Conditional You will use this tense whenever you wish to indicate that:- Something would happen if ………… You or someone would do something if …….. Formation.

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Présentation au sujet: "Conditional You will use this tense whenever you wish to indicate that:- Something would happen if ………… You or someone would do something if …….. Formation."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Conditional You will use this tense whenever you wish to indicate that:- Something would happen if ………… You or someone would do something if …….. Formation Future stem i.e. infinitive form of er/ir, re verb, infinitive form: take away e of re verb minus e e.g. Chanter Finir Vendr Imperfect endings: ais/ais/ait/ions/iez/aient

2 Je chanterais - I would sing
Tu finirais - You would finish Il/elle vendrait – He/she would sell Nous irions - We would go (irregular verb) Vous feriez - You would do (irregular verb) Ils/elles auraient – They would have (irregular verb)

3 Exercices Niveau 1 Elle (chanter) Nous (finir) Je ( vendre) Ils (manger) Niveau 2 We would arrive on time She would choose this car I would answer this question They would speak with me

4 Réponses Niveau 1 Elle chanterait Nous finirions Je vendrais Ils mangeraient Niveau 2 Nous arriverions à l’heure Elle choisirait cette voiture Je répondrais à cette question Ils parleraient avec moi

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