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To accelerate learning

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Présentation au sujet: "To accelerate learning"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 To accelerate learning
Music helps to create a distinctive opening for a lesson Music helps to establish rapport and positive mood Music encourages states of mind that are ‘learning receptive’

2 Songs It is not a question of doing them well. That they are done at all is the important factor. Remember to tap, clap, click & move it! Use for... Pleasure, purpose presentation practice Clarification, consolidation Revision, relaxation injection of pace focused energy Challenge, involvement Motivation , meaningfulness Exploitation, relevance

3 Songs also help in........ Pronunciation Memorisation
Building confidence Physical involvement Joining in Sorting out Performing Following Amending Completing Rebuilding Reinforcing Prediction Note-taking Adding ideas Repetition Grammatical clarification

4 Suggestions for teaching songs
Show words line by line using powerpoint. Add pictures to reinforce meaning. Teach actions with the words to reinforce meaning and aid memorisation. Make children sing one line each in groups - easier than singing a whole verse. Make singing competitive e.g. boys / girls sing alternate lines. Use colour to split up lines on powerpoint (“this table sings the blue line”) Children can do actions without singing the song e.g. recognising specific sounds. Songs are ideal for a performance in assembly or to parents. Suggestions for teaching rhymes Use finger rhymes from the start in KS1 to familiarise children with sounds and rhythm of the new language. Whole-class chanting builds up confidence. Use actions with the words to reinforce meaning and aid memorisation. Use different voices e.g. happy, sad, quiet, loud. Encourage children to perform rhymes to the class in pairs or groups.

5 Languages Framework Objectives for Key Stage One
O.1 Develop listening and attention skills O.2 Listen with sustained concentration O.3 Understand the conventions of turn-taking O.4 Copy language modelled by the teacher or another speaker

6 KS2 Framework objectives that relate to songs
Oracy O3.1 Listen and respond to simple rhymes, stories and songs O4.3 Listen for sounds, rhyme and rhythm O5.3 Listen attentively and understand more complex phrases and sentences O6.1 Understand the main points … in a spoken story, song or passage Literacy L3.2 Make links between some phonemes, rhymes and spellings L4.2 Follow a short familiar text, listening and reading at the same time L5.3 Write words, phrases and short sentences, using a reference L6.3 Match sound to sentences and paragraphs Intercultural Understanding IU3.4 Make indirect contact with the country where the language is spoken IU4.3 Compare traditional stories IU6.3 Present information about an aspect of culture Language learning strategies Communicating - practising language - memorising - applying prior knowledge

7 Songs Traditional songs (IU) Songs written for language learners Songs to familiar tunes, to help memorise vocabulary Action songs Songs to tell a story Rhymes Finger and action rhymes for younger children Tongue twisters Counting out rhymes Simple poems

8 Les jours de la semaine lundi, mardi, mercredi jeudi, jeudi
jeudi, vendredi samedi, dimanche, samedi, dimanche Lundi, mardi, mercredi (tune:  "Doodah " ) 

9 Directions: On y va! 2x Tourne à droite Tourne à gauche Va tout droit
2x À droite À gauche Tout droit (tune: “Here we go“)

10 Colours (tune: “Frère Jacques”)

11 Bleu, rouge, vert, jaune (x2)
Bleu, rouge, vert (x2) tune “Frère Jacques” (use pieces of coloured paper for the words)

12 Weather Song Il fait chaud Il fait mauvais Il fait froid (clap clap)
Il y a du vent Encore! Il pleut Il y a du soleil Il neige Il y a des nuages Et un orage Il y a du brouillard

13 Weather Song Il fait ……. Il fait ……… Il fait ……. (clap clap)
Il y a du …… ……! Il ……. Il y a du …… Il …….. Il y a des ……. Et un ……… Il y a du ………….

14 A Calais il fait mauvais A Wimereux il fait beau
A Saint-Omer il y a du vent A Boulogne il fait chaud. A Paris il fait mauvais A Saint-Malo il fait beau A Lyon il pleut encore A Marseille il fait chaud. Early Start 2

15 Les fruits pommes raisins cerises fraises citrons oranges poires
ananas pêches bananes

16 The Blue Danube Oranges Bananes (Pommes Pommes)
Pêches Citrons Raisins (Pommes Pommes) Pêches Citrons Raisins (Pommes Pommes ) Fraises Poires et Cerises (Pommes Pommes) Oranges Bananes Ananas Ananananananas (Pommes Pommes)

17 Joyeux anniversaire x2 Joyeux anniversaire name Joyeux anniversaire

18 Un kilomètre à pied, Ça use, ça use Ça use les souliers. Deux kilomètres à pied ... etc

19 Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire ? (x2)
Janvier, février, mars (x2) Avril, mai, juin (x2) Juillet, août, septembre (x2) Octobre, novembre, décembre. (x2) Ça y est ! Un kilo de chansons

20 Toc, toc, toc knock on door
Dring, dring push doorbell Tournez, tournez turn handle Ouvrez la porte open door Bonjour! hold up hand Children repeat each line after you, with actions. Use different voices: happy, sad, excited, cross, nervous, baby, spooky, robot.

21 French counting out rhymes
Une oie - deux oies - trois oies - quatre oies - cinq oies - six oies - sept oies (“sept oies”” is pronounced like c’est toi - it’s you) Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept. Tu es une omelette ! Un deux trois, soleil!

22 Number rap 1 2 3 il ne fait pas froid 4 5 6 j’adore les saucisses
7 8 9 j’ai horreur du boeuf Et numéro 10 on va en Suisse ! Monsieur X

23 Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds
Et les yeux, les oreilles, la bouche Et le nez Genoux et pieds.

24 1. La belle, la belle au bois dormant, bois dormant, bois dormant
La belle, la belle prends garde à toi, garde à toi, garde à toi ! La méchante, méchante fée arrive, fée arrive, fée arrive. Elle jette son sort : Tu dors cent ans ! dors cent ans ! dors cent ans ! La haie d’épines grandit, grandit, grandit, grandit, grandit, grandit. Le prince arrive, il voit la belle, voit la belle, voit la belle. La belle, la belle, ouvre les yeux ! ouvre les yeux ! ouvre les yeux ! La belle épouse son prince charmant, prince charmant, prince charmant.

25 Four children can act this out, with props, while the others sing.
La belle - Beauty La méchante fée - the bad fairy La haie d’épines - the hedge of thorns Le prince - the prince

26 Un, deux, trois Nous irons au bois Quatre, cinq, six Cueillir des cerises Sept, huit, neuf Dans mon panier neuf Dix, onze, douze Elles seront toutes rouges.

27 Et numéro 10 on va en Suisse !
Number rap il ne fait pas froid 4 5 6 j’adore les saucisses 7 8 9 j’ai horreur du boeuf Et numéro 10 on va en Suisse ! Monsieur X

28 Deux petits oiseaux Assis sur une branche Je m’appelle Fifi Je m’appelle Blanche. Bonjour Fifi Bonjour Blanche Au revoir Fifi Au revoir Blanche. « Two little dicky birds « 

29 Le fermier dans son pré x2 ohé, ohé, ohé, le fermier dans son pré
Le fermier prend sa femme ... La femme prend son enfant ... L’enfant prend sa nourrice ... La nourrice prend son chat ... Le chat pend sa souris ... La souris prend son rat ... Le rat prend son fromage ... Le fromage est battu

30 Games to focus attention
Copy, Detectives, Change/Switch, Counting 8, 54321 Activities/Games to help with the elements of music Duration (long/short/ pulse/beat, rhythm )

31 Pulse Play any music for a few minutes and tap the pulse on different parts of the body. Vary the types of music Always mention PULSE ( the beat of the music) Rhythms Make up different patterns to fit with the music; use voices as well. Watch for children’s patterns and use them Keep them simple

32 Ostinato…… repeated patterns
Choose any topics e.g. food, football teams, etc Move onto sentences to make longer ostinatos Use the syllables of their names to categorise the class Ann, John etc 1 syllable Nadine, Joanne etc 2 syllables with short first one Andrew, Hewa, etc 2 syllables Samantha, Jetinda etc 3 syllables with short first one! Christopher, Jamie-lee, Slogini etc 3 straight syllables

33 “Order in the Court, (clap clap)
The judge is at the Bench,(clap clap) His wife is in the bath tub Learning to count in French!(clap clap)” Use this rhyme as a counting game. E.g.After speaking rhyme then count in twos to 50/ or count backwards/ or count to ten in a different language. Then repeat the rhyme.

34 5,4,3,2,1 5 taps of the knees,5 claps, 5clicks repeat counting 4, then 3 then 2 then just 1 Then begin at 1 and continue until 5. start one half of the class at 5 and the other half at 1. The two groups should end up together on 1. Use with un deux trois quatre cinq Genoux – knees Les mains- hands Les doigts – fingers Tapez les genoux / cliquez les doigts

35 Lentement = slowly / doucement = softly
Dynamics (loud/soft sounds) Triangle beater game . Choose a child to hide their eyes. Hide a beater with another child. The first child walks around the circle slowly. The rest of the children clap at a set speed to help them find it. As the child gets closer to the beater so the clapping becomes “louder” (plus fort) not “faster” (trop vite – too fast) When the beater is found then choose different children and continue. Practise clapping a pulse set by you. Practise clapping it softly and then loudly. (Children will always go faster for loud!) But practise and praise the good ones. Only do a little at a time! Lentement = slowly / doucement = softly

36 Have fun with tricky words!
Make them silly – repeated 4 times Different voices Like an opera singer, different moods. Use puppets – 1 gets it right one gets it wrong. Children can ‘help’ the one who can’t get it right.....

37 Cinq petits vers 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 vers, 5 petits vers
vers dans la terre (slurp) vers, 4 petits vers (slurp) vers dans la terre (slurp, slurp) vers, 3 petits vers (slurp, slurp) vers dans la terre 1 - 2 (slurp, slurp, slurp) vers, 2 petits vers 1 - 2 (slurp, slurp, slurp) vers dans la terre Un petit ver sans ami Un petit ver, sans ami dans la terre


39 Bateau, Ciseaux Introduce the song whilst pointing to the different visuals. Encourage the children to repeat each item of vocabulary using a range of silly voices. Sing the song again and encourage the children to join in with what they can. Sing the song again but this time pretend you ar losing your memory and cannot remember some of the words. Can the children help? Have another go and miss more words.








47 This time say that you remember the song thanks to their help and you are going to sing it on your own one more time. Sing the song but change the order of the words e.g. ciseaux, bâteau or Bâteau, bâteau or ciseaux, ciseaux The children will tell you straight away that you are getting it wrong! Pretend to be very surprised and say that you thought it sounded fine, that you were still in tune. Can they tell why? You might have to prompt them. Point out that ciseaux and bateau have the same number of syllables and that you can swap them in the song. Divide the children into groups and give each group a set of visuals. Sing the song in a different order. Can they put the correct cards in front of them as they hear the song? Have a few go at this. You can use the next slide for this as well, by dragging and dropping the pictures into whatever order you like. Next, ask each group to create their own song using the visuals cards. They might want to sing their version to the rest of the class. Again, you could use the next slide for this


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