Aller Chapitre 5.

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1 Aller Chapitre 5

2 Aller – to go - Aller is the only ER verb that is irregular! Je vais I go, I am going Tu vas you go, you are going Il/elle va he/she goes, he/she is going Nous allons we go, we are going Vous allez you go, you are going Ils/elles vont they go, they are going

3 Aller is used in asking people how they feel:
Ça va? (how’s everything?, how are you?) Oui, ça va. Comment-vas tu? (how are you) Je vais bien, merci. Comment-allez vous? (how are you) Très bien.

4 Aller Aller is also used in many common expressions: -To encourage someone to do something; Vas-y! Come on! Go ahead! Do it! - To tell someone to go away; Va-t’en! Go away!

5 Aller + l’infinitif

6 Aller + l’infinitif Aller + Infinitif (a verb that is not conjugated, the verb is in it’s original form) Examples of infinitive verbs: - regarder - aller - aimer - avoir - faire - rester Aller+ infinitif describes what people are going to do. Therefore, it describes things that will happen in the NEAR FUTURE.

7 Aller + l’infinitif Ex. #1: Paul va nager. Paul is going to swim. Ex. #2: Nous allons rester à la piscine. We are going to stay at the pool. NOTICE: “Aller” is conjugated in the present tense, and the second verb (infinitif) stays in its original form, it is not conjugated. ***Present of Aller + Infinitive/infinitif.

8 She is not going to listen…
Negative In negative sentences; Ex. #1: Elle ne va pas visiter Paris. She is not going to visit Paris. Ex. #2: Paul ne va pas écouter le concert. Paul is not going to listen to the concert. Subject + ne+ Aller (present tense)+ pas+ Infinitive … Elle ne va pas regarder … She is not going to listen…

9 Interrogative Forms Ex. #1: Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire? What are you going to do? Ex. #2: Quand est-ce que vous allez rentrer? When are you going to come back?

10 Pratiquons! Mettez ces phrases au futur!
Robert et Marc envoient des s au cybercafé. _______________________________________ Je regarde les animaux au zoo. Il fait froid demain. Tu es à la mer cet été?

11 Pratiquons! Posez ces questions à un partenaire et notez les réponses.
Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce soir? Je vais… Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire demain? Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend?

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