Tu vs. Vous ohh là là!. Tu you You who? friend family pets.

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Présentation au sujet: "Tu vs. Vous ohh là là!. Tu you You who? friend family pets."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Tu vs. Vous ohh là là!

2 Tu you You who? friend family pets

3 vous Vous who? stranger teacher boss employee grandparents

4 vous Vous who? a group of people you all yall

5 Tu vs. Vous We dont have this concept in English. It is very important to understand the difference because you might offend someone if you dont use vous. Once English had a tu form: thou shalt not thy will be done for thine is the kingdom

6 Which would you choose? 1.le prof de musique 2.la directrice 3.trois américains 4.la vendeuse 5.le chien 1.la classe de français 2.le chat 3.le garçon 4.une fille 5.deux élèves

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