteriating. MPMCT is taking Centre Stage, …IT is still about MASIS and now single instant. Internal and external pressures Creating working groups with other GOC Departments and external HR organizations (Contribution is required from DND) DM resources committee and accountability is and will require more information and reporting Huge expectations No longer just co-ordinator Innovator Enabler

4 Harmonisation avec le programme de modernisation de la FP
Objectifs Leadership ministériel Que les RH-Civ prennent le leadership de la GI et de la TI en matière de RH Que les outils de la GI et de la TI soient harmonisés avec les processus opérationnels communs et les systèmes de RH au sein du MDN Modernisation de la prestation des services Libre-service pour les gestionnaires, les employés et les spécialistes des RH Rendue possible grâce à la technologie et aux processus opérationnels communs Mise en œuvre d'une infrastructure de rapports Harmonisation avec le programme de modernisation de la FP The IMIT vision and way-forward is focussing in two areas: To support ADM HRCIV as the functional authority for HR-IM maters: We provide advised to other organization that wants to implement systems. ADM IM expect us to prioritize, coordinate and ensure alignment with policies. Processes and HRMS. Advisory to all Level 1’s as the functional authority for managing Civilian Human Resources. ADM HR-Civ will have more exposure on how each level one is implementing HR management functions within their organization. We will have a view on the L1’s interpretation of the policies, the People, Process and technologies that are doing HR functions. These Challenges will force the division to be more effective and efficient as a partner in the department with HR business planning and services delivery. The other is continuous providing “Systems” big S includes common business processes, technology and training to support….HR business functions. Assist in the implementation of the 2015 Service Delivery model which will focus on a person to person approach. It will focus more on technology-enabled service delivery to managers, employees and HR professionals. 4 Printed: 25/03/2017 Slide #4

5 Motivations Programme en matière d’innovation et de services administratifs Services efficaces et efficients Besoins, outils et ressources des spécialistes des RH Mise à profit des investissements Harmonisation plus étroite des priorités, des politiques, des processus et de la technologie Aider trois secteurs ou destinataires à l’appui de la prestation des services Employés Gestionnaires Spécialistes des RH New Paradigms: Alignment of policies and establish common business processes. Work and collaboration with CHRO on establishing common business process in some capacity Continue on being taking the lead on new technology and ensure we leverage the existing one. The next few years we will Focus Establishing a DND common business processes or ensure better alignment to the common business processes Align policies, processes and technology Information infrastructure (Reporting) Change Management Training Communication Implement enabling infrastructures (IM / IT). Old technology is here… We are experiencing technical problem for example with (pay interface, IAccess provide limitation, Secure file transfer technology with ex. PWGSC, OCHRO etc etc Enable achievement of goals We need to focus on providing managers of DND tools, processes and information for them to successfully conduct HR functions Users – Enable more self-services and provide access to information - « Fournir les bons instruments, au bon moment et pour les bonnes fonctions »

6 Principes directeurs S’harmoniser avec les initiatives pangouvernementales Adopter le programme de modernisation de la fonction publique Appuyer la modernisation de la prestation des services des RH Offrir des systèmes fondés sur les processus opérationnels communs L’adoption des processus opérationnels communs par les RH-Civ SGRH, le système de dossier qui fait autorité Collaboration avec les intervenants internes et externes (p. ex., SMA(RH-Civ), ADM (GI), Initiative HRaid, Centre de programme, BDPRH) Common business processes are lead by Corporate business owners and acceptance and approval is by the service centre Accountability for all data and business functionalities are joint responsibilities of the service centre and regions; • All functionalities in the system are linked to well established common business processes; • New functionalities will NOT be implemented without the business process first being established by HR-Civ; • HRMS is the authoritative record for the Civilian community Everything we do is align with Clerk Priorities, DND and HRCIV priorities and objective and to most important to make the managers life in DND easier and to help the service centre to be more efficient. 6 Printed: 25/03/2017 Slide #6

7 Instruments de la GI et de la TI – Processus opérationnels communs
Activités et tâches structurées, conçues pour être appliquées d’une façon uniforme, dans l’ensemble du gouvernement Mènent à la prestation uniforme de services de ressources humaines efficaces et efficients Optimisent l’utilisation de méthodes et d’outils actuels et nouveaux Représentent le processus d’activités des ressources humaines de bout en bout Permettent de trouver plus facilement tous les points d’intégration entre les secteurs fonctionnels (RH et non RH) afin de déterminer quelle information doit être échangée, à quelle étape du processus et avec qui A key enabler for Public Service renewal < , the CHRBP is the result of more than two years of extensive collaboration between hundreds of Subject Matter Experts, across the Public Service, who have defined a common way of delivering human resources services across the Government of Canada. > Simply put, common business processes are structured activities and tasks meant to be applied in a common manner across government. They have been designed to bring consistency in the delivery of effective and efficient human resources services while at the same time maximizing the use of existing and innovative methods and tools. Spanning the relationships between the boxes of typical organizational structures and across functions (HR, Finance, etc.), the CHRBP depicts the human resources business process end-to-end. > Because the CHRBP provides a graphical representation of the HR processes from beginning to end through process maps < , it> '> s easy to find all the > "> integration> "> points between one functional area (HR and non-HR) and another, in order to see what information needs to be exchanged, at what stage in the process, and with whom. > All the major processes and activities to meet business objectives and policy requirements within each of the seven areas of HR management are mapped and documented within the common business process. While organizations can choose to adopt any one, or several of them to address their particular priorities, the business processes are highly integrated and their value stems from the linkages found between and across all process areas. > In using this comprehensive blueprint, organizations adopting < the CHRBP will avoid significant investments of time, money and effort in re-creating their own processes. It also allows them to align with common data definitions < enabling government-wide performance measures and, in maximizing the use of technology < , allows HR professionals to better support the achievement of departmental business objectives. > > Key Benefits > The CHRBP will provide many key benefits to your organization and to the Government of Canada as a whole. > For individual departments and agencies: > * Enable sharing of best practices between departments and agencies. > * Standardized HR technology solutions help reduce the costs associated with system configurations and configuration maintenance. > * Gateway to improved self-service and an eventual HR Portal. > * Facilitates better HR planning and decision making. > * Reduced reporting burden as a result of better information at key points throughout the process. > * Serves as a model that departments can leverage for a broad range of HR service improvement initiatives. > For the Government of Canada: > * The common way of doing HR business allows us to leverage economies of scale when investing in HR Systems. > * A common way of doing HR work can reduce training requirements as employees move from one department or agency to another. > * Common HR language. > * More efficient ways to collect, share, and report information about employees. 7 7

8 Instruments de la GI et de la TI – Mettre à profit les capacités
Mettre en œuvre de plus nombreuses fonctionnalités des applications des RH, notamment le SGRH Dotation accélérée - traitement des candidatures plus souple et plus efficace à l’aide d’outils de planification en ligne, d’avis automatisés entre les recruteurs et les employés de soutien, d’évaluations automatisées et de communications en ligne avec les candidats Recrutement - les candidats interagissent avec le MDN grâce à divers moyens, dont le Réseau étendu de la Défense, Internet, les postes de travail communs (kiosques), les communications sur papier et les appels téléphoniques. Les opérations ne se limitent pas à la réception des demandes en ligne comprenant des fichiers joints; elles comprennent aussi un suivi en ligne et la planification de diverses activités d’évaluation. Classification - facilite la gestion de la classification et des mesures d’O & E au moyen d’un processus automatisé d’acheminement du travail, de descriptions de travail préclassifiées, de fichiers électroniques sur les postes, de notifications relatives aux résultats de classification par voie électronique, de suivi des griefs, etc. Un point unique d’entrée et d’extraction de l’information. Fast Track Staffing / Recruitment, Classification The broad concept of operations for the Recruitment / Staffing business function is one where applicants deal with the DND through multiple channels including the DWAN, internet, shared workstations (such as kiosks), paper and phone. Dealings are not limited to an online application to DND with electronic documents attached, but also include tracking of their application online, using online tools to schedule various assessment activities, and responding to an online offer from DND. The recruiters will also be able to deal with applicants in a more flexible, efficient manner using online scheduling tools, automated notifications between recruiters and other support staff, automated assessments and online communications with the applicants. Classification The broad concept of operations would be to facilitate the management of classification and O&E actions; by providing access to HRMS and other related tools to be able to: * Automated workflow to superior and horizontal advice/approval levels. * Create positions using pre-classified work descriptions & associated documentations * Delete positions when no longer required * Complex reporting and analysis clear interrelationship of poisons (i.e job code, shadow positions etc.). * Establish one Common tracking database with different users rights workflow for tracking of a classification action. * The HR SME should be able to: * Create unique electronic position documentations, and determine likely evaluation (group/ factors/level) * Change positions electronically to adjust for staffing (i.e status, Ol, security level) * View data and documentation associated with positions * Confirm coincidence of duties assigned electronically * Receive electronic notices of classification results * Submit, receive and process grievance electronically * Monitor track status of actions * Single point of entry & withdrawal 8 8

9 Instruments de la GI et de la TI – Outils pour les spécialistes des RH
Fournir plus d’outils aux spécialistes des RH Outils d’essai en ligne – améliorer les outils actuels afin de les rendre plus conviviaux et plus souples (« bâtir son propre examen ») Application de dotation intégrée (ADI) – pour faire la saisie et le suivi et préparer des rapports sur les mesures de dotation, du moment où l’on reçoit une demande de dotation jusqu’à ce que l’on y mette fin. Les utilisateurs seront capables de voir les mesures en cours et d’échanger des outils, ce qui réduira le chevauchement Gestion des bassins de candidats – solution en ligne qui facilite le suivi des candidats et de leur réussite, à partir du moment où ils présentent leur candidature jusqu’au moment où ils sont éliminés, intégrés aux bassins de candidats ou embauchés Carte de paiement électronique – éliminera le besoin de créer et de maintenir des documents papier en fournissant une version électronique qui assurera aux services de la rémunération une plus grande souplesse pour la prestation des services de la solde Online testing tool With the growing volume of applicants in staffing processes as a result of an increase in the number of large collective processes as well as the requirement for a national area of selection for external advertised processes, a need has been identified to have an online testing tool to assess applicants. Benefits * To improve on current tool to allow for a more user friendly and flexible "build your own exam" tool for use by Service Centers. * To assist Service Centers in DGCHRMO, ADM (HR-Civ) in the administration of assessment for selection processes with a large volume of applicants in various locations across Canada and internationally. * To increase the speed and efficiency of selection processes. * To improve the efficiency and timeliness of communication with applicants. What is ISL The Integrated Staffing Log (ISL) application is used to capture, track and report on staffing actions from the date a staffing request is received by Human Resources until the date the request is completed (i.e. the date the Letter of Offer is signed by the incumbent). Over the past year, a growing need to implement a common version of ISL has been pushed by GoC departments using customized instances; recognizing consistent needs and functionality. * All ADM (HR-Civ), DGCHRMO, HROs will be using the same application and therefore consistent data can then be viewed/analyzed as and when required; users will be able to view actions underway and share tools, thereby reducing duplication of efforts. * The easy to use report-builder module, accessible from within the ISL, allows HR practitioners to provide clients and senior management with reports that show both detailed, in-depth and/or a high-level overview of all staffing actions and associated data captured in ISL. * The ISLA has an embedded project management tool for internal and external advertised processes, which can be used as a guide for both HROs and client managers on the required steps, indicating the OPIs and projected timelines. This tool will ensure that both HROs and their clients have a clear understanding of what is required, by when and who the OPI is. The Pool Management Tool prototype is a web-based solution that facilitates the tracking of candidates and their relative success throughout a staffing process, from the time of application to the point of elimination, placement in a pool, or hiring. The objective is to provide a one-stop shop for the management of candidate and pool information throughout a staffing process. The key benefits are: The responsible handling and tracking of personal candidate data, while improving data integrity, Current staffing process and pool information is readily available for managers and HR through their respective dashboard views, Pools within a department can easily be shared on a national level and thus their use can be maximized, Significant time and cost savings will result for departments by reducing duplicate data entry, A common solution to be used by multiple departments, increase consistency in data capture and management and move toward standardization of pool management in support of the Common HR Business Process, and The potential of sharing pools across multiple departments in the future. 9 9

10 Instruments de la GI et de la TI – Autres outils
Information et rapports Un changement à l’infrastructure des services d’administration Source de données unique pour le personnel militaire et civil Permet aux utilisateurs de préparer leurs propres rapports spéciaux Amélioration de la qualité des données avec l’introduction d’Informatica Capacité de créer des organigrammes grâce à la mise en œuvre de Nakisa Portail Web et libre-service pour les employés Guide de référence en ligne dans lequel les gestionnaires peuvent consulter les politiques, les lignes directrices, les documents connexes et les coordonnées du personnel Outils en ligne qui donnent aux employés accès à leurs dossiers personnels. Permet aux employés de changer leurs coordonnées et les renseignements sur leur plus proche parent. Ils peuvent faire une demande de service en RH et le faire diriger à la section appropriée. Information on Nakisa From their website Nakisa's robust Organization Management solutions support the latest Oracle technology and allow Oracle E-Business Suite and PeopleSoft Enterprise customers to effectively visualize organizational structure information. Our organization management applications complement and enhance the Oracle platform through our visual, easy-to-use front-end, connecting your people across the enterprise. Key Benefits & Features: Get a complete visual understanding of the entire enterprise -- view company hierarchies by position, department, cost center, org unit and more Verify the accuracy of workforce and hierarchical data in an intuitive format Model what-if scenarios including: growth (hiring, geographical expansion, revenue, etc.), restructurings, M&As and downsizing based on real-time data to immediately visualize the impact of change on your organization Analyze scenarios to determine the best course of action to attain your corporate objectives Seamlessly execute your organization management initiatives with confidence. Get deeper visibility into your organizational structure and employee roles to facilitate communication and collaboration across the enterprise. View, analyze, model and update your talent inventory and make better-informed decisions. Employee Self Service (ESS) is a web based application > </w/index.php?title=Web_based_application&action=edit&redlink=1> that > provides employees with access to their personal records and their > payroll </wiki/Payroll> details. The most common features of ESS > allows employees to change their own address, contact details and next > of kin </wiki/Next_of_kin> . Often included with ESS is the ability > for employees to apply for leave and have that application directed to > the employees manager for consideration. Some applications enable > employees to change their bank account </wiki/Bank_account> details > and provide details of payslips </wiki/Payslip> , both current and > historical. ESS can operate as a feature on an employers intranet or > via a web ASP service. 10 10

11 Gestion du changement Les RH-Civ fournissent du leadership pour tous les projets de la GI et de la TI, en se concentrant principalement sur les secteurs suivants : Processus opérationnels communs Formation de maintien Communications Services de dépannage When delivering project/IMIT capability we spend a larger % in the change management components…. Obtaining buy-in Communicating during the initiation of the project, planning, execution and deployment. We focus on training during and sustainment We establish a proper in-service support during and after with help desk support

12 Sommaire Des services administratifs solides sont la clé de l’avenir
Se pencher sur l’atteinte de l’efficacité et de l’efficience Mettre à profit les investissements actuels Soutenir le programme du gouvernement (intervenants de premier plan) 12 12

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