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Publié parGrégory Bonnin Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 1 Contenu de la séance 3 Projet PALOMA (1998-2002) et NEUROBOTICS (2004 - 2008) Une architecture multi réseaux d’apprentissage multimodale pour contrôle moteur des mvm. d’atteindre et de saisir inspirée de la connectivité cortico cortical. Application du modèle sur un bras « anthropomorphique » à 7 ddl équipé d’une main à 3 doigts. Projet Européens PALOMA, et NEUROBOTICS. Projets actuels de l’équipe 2 (Motricité et dextérité manuelle) de l’INSERM U742 ANIM Modélisation du RVO et des mouvements coordonnées de l’œil et de la tête Le contrôle sensori moteur cérébelleux d’un bras de robotique de 2 ddl Projet de la main artificielle mue par des muscles artificiels de type EAP Qu’est ce qui se passe ailleurs ?
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 2 1. OBJECTIVE: to propose a multi-network architecture that enables progressive learning of multiple tasks and tasks of different complexity within a unified architecture. 2. OBJECTIVE: simulation of progressive, stage wise learning by the use of the PALOMA architecture, the PALOMA learning mechanisms and the PALOMA learning modules. Five stages had been envisioned for progressive learning: i) somato- motor stage, ii) visual and somato-motor stage, iii) reach and grasp of object, iv) sequence of movements, v) object manipulation. 3. OBJECTIVE: implementation of PALOMA architecture, the PALOMA learning mechanisms and the PALOMA learning modules, in a real-world artefact and demonstration of feasibility and functionality of the proposed scheme through real-world interaction of robot manipulators PALOMA platforms. Projet PALOMA (1998-2002) -> NEUROBOTICS (2004 - 2008) Les projets de recherche actuels de l’Equipe 2: Motricité –Dextérité manuelle de l’INSERM U742 - ANIM
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 3 Projet PALOMA (1998-2002) -> NEUROBOTICS (2004 - 2008) 3D contact point Forward kinematics Angular Finger Configuration = ( 1, 2, 3) Or = ( , 1, 2, 3) +-+- Matching Unit Main publications: F. Carenzi, et al. “A generic neural network for multi-modal sensorimotor learning”, Neurocomputing, 2004, 58-60, pp.525-533. L. Zollo, et al.“A bio-inspired Neuro-Conroller for an anthropomorphic head- arm robotic system.”, ICRA, 2005. S. Eskiizmirliler et al. “Reach and Grasp for an Anthropomorphic Robotic System based on Sensorimotor Learning, BIOROB, 2006
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 4 Projet PALOMA (1998-2002) -> NEUROBOTICS (2004 - 2008)
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 5 Projet PALOMA (1998-2002) -> NEUROBOTICS (2004 - 2008)
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 6 Projet PALOMA (1998-2002) -> NEUROBOTICS (2004 - 2008)
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 7 Galerie de photos (ENST,Paris & INSA, Toulouse) Does the McKibben muscle look like to the Biological Muscle ? Simulation of human point-to-point movement ? Why not? SCARA may not suffer from its electrical motors It’s not a dream anymore
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 8 Les projets de recherche actuels de l’Equipe 2: Motricité –Dextérité manuelle de l’INSERM U742 - ANIM Strategy Modeling of VOR & Coordinated Head - Eye movements, Cerebellar like Sensory-Motor control taking into account joint angles receptors outputs and force sensors. Collaboration C.Darlot, ENST, CNRS URA820, Department of Signal & Image Processing, Paris. B. Tondu, GARI, INSA, Dept. of Comp. Eng., Toulouse. T. Pozzo, GAM, INSERM,Dijon. BI Sensory-Motor Information Fusion Research & Demonstration Platforms 1-link robot arm actuated by 2 McKibben muscles 2-links robot arm actuated by 4 McKibben artificial muscles Mechanical Eye ball actuated by 6 McKibben artificial muscles
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 9 What is going on in Equip 2 : Movement of INSERM U483 ? Some facts about EAPs Basic actuation principle of dielectric elastomers V=ON V V=OFF Polymer film Compliant electrodes thicknesst voltageappliedV field electric appliedE space free of typermittivi polymer the of typermittivi relative electrodes the by applied pressure effective p where )( o r 22 t V Ep oror F load (force) l (stroke) Spring load line Constant load line Relationship between the applied electric filed, material properties and resulting stresses and strains in the presence of an external load Single effective pressure acting in thickness compression Force vs. stroke performance of a linear actuator Les projets de recherche actuels de l’Equipe 2: Motricité –Dextérité manuelle de l’INSERM U742 - ANIM
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 10 Artificial Sensory Hand Project Strategy Integration of multi-modal sensory information for haptic and visual processing through motor learning in the real world. Collaboration G. Kovacs, S. Michel, ETH, EMPA, Zurich, Switzerland Danilo de Rossi, Univ. degli Studi di Pisa, Italy Corticospinal signals ANN EMG signals EAP muscles Sharmes2 Simulation environment Anthropomorphic 5 fingers hand Models of biological muscles Les projets de recherche actuels de l’Equipe 2: Motricité –Dextérité manuelle de l’INSERM U742 - ANIM Main publications 1) Manette OFL, Maier MA (2004) Temporal processing in primate motor control: relation between cortical and EMG activity. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 15(5): 1260-1267 Special Issue on Temporal Coding for Neural Information Processing. 2) T. Zengin, S. Eskiizmirliler (HIBIT 2005) Modelling and Characterisation of EAP based Smart Structures for a Biological-like Artificial Muscle. 3) S. Eskiizmirliler et al. (EAPAD 2006) Studying the performance of linearly contractile bio-mimetic actuators to actuate fingers of an artificial hand.
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 11 Qu’est-ce qui se passe ailleurs? (EAP show) AMRI New Mexico University
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 12 Qu’est-ce qui se passe ailleurs? (Puppet show) SoftArm University of Illinois Powered Prosthetics University of Washington Anthropomorphic robot arm Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Bio-Robotics Laboratory University of Washington Shadow hand, England
03/01/2006 NEO234 / S. Eskiizmirliler, Paris 7, INSERM U742 13 Qu’est-ce qui se passe dans la vie réelle ?????????
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