To practice: Quantities Un, une, des, de Du, de la, de l’, de Le, la, l’, les.

Présentations similaires

Présentation au sujet: "To practice: Quantities Un, une, des, de Du, de la, de l’, de Le, la, l’, les."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 To practice: Quantities Un, une, des, de Du, de la, de l’, de Le, la, l’, les

2 La carbonnade est un plat originaire de Belgique et du nord de la France, ce sont des gros dés de viandes de bœuf qui sont cuits lentement à la bière avec oignons et carottes. En voici une version personnelle. 2

3 For each slide, write down your choices for what should be in the blanks. Then, move to the next slide to check your work. 3

4  Pour 6 personnes, il vous faut :  1 kg _____ viande de boeuf  2 oignons  2 carottes  5 cuillères à soupe _____ huile d'olive  2 cuillères à soupe _____ farinefarine  1 litre _____ Bière  Sel Sel  Poivre Poivre 4

5  Pour 6 personnes, il vous faut :  de  1 kg de viande de boeuf  2 oignons  2 carottes d'  5 cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive de  2 cuillères à soupe de farinefarine de  1 litre de Bière  Sel Sel  Poivre Poivre 5

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29 These are all quantities; therefore, they are all “de.” 29

30 This is a quantity; therefore, it is “de.” 30

31 The onions have already been mentioned in the list of ingredients, so now you are referring to an aforementioned item. In English, that would be the onions. It is the same in French. 31

32 The carrots have already been mentioned in the list of ingredients, so now you are referring to an aforementioned item. In English, that would be the carrots. It is the same in French. 32

33 First blank: The recipe asks you to use a random baking dish for a casserole. It is not making a general statement about the dish, nor is it telling you to use an aforementioned dish or “the one that’s on the counter.” It’s just asking for “a” dish. Second blank: quantity 33

34 1. The pieces of meat have already been mentioned, so the recipe is referring to those specific pieces of meat – les. 2. Quantity 3. Partitive needed here to express the idea of some (not all, not the) juice. 4. See #1. 5. The recipe is asking for “a” plate—any plate—a random plate. 34

35 1. The casserole dish has already been mentioned, so the recipe is referring to that specific item. 2. Quantity 3. The onions have already been mentioned, so the recipe is referring to those. Use les. 35

36 1. The cubes of meat have already been identified and you are talking about specific cubes, so use the. 2. Quantity 3. The casserole dish has already been identified, so you are talking about a specific casserole dish. 4. Quantity 36

37 Again, it’s specific carrots. 37

38 quantity 38

39 These are all quantities; therefore, they are all “de.” 39

40 1. The beer has already been mentioned, so the recipe is referring back to this specific item. Use la. 2. No sauce has yet been mentioned, so it is a “random” sauce. It’s just “a” sauce. Use une. 3. The meat has already been mentioned. The recipe is talking about specific meat. 4. The recipe speaks of “an” extraordinary tenderness. It is unspecified. 40

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