Aujourd’hui Conversations individuelles Négatifs Adjectifs et adverbes.

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1 Aujourd’hui Conversations individuelles Négatifs Adjectifs et adverbes

2 Comment est-ce que tu travailles? Je travaille (slowly) Je travaille (well) Je travaille (regularly) Je travaille (carefully) Je travaille (better) Je travaille (here) Je travaille (quickly) Je travaille (seriously) Never Don’t Hardly Only Never Don’t Hardly Don’t at all

3 Adverb or adjective? Adverbs add meaning to verbs:- To arrive …………… To read……………… To eat ……………….. To finish …………………. To go ……………………. To speak ……………….. Adjectives add meaning to nouns :- The ……………book A ……………….film The …………… My ……………..sister Some …………….meals A ……………….advert

4 Adjectif ou adverbe? The happy children sing softly The lazy cat eats regularly We carefully introduced the new products The intelligent students succeed well How often do you watch the harmful adverts She eats the green apple noisily Finally, she arrives at the famous college

5 Things to remember about adverbs! You can categorise adverbs Adverbs of time(when), manner(how) and place (where) Use alternative ways of adding meaning to the verb Carefully = “in a careful way” or “with care” The spelling of an adverb is invariable (it doesn’t need to agree with M or F)

6 Things to remember about adverbs! The regular rule:- Take the feminine form of the adjective and add “ment” …ment = …….ly Irregulars:- Learn irregular forms! mauvais = ……………….? fréquent=…………………?

7 Adjectif masculinAdjectif fémininAdverbe naturelnaturellenaturellement général lent doux attentif heureux dangereux

8 Adjectif masculin ending in a vowel, add directly – ment Adverbe absolu vrai infini

9 Adjectif masculin ending in – ent change into - em -ant change into –am Then add -ment Adverbe constantconstamment récent fréquent évident courant

10 Adjectif masculinAdjectif fémininAdverbs ending in - ément, need accent on -e profondprofondeprofondément

11 Adverbes irréguliers vitequickly bienwell malbadly mieuxbetter notammentespecially

12 Things to remember about adjectives! Adverbs The spelling of an adjective is variable It changes according to the gender and plurality of the noun it describes The regular rule Fs = e grande Ms =… grand Fpl =esgrandes Mpl = sgrands Irregular spellings Learn the irregular forms!

13 Things to remember about adjectives! Some go before the noun they describe (as in English) vrai grand petit mauvais court excellent long jeune bon nouveau jolie vieux beau Some go before and after but the meaning changes!! propre (own/clean) grand (great/tall) ancien (former/old) cher (dear/expensive) brave (decent/brave)

14 Things to remember about adjectives! Most go after the noun they describe (Unlike in English) La mère est patiente La mère patiente Elle est patiente C’est une mère patiente Les mères sont patientes Les mères patientes Elles sont patientes Ce sont les mères patientes Check the word order! When there are several adjectives with one noun, each adjective goes in its normal place: Un petit chien noir Un joli petit chien noir If there are two adjectives after the noun they are linked with et: Un joli petit chien noir et marron

15 Ahh les Anglais ! Aie!!!!!!  She works slow She eats good We don’t learn nothing We is happy Mistake Verb + adjective Double negative Wrong conjugation


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