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Publié parHonorée Pain Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Le Plus-que-Parfait Qu’est-ce que c’est? La Formation… Verbes en –er, -ir, -re
Qu’est-ce que c’est? Le plus-que-parfait is a past tense It is used to express a completed action further in the past than the P.C. Ex. Il avait mangé la pomme Ex. Il avait mangé la pomme (He had eaten the apple)(He had eaten the apple) Like the P.C., there are two parts to the P-Q-P: A/ an auxiliary verb (avoir or être) Conjugated in the imparfait Conjugated in the imparfait B/ a past participle
Auxiliary Verb Avoir Avoir = To have J’avais Tu avais Il/elle avait Nous avions Vous aviez Ils/elles avaient
Auxiliary Verb Etre Etre = To be J’étais Tu étais Il/elle était Nous étions Vous étiez Ils/elles étaient
La Formation L es verbes en -er Verbes en –er: to form the past participle, drop the –er of the infinitive and add “é” Example: DONNER = Past participle: ____________________ Auxiliary verb: ____________________
Donner Donner = to give Past Participle = donné Auxiliary Verb = avoir Conjugate the verb donner in the plus-que-parfait!
Donner J’avais donné (I had given) Tu avais donné (you had given) Il/elle avait donné (he/she had given) Nous avions donné (we had given) Vous aviez donné (you had given) Ils/elles avaient donné (they had given) N.B. Avoir is conjugated; the participle is invariable
La Formation L es verbes en -ir Verbes en –ir: to form the past participle, drop the –ir of the infinitive and add “i” Example: FINIR = Past participle: ____________________ Auxiliary verb: ____________________
Finir Finir = to finish Past Participle = fini Auxiliary Verb = avoir Conjugate the verb finir in the plus-que-parfait!
Finir J’avais fini (I had finished) Tu avais fini (you had finished) Il/elle avait fini (he/she had finished) Nous avions fini (we had finished) Vous aviez fini (you had finished) Ils/elles avaient fini (they had finished) N.B. Avoir is conjugated; the participle is invariable
La Formation L es verbes en -re Verbes en –re: to form the past participle, drop the –re of the infinitive and add “u” Example: Rendre = Past participle: ____________________ Auxiliary verb: ____________________
Rendre Rendre = to give back Past Participle = rendu Auxiliary Verb = avoir Conjugate the verb rendre in the plus-que-parfait!
Rendre J’avais rendu (I had given back) Tu avais rendu (you had given back) Il/elle avait rendu (he/she had given back) Nous avions rendu (we had given back) Vous aviez rendu (you had given back) Ils/elles avaient rendu (they had given back) N.B. Avoir is conjugated; the participle is invariable
Devoirs Conjugez les verbes suivants au plus-que- parfait: Conjugez les verbes suivants au plus-que- parfait: Fermer = ____________ Fermer = ____________ Parler = ____________ Parler = ____________ Devenir = ____________ Devenir = ____________ Dormir = ____________ Dormir = ____________ Battre = ____________ Battre = ____________ Vendre = ____________ Vendre = ____________
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