SPELLING CHANGES IN CERTAIN -ER VERBS. -cer Verbs  Verbs ending in –cer change c to ç before a or o to retain the soft c sound. AvancerTo move forward.

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2 -cer Verbs  Verbs ending in –cer change c to ç before a or o to retain the soft c sound. AvancerTo move forward J’avanceNous avançons Tu avancesVous avancez Il/elle avanceIls /elles avancent

3 Quelques exemples…  Annoncer to announce  Commencerto begin  Effacerto erase  Lancerto throw  Menacerto threaten  Placerto put, place  Prononcerto pronounce  Remplacerto replace  Renoncer àto give up

4 -ger Verbs  Verbs ending in -ger insert a silent e between g and a, and between g and o, to keep the soft g sound. nagerTo swim Je nageNous nageons Tu nagesVous nagez Il/Elle nageIls / Elles nagent

5 Quelques exemples  Arrangerto arrange  Bougerto move  Changer to change  Corriger to correct  Déménager to move  Déranger to disturb  Dirigerto direct  Manger to eat  Mélangerto mix

6  Neigerto snow  Obliger to force, impose  Partagerto share, divide  Plongerto plunge, dive  Ranger to put away, put in order  Songer (à)to think about, consider  Voyagerto travel

7 -yer Verbs  Verbs ending in –yer change y to i before silent e. EnvoyerTo send J’envoieNous envoyons Tu envoiesVous envoyez Il/elle envoieIls /elles envoient

8 Quelques exemples….  Employerto use  Ennuyerto bore, bother  Essuyerto dry, wipe  Nettoyerto clean  Renvoyerto dismiss, send back

9 Note….  Verbs ending in – ayer may or may not change the y to i in all present tense forms except nous and vous. EssayerTo try J’essaie or j’essayeNous essayons Tu essaies or tu essayesVous essayez Il/ elle essaie or il/elle essaye Ils/Elles essaient or ils/elles essayent

10 Other verb ending in –ayer:  Payer to pay

11 -E+ Consonant + -ER Verbs  Verbs with silent e in the syllable before the infinitive ending change silent e to è when the next syllable contains another silent e. EnleverTo remove J’enlèveNous enlevons Tu enlèvesVous enlevez Il/elle enleveIls /elles enlèvent

12 Quelques exemples…  Acheterto buy  Acheverto complete, finish  Amenerto bring, lead to  Eleverto raise, bring up  Emmenerto take (with you)  Gelerto freeze  Lever to raise, lift  Menerto lead  Peserto weigh  Promenerto walk (the dog)

13 Appeler and Jeter  Some ‘shoe’ verbs with silent e, like appeler and jeter, double the consonant instead of changing e to è. AppelerTo call J’appelleNous appelons Tu appellesVous appelez Il/Elle appelleIls/elles appellent JeterTo throw (away) Je jetteNous jetons Tu jettesVous jetez Il/elle jetteIls /elles jettent

14 Quelques exemples…  Epeler to spell  Epousseterto dust

15 E + Consonant + -ER Verbs  Verbs with é in the syllable before the infinitive ending change é to è only before the silent endings -e, -es, -ent. CélébrerTo celebrate Je célèbreNous célébrons Tu célèbresVous célébrez Il / elle célèbreIls /elles célèbrent

16 Quelques exemples …  Espérerto nope  Posséderto possess, own  Préférerto prefer  Protégerto protect  Répéterto repeat, rehearse

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