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System Center 2012 & Cloud Privé
Composants, licensing Mai 2012
Vue d’ensemble produits
Le Cloud Privé de Microsoft : piliers
Centré sur les applications Multi plateformes Une base solide pour le futur Un cloud selon vos souhaits What I hope you will see throughout the day is bucketed into these four big areas of investment, as we think about what is really required to deliver to you the best private cloud solution. Deep application insight, it's all about the apps. The whole reason why we deploy infrastructure, whether that's physical, virtual or cloud, it's to support apps and deliver great apps to our users, and to our customers. We have more knowledge about the apps. We have a greater experience about your applications than anyone in the industry. Bank on us to deliver that for you. The second is cross-platform from the bare metal up. We showed you in previous demos that we were able to actually administer cloud capacity as being delivered from our hyper-visor, from VMware, from Xen Server. You can make the choice of what is best for you to use, then we'll make it all appear in one cohesive and one consistent manner. From an architectural standpoint we treat all the hyper-visors as first class citizens. And what we're seeing more and more often, and time and time again, organizations are tired of paying the high prices and taxes that others in the market charge and so they're standing up Hyper-V alongside others, and then they're using System Center to manage all of that in one cohesive and one consistent way. And not only that, we also do a great job of managing your guests, including Linux. A couple of years ago at MMS we released the updates to Operations Manager that included the ability to monitor Linux. A data point you might find interesting, almost 20 percent of the customers that use System Center Operations Manager today are using it to monitor their Linux workloads. I would debate that System Center is managing more instances of Linux than anybody in the market is today, so cross-platform from the bare metal up. Third, foundation for the future, we talked about some of the performance things, we talked about some of the scalability things. You see some of the things that are coming in Windows Server We are heavily investing in the private cloud. We are heavily investing in the public cloud, but we want to make it easy and simple for you to make that journey, and we want to be your partner as you make that journey. And then finally the four pieces, we want you to be able to approach the cloud on your own terms. You decide when you want to start to use cloud capacity, where you want to use it from in your data centers, and the service providers, from a public cloud. And as we showed you, we'll bring it all together in one consistent way. You'll be able to see all your cloud capacity. You'll be able to deliver that experience to your customers, to the individuals and organizations in your business that are consuming your cloud capacity, and not only will you give them that experience for your own cloud capacity, but if they're using public or hosted capacity, that all comes together in one place. You offer value as the infrastructure teams; you can offer value to the teams that are consuming your capacity independent of the cloud.
Le Cloud Privé de Microsoft
Immersion dans le cloud privé 4/2/2017 Le Cloud Privé de Microsoft Virtuel Physique Cloud public Cloud privé CONFIGURATION DÉPLOIEMENT App Controller Orchestrator Libre-service Admin. data center Fourniture des services et automatisation Virtual Machine Manager Operations Manager MODÈLE DE SERVICE Propriétaire de l'appli Configuration Manager Data Protection Manager CONTRÔLE EXPLOITATION Goal of the Slide Frame how System Center 2012 enables delivery of IT-as-a-Service between the App Owner and Datacenter Admin personas that we defined. Talking Points <click> Let’s trace back to the two personas we discussed earlier. What we’re going to discuss first are the capabilities required to deliver a private cloud, as well as gaining leverage from hybrid computing models. <click> First, you need a “simple” self-service experience to enable your application owners specify their service requirements. Let’s say the “consumer” is trying to provision a SharePoint service with the following spec: 3-tier .NET architecture Has a set of configuration and deployment parameters to conform with (for example, performance thresholds, scale-out rules, and update domains) Needs an SLA that specifies 99.95% availability Adheres to compliance and security controls around SOX/HIPAA Needs on-demand reporting on key availability metrics that track against the SLA <click> Next, you need a way to understand the topology and architecture of the application service in question. An application deployed in cloud computing model is called a “service.” This would necessitate a “service model” that accurately binds the application’s architecture to the underlying resources where it will be hosted. The “service model” would be composed of: Service definition information, deployed as “roles”. Roles are like DLLs, i.e. a collection of code with an entry point that runs in its own virtual machine Front end: Load-balanced, stateless web servers Middle worker tier: Order processing and encoding Back-end storage: SQL tables or files Service configuration information Update domains Availability domains Scale-out rules <click> You will need a set of process automation capabilities to break down this application provisioning request into the enterprise change requests that need to be implemented. This could include setting up the underlying infrastructure, and then a set of app configuration and release requests that need to be tracked (and ideally implemented with orchestrated automation). <click> Next, you need a set of provisioning tools that actually configure and deploy the infrastructure and application layers. <click> The underlying datacenter resources could be physical, virtual, private, or public, as per the requirements dictated by the application’s service model. <click> Once the application service is deployed, it would immediately need to be “discovered” and monitored for reporting and health tracking. <click> There you see how the System Center 2012 components offer these life-cycle management capabilities in combination to help you deliver hybrid IT-as-a-Service as per your organization’s requirements: App Controller would offer that self-service experience that allows your application owners to manage their apps across private and public environments. Service Manager offers the standardized self-service catalog that defines “templates” for your applications and infrastructure. App Controller, Virtual Machine Manager, Service Manager, and Operations Manager work together to maintain the service model through the application service life cycle. Orchestrator and Service Manager offer orchestrated automation for the process workflows required to drive your provisioning and monitoring tools. Virtual Machine Manager and Configuration manager can provision physical, virtual, and cloud environments. Operations Manager (AVIcode capabilities will be built into Operations Manager) monitors your application services end-to-end and offers deep application insight to help you deliver predictable SLA. Your datacenter resources could be deployed anywhere from physical boxes to virtual to private to public with Windows Server, Hyper-V, and Windows Azure. However, to get to this agile self-service end state, you will have to start with abstracting your infrastructure and allocating it appropriately so that your business units can deploy and manage their applications on top. We will see how in the subsequent sections of this presentation. <click> So, how does System Center 2012 get you to this point where you can deliver IT-as-a-Service? If we think holistically about what’s involved in delivering IT-as-a-Service, they can really be categorized into three buckets: Application Management: Deploying and operating your business applications Service Delivery and Automation: Standardizing and automating service and resource provisioning, managing change and access controls, etc. Infrastructure Management: Deploying and operating all the underlying infrastructure on which your business applications and services run. Service Manager Service Manager ADMINISTRATION DES APPLICATIONS FOURNITURE DES SERVICES ET AUTOMATISATION ADMINISTRATION DE L’INFRASTRUCTURE 4
Vue d’ensemble licences
Licence pour cloud privé
Maximisez la valeur de votre cloud privé tout en facilitant l’achat Les licences Microsoft pour cloud privé permettent cela par : La valeur du cloud privé Capacité du cloud maximisée par une virtualisation illimitée Une licence simple Modèle cohérent plus simple à gérer Des fonctionnalités cohérentes Tout le cloud privé dans chaque licence
Licence Cloud privé et Datacenter System Center 2012
Solution de gestion complète de cloud privé Différences sur le plan de la virtualisation Disponible uniquement avec Software Assurance Deux Éditions 2 processeurs, 2 SE 2 processeurs, SE illimités Virtualisation très dense Pas ou peu de virtualisation Deux éditions System Center 2012 Le client peut gérer n’importe quels scénarios avec les deux éditions Logiciel d’administration et moteur d’exécution SQL (runtime) inclus Toutes les fonctionnalités en permanence Licence par processeur Chaque licence accepte deux processeurs, ce qui correspond à la configuration matérielle la plus courante Composants identiques entre les deux éditions Operations Manager Virtual Machine Manager The licensing updates reflect the principles of simplifying and optimizing for private cloud Common items Two editions - Virt diff (Standard 2 OS, DC unlimited) Proc based license ECI supports additional Microsoft products (including Windows Azure). Licensing is based on the processor count. Editions are differentiated by virtualization rights only. Management Server console software is include with Server MLs and Client MLs. Both product editions include multiple System Center components. Malware protection is included. Configuration Manager Endpoint Protection Composants inclus Data Protection Manager Orchestrator Service Manager App Controller (new) Composants disponibles uniquement dans System Center 2012 Standard et System Center 2012 Datacenter Editions
Transition de licence System Center Server Management
Standard Datacenter Depuis le 17 avril, les clients qui possédaient à ce moment-là des licences System Center couvertes par une SA ont reçu une offre de migration de leurs licences Les clients Software Assurance recevront des droits perpétuels sur le nouveau produit Ils continuent de payer les licences L&SA / SA existantes jusqu’au terme de leur contrat actuel Ils renouvellent les licences System Center 2012 Server au terme de leur contrat Value is based on comparison of current system center licenses to the SC 2012 license prices at the Open NL ERP L&SA 2-year price point Tirez parti dès aujourd’hui des capacités d’un cloud optimisé Déployez des composants additionnels Gérez davantage de OS et tous les scénarios Exploitez à fond les logiciels que vous possédez via une planification de leur déploiement et d’autres avantages
Migration des licences sous SA
Offre Licence actuelle Licence System Center 2012 Avantages pour le client Taux de conversion de l’offre Nouvelles fonctionnalités Nouveaux composants Possibilité d’ajouter des serveurs via l’offre de conversion SMSE Server Management Suite Datacenter 2 → 1(1) Datacenter Server Management Suite Enterprise 1 → 2 Standard Nouvelles fonctionnalités Nouveaux composants Gestion d’un OS supplémentaire Gestion de tous les types de scénarios Toute licence autonome Server Management 1 → 1 Standard Toute licence autonome Management Server Nouvelles fonctionnalités Nouveaux composants 1 → 1 Standard Licence VMM Enterprise Server Nouvelles fonctionnalités Nouveaux composants 1 → 1 Datacenter (1) SC 2012 Datacenter couvre jusqu’à deux processeurs par licence quand SMSD n’en couvre qu’un par licence.
Migration des licences SA pour contrats EA
Licences ML serveur autonome & Management Server SMSE & SMSD Un client peut acheter n’importe quelle quantité de licences à partir de son CPS jusqu’à la fin de son contrat Les nouvelles licences achetées au premier anniversaire après la divulgation seront éligibles à l’offre de transition Après le premier anniversaire du contrat qui suivra le 17 janvier 2012, des licences pourront être achetées mais elles ne seront pas éligibles à l’offre de transition vers SC 2012 Si ces licences font déjà partie du CPS du client, elles peuvent être achetées jusqu’à la fin du contrat. Ces achats seront qualifiés pour l’offre de transition 2e anniversaire (1er après le 17/01/2012) Contrat signé Divulgation au 17/01/2012 3e anniversaire (Renouvellement) Exemple de calendrier client 1er anniversaire Licence serveur autonome ML & MSL Commande possible ? Oui Éligible pour l’offre ? Non SMSE & SMSD A C B D
Disponibilités des licences SC 2012
Toutes les licences System Center 2012 sont apparues en même temps sur la liste de prix, lors de la disponibilité générale du 17 avril 2012 Les références (SKU) des licences qui ont précédé SC 2012 seront retirées au fil du temps : Les références L&SA pour les licences actuelles autonomes SML et MSL ont été retirées de la liste de prix à partir de février Les clients Enterprise Agreement (EA) ayant ces licences sur leurs Customer Price Sheet (CPS) pourront les acheter jusqu’au terme de leur contrat. Les références de renouvellement SA pour les produits avant SC 2012 pourront être commandées jusqu’en septembre 2012. Les références L (licence seule) pour SML autonome apparaîtront encore pendant 12 mois environ sur les listes de prix Open et Select après la mise sur le marché des licences System Center 2012, soit avril 2013 (Le droit d’utilisation s’appliquera uniquement pour les logiciels avant System Center ) Avant Janvier 2012 Février Mars 17 AVRIL 2012 (GA) A Licences ML Server et MSL autonomes avant 2012 – L&SA EA via CPS jusqu’à la fin du contrat B Licences SML et MSL SA autonomes avant 2012 – Renouvellement C Suites avant 2012 (éditions Server Management Suite Enterprise et Server Management Suite Datacenter) EA via CPS jusqu’à la fin du contrat D Licences L (licence seule) SML autonomes avant 2012 (le droit sur les versions ne s’appliquent qu’aux produits avant 2012, pas de droits sur les versions pour SC 2012) Licences ML client et serveur SC 2012
4/2/2017 2:18 PM © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
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