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I CAN…  Compare people, objects  Say that someone is older/younger than me.  Neither tall nor short  Say that someone /something is the most ….

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Présentation au sujet: "I CAN…  Compare people, objects  Say that someone is older/younger than me.  Neither tall nor short  Say that someone /something is the most …."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 I CAN…  Compare people, objects  Say that someone is older/younger than me.  Neither tall nor short  Say that someone /something is the most ….

2 Comparatives To say that someone is younger than: SUBJECT + Verb + Plus + adjective + que + person /object Ex: Paul est plus jeune que Jean. (Paul is younger than Jean.) To say that my brother is older than me… Ex: Mon frère est plus vieux que moi.

3 To say that someone is less tall than me: Ma soeur est moins grande que moi. To say that someone is as tall /as old as me: Mon frère est aussi grand que moi. aussi vieux que moi

4 To express neither …nor… Je ne suis ni sportif ni musicien. (I am neither sportive nor musician ) Je n’aime ni les maths ni la physique ( I like neither maths nor physics).

5 En résumé…(summary) 1) Compare the superiority: …Plus…que 2) Compare the inferiority:….moins…que… 3) Compare equality: ….aussi ….que… Neither…nor…: … ……………

6 Compare ces deux personnes Ex: Astérix est plus petit que Obélix Use adjectives for the personality too.

7 Superlatives To say that someone/something is the most + adj  Use: le plus / la plus/ les plus + adjective (the most + adj) (positif) Or Le moins/la moins/les moins +adj (negatif)

8 Ex: 1) Le garçon le plus grand de la classe s’appelle Luc (the tallest boy in the class is called Luc) 2) La ville la plus belle du monde est Paris.) the most beautiful city in the world is called Paris) 3) Les maisons les moins pittoresques sont en béton. (the less picturesque houses are in comcrete) 4 – Le climat le plus agréable est océanique.(the nicest climate is oceanic).

9 Exercices 1)La Belgique est ________________________la Suisse. (larger than) 2)Le pays ____________________au monde est le Vatican.(the smallest) 3)La montagne _______________________d’Europe est le Mont-Blanc (4807 m) (the tallest ) 4)J’aime beaucoup le VTT: ce n’est ________dangereux ______________fatigant! (Neither nor ) 5)Ludovine est _____________(less) sportive ____________ Juliette mais elle est ________________ (more)artistique. 6) La capitale ___________________ (the most beautiful) du monde est Paris bien sûr!

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