Ouvrir, Offrir, Couvrir, Souffrir, Découvrir

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1 Ouvrir, Offrir, Couvrir, Souffrir, Découvrir
D’Accord 2 Leçon 3A.1 Ouvrir, Offrir, Couvrir, Souffrir, Découvrir

2 Point de départ The verbs ouvrir (to open) and offrir (to offer) are irregular. Although they end in -ir, they use the endings of regular -er verbs in the present tense.

3 The verbs couvrir (to cover), découvrir (to discover), and souffrir (to suffer) use the same endings as ouvrir and offrir. The past participles of ouvrir and offrir are, respectively, ouvert and offert. Verbs like ouvrir and offrir follow this pattern.

4 Verbs like ouvrir and offrir are regular in the imparfait.

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