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Publié parSidonie Roth Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies of case management Centre Pierre Mendès-France Paris 3 et 4 novembre 2008
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Case management services for jobseekers International comparisons: Sweden, Netherlands, United Kingdom Nathalie Georges, Nicolas Grivel, Dominique Méda IGAS / CEE RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Agenda The concept of case management in Europe Three successful examples of case management reforms Points of convergence with the French situation
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management The stakes Main objective : understanding the case management process analysing the services offered and the case management organization, depending on the jobseekers’ profiles Field : 3 countries considered as “models” because of their recent unemployment decrease RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management 1. The concept of ‘case management’
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Main frame: current reforms Activation model: harder conditions for being on benefit, better offer of vocational services PES reforms: one-stop-shops, outsourcing, new definition of the counsellors’ missions, new tools (profiling, individual action plans)…
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Case management definition Objectives: providing more efficient services for jobseekers and helping them to become responsible of their career on the job market for a lower cost Typical Definition: “individualisation of the relationship between jobseekers and their counsellors for more adapted services delivered by the PES, defining a personal path to employment” Path scheme: building a “way towards jobs”
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Definition’s controversies Individualisation versus target group A linear path? Which role for labour demand? Employment or social case management?
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management The two aspects of the concept Individualised monitoring: individual action plans, regular interviews, vocational counselling… Services: coaching, training, protected jobs, assistance in the creation of new firms…
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Contents Personalized relationship between the jobseeker and his/her counsellor Intensive interviews Vocational services Contracts and sanctions
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Means Counsellors’ training Decreasing number of jobseekers treated Profiling and targeting Contracts Outsourcing
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management 2. Three successful examples of case management reforms
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Three « models »: among the lowest unemployment rates in the EU
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Three different strategies Sweden: role of PES and municipalities, training policy Netherlands: role of unemployment insurance and municipalities, outsourcing, workfirst, protected jobs United Kingdom: one-stop-shop, intensive activation, low benefit, few active programs
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Expenditures Categories Sweden (2005) Netherlands (2005) United Kingdom (2004) France (2004) UE 15 means (2004) Labour market services7,4%10,7%44,4%9,1%9,50% Active services (training, protected jobs, etc.) 44,3%56,1%20%27%27,7% Passive services (benefits) 48,3%33,2%35,6%63,9%62,9% Source : Eurostat
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Case management profiles Individualised monitoring Case management services United Kingdom Netherlands Sweden
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Institutional organisation: Sweden Unemployment insurance BenefitCase management Municipalities PES (AMS) Jobseekers on benefit Jobseekers Not on benefit
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Institutional organisation: Netherlands Benefits Case management UWV (unemployment insurance) Municipalities Jobseekers on benefit Disabled workers Jobseekers not on benefit Social assistance CWI (PES) (autonomous jobseekers) Private providers
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Institutional organisation: United Kingdom Jobseekers on benefit Jobseekers Not on benefit BenefitCase management Training
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Points of convergence Benefits under contracts Increasing sanctions (‘suitable job’ definition) Profiling and target groups Outsourcing Experimentations and evaluations One-stop-shops Unique case manager
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Case management organisation Successive stages: First vocational interviews Individual action plans Increasing monitoring and services with unemployment duration
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Sweden 3 months of autonomous search Regular interviews and unique case manager between 3 months and 300 days ‘Employment and development guaranty’ after 300 days Web preinscription 1 st registering Interview Collective information workshop Call center, Web 1 st vocational Interview Individual action plan Beginning of individual case management Regular interviews often with a unique counsellor Call interview With a call centre Counsellor 1 st follow-up Interview and new Individual action plan Activity Guarantee JOB 8 weeks 3 months 300 days 4 weeks
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Netherlands (1) Can the jobseeker find a job by himself? Specific individual problems A Path: autonomy CWI with UWV and municipalities services B Path: reintegration UWV and municipalities services with private providers After 3,6,9 months, is the A path still adapted? JOB yes no yes B Path, UWV or municipalities case management A Path, CWI Autonomous search B Path Interview Job A Path, etc. Beginning of the path3 months6 months 9 months
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Netherlands (2) Autonomous search until 9 months Unemployment insurance or municipality if special barriers Private provider for a 9 months spell
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management United Kingdom Beneficiaries of Jobseeker’s Allowance : Intensive monitoring during 13 weeks Restart until 18 months (6 pour youth) New Deal 1 st stage: 13 weeksRestart stage:6 to 18 monthsNew Deal: after 18 months -Inscription -1 st interview -Follow-up interview (each 15 days) -Interview after 13 weeks -Interview after 6 months, 12, 18 months -Follow-up interview (each 15 days) -Regular and numerous interviews with a personalised case manager
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Which services? Autonomous search services Increasing individual coaching Training (shorter and more vocational) Protected jobs (the most efficient?) Global programs
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Sweden Traditionally training, shorter and more individualised than before Source: Eurostat, expenditures in euros. Category 1= labour market services, Category 2= training, Categories 3 to 7= protected jobs
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Netherlands Protected jobs (disable workers), increasing coaching, few training Category 1= labour market services, Category 2= training, Categories 4, 5 and 7= protected jobs
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management United Kingdom Few services, mostly intensive monitoring, and services for long-term jobseekers Category 1= labour market services, Category 2= training, Categories 4, 5 and 7= protected jobs, category 8 = benefits
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Three main axes of convergence Institutional reforms Case management and individualised monitoring Short and vocational services for faster unemployment exit
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management 3. Points of convergence with the French situation
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Convergence in progress… Merge of PES and Unemployment insurance: one-stop-shop Profiling and pathway organisation Individual action plan and monthly monitoring Outsourcing experimentations and evaluations
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management New case management organisation Statistical profiling Vocational interview Individual action plan -Quick search (less than 3 months) -Active search (3/12 months) -Helped search (more than 12 months) -Social case management -Business creation 4 th month -Monthly monitoring -Unique case manager -Private providers for those who are too far from the labour market JOB
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management Services offered High but decreasing hiring incentives, stationary training, increasing case management
RÉUNION MISEP L’efficacité de l’accompagnement et du suivi des demandeurs d’emploi Achieving activation of jobseekers: successful strategies for case management … but to be improved: perspectives and challenges Number of jobseekers by counsellor Counsellors’ skills Compulsory job offers Links with labour demand Better evaluations of costs and efficiency
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