Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Implementing the economic classification revision (NACE / ISIC) in the Business.

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Présentation au sujet: "Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Implementing the economic classification revision (NACE / ISIC) in the Business."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Implementing the economic classification revision (NACE / ISIC) in the Business Register by Fabio Tomasini Head of the Business Register Unit 05.07.07

2 2 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Summary 1.Development of NACE Rev. 2 national (Swiss) version 2.Implementation in the Business Register 3.Implementation in the Statistics

3 3 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Context: supporting documentation Eurostat created three handbooks providing a set of tools to be used during the process of implementation of NACE Rev. 2: http://circa.europa.eu/irc/dsis/nacecpacon/info/data/en/index.htm Setting up an implementation plan Implementation in Business Registers Sampling and Estimation

4 4 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Context: activity code as a general reference Reference in statistics Reference outside statistics: insurance companies, banks, etc. use it to organise their fields of activity Activity code used as general reference: marketable value in Switzerland

5 5 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS 1. Elaborating the Swiss national version of NACE Rev. 2 National consultations (national and regional government, professional associations, partners, clients), first, on NACE Rev. 2 structure, then, on national 6th digit Discussions and analysis: according to which criteria should a further specification at the level of the 6th digit be granted or refused? Number of enterprises, employment, turnover, information available…

6 6 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS 1.Timetable for implementing NACE Rev. 2 in Switzerland

7 7 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS 1.Documentation of the Swiss national version of NACE Rev. 2 Publications available to users: Theoretical introduction Explanatory notes Headings / structure Weighted conversion matrix (correspondence table) Documentation on changes Coding assistance tool (online software) http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/fr/index/infothek/nomenklaturen /blank/blank/noga0/revision_noga_2007.html

8 8 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS 2. Implementation in the Business Register Automatic recoding of all units having a 1: 1 relation between NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2 Manual recoding of all units having a 1: n or n: m relation based on survey questionnaires filled in by active enterprises during 2005 Enterprise Census (no additional survey conducted) development of a weighted conversion matrix based on the manual recoding (for each unit there is a NACE Rev. 1.1 code and a NACE Rev. 2 code)

9 9 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS NOGA 2008 Recoding Assistance Tool for the Enterprise Census 2005 units

10 10 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS 2. Implementation in the Business Register Automatic recoding of all deleted, fictitious or inactive units found in the 1: n or n: m NACE Rev. 2 relation groups, based on weighted conversion matrix Specific quality controls for units in this category

11 11 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS 2. Implementation in the Business Register Business registers switch: June 14 2007 Double-coding during a few years to allow NACE Rev.2 implementation in all statistics as well as time series calculations For collaborators and partners: specific training, coding handbook (practical auxiliary rules), coding assistance tool

12 12 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS NOGA 2008 : Double coding

13 13 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS NOGA 2008 : Double coding NOGA-Code 2008 : 331100

14 14 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS NOGA 2008 : Double coding

15 15 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS NOGA 2008 : Double coding

16 16 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS

17 17 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS

18 18 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS 3. Implementation in the statistics Approximately 30 statistics (structural business statistics, short term statistics, synthesis statistics) are involved. Coordination must be assured to guarantee a coherent system (NACE Rev. 2 implementation will be carried out from 2008 until 2011, coordinated with the National Accounts) Plan time needed to recalculate survey plans Evaluate back-casting strategies and their costs Develop global publication plan (data will be published according to two different classifications)

19 19 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS

20 20 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Conclusion Classification changes do make a difference (an entirely different structure) Communication and coordination: important assets before and during the project After the project: analyse impact on statistics results (dissemination of changes) and explain it to users

21 21 Implementation NACE / ISIC Fabio Tomasini Département fédéral de lintérieur DFI Office fédéral de la statistique OFS Useful Links: Documents on the new Swiss classification (NOGA 2008): http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/fr/index/infothek/nomenklaturen /blank/blank/noga0/revision_noga_2007.html Documents on the Business Register: http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/fr/index/infothek/inv_reg.html Documents on codification aids: http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/fr/index/infothek/nomenklaturen /blank/blank/noga0/programme.html http://www.kubb2008.bfs.admin.ch/

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