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Publié parGuillaume Bruneau Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Microsoft Word Chapter 4/ techniques avancees
Welcome to Microsoft Word. Robert H. Smith School faculte de Business Universite du Maryland-College Park
Objectifs du Chapitre Objectifs :
Etre capable de creer des listes en puces, en numero, des tables de matieres. Apprendre l’affichage de l’outline Etre capable de creer une table et un index. Detailed Objectives: A. Be able to create bulleted lists, numbered lists, and outlines B. Learn about the Outline View, especially its ability to easily manipulate text C. Be able to create and properly insert a table or an index into a document
Objectifs du chapitre (suite)
Comprendre les styles. Apprendre la formation automatique Creer des entetes et des footer Apprendre a numeroter les pages et les commandes Learning Objectives Continued: D. Understand styles, and how they can automatically format a document give it a professional, uniform appearance. E. Learn about Autoformatting, and how it can be used to change part or all of an existing document G. Be able to create different varieties of headers and footers H. Find out how to put page numbers on your document, and become familiar with the Go To command to jump to a different page I. Be able to make an index and table of contents
Apercu A la fin de cette lecon, vous:
Serez capable de creer des outlines, des tables, et des styles. Ces derniers ont beaucoup d’utilisations efficaces. serez capabe de creer des indinxes et des tables de matieres. By the end of this tutorial, students will be able to make outlines, tables, and styles, all of which have many practical uses. You will be able to create indices and tables of contents. With what is learned in this chapter combined with the prior three, proficiency in Microsoft Word will be guaranteed!
Listes et Outlines Adresse plusieurs sujets
Montre les sujets par ordre d’importance Organise les grands projets en etapes tres faciles a suivre. Lists and Outlines address multiple topics, these topics are displayed in the order of importance. Large projects are organized in easy-to-follow sections thanks to lists and outlines. Often when creating something for your own use or for others, the easiest way to show multiple options or outcomes is in an organized list. Using a list lets you display your topics in a neat and organized manner.
Listes et Outlines Il ya 3 principales categories de listes et d’outlines dans Microsoft Word®: Listes a puces Listes a numeros Outlines numeriques There are three main categories of lists and outlines in Microsoft Word ®: 1. Bulleted Lists 2. Numbered Lists 3. Numbered Outlines
Listes a puces et numeros
Une liste a puces utilise des puces (petites images) pour diviser les sujets Une puce a numero indique les sujets par ordre d’importance et aide le lecteur a identifier le nombre de points important qu’ il ya dans un document. A bulleted list simply divides up the multiple points that you are trying to present, each represented by a small symbol of your choice. A numbered list lets you put multiple points lets you decided if your topics need to be addressed in any order of importance, and serves as an easy for your reader to assess how many points of interest there are before he/she begins work.
Listes a puces et a numeros
Quiz Laquelle de ces phrases est fausse? A. Puces est un autre nom pour petites images. B. Puces est un autre nom pour lettres C. Les listes a numero vous permet de mettre les choses en ordre. D. Les listes a numero montre le nombre de point que vous allez communiquer. Clicking the slide one more time will show the answer within the picture of a computer. The answer is B.
Listes a puces et a numeros
Pour creer ou modifier une liste a puce ou a numero, cliquez sur Format et selectionnez puces et numeros. Chaque tab sur la fenetre represente une option differente sur la liste. L’option par defaut sous les puces et les numeros est inexistante. 1. To create/edit a bulleted/numbered list, click on Format, then select Bullets and Numbering 2. Each tab in the window represents a different option for your list 3. The default setting under both bulleted and numbered lists is “none”
Listes a puces Pour selectionner une des puces , cliquez sur l’optin souhaitee sous le tableau de puces et appuyez Ok. Pourr creer ou editer votre espacement ou vos puces, cliquez sur le bouton Caractere. To select one of the pre-assigned bullets, click on the desired option under the Bulleted tab and click OK To create/edit your own spacing and/or select your own bullets, click the Customize button
Listes a numeros Pour selectionner une des listes a numero, cliquez sur le bouton sous la touche numerote et appuyez Ok. Pour creer ou editer votre propre espace, selectionez votre numero et lettre et cliquez sur caractere. To select one of the pre-assigned number sets, click on the desired option under the Numbered tab and click OK To create/edit your own spacing and/or select your own numbers or letters, click the Customize button
Outlines Utilisez toutes les combinaisons de puces et de numeros en liste, on peut se deplacer dans le 3eme tableau – l’outline. Organiser plusieurs listes Liste les choses par ordre d’importance. Definit un large but pour les projets. Using any combination of bullets and numbers in list form, we can move on the the third tab in this menu – the outline Outlines: 1. Organize multiple lists 2. List things in order of importance 3. Combine smaller lists into a larger project 4. Delineate a larger project’s goals
Qu’est-ce-qui est utilise pour creer un outline?
Quiz Qu’est-ce-qui est utilise pour creer un outline? A. imprimer layout Vue B. vue normaleb C. commande des puces et des numeros D. aucun Clicking the slide one more time will show the answer within the picture of a computer. The answer is C.
I. Guide pour les listes a puces
Creer une liste a puces Cliquez sur liste a puce, choisissez une option et cliquez Ok. -ou- Cliquez sur caractere pour alterer l’option de votre puce a puce et cliquez sur Ok. Ajouter le texte. Chaque fois que vous appuyez ENTRER une nouvelle puce apparaitra. Creating a Bulleted List 1. Click on the Bulleted tab, choose an option and click OK -or- 2. Click the Customize button to alter you bulleted list options and click OK 3. Add text. Each time you hit ‘Enter’ (on your keyboard) a new bullet will appear.
II. Guide pour les listes a numeros
Creer une liste a numero Cliquez sur l’option de numeros et choisissez Ok -ou- Cliquez sur caracteres pour alterer votre liste a numero et cliquez Ok. Ajouter un texte. Chaque fois que vous appuyez ENTRER une nouvelle lettre ou un nouveau numero apparaitra. Creating a Numbered List 1. Click on the Numbered tab, choose an option and click OK -or- 2. Click the Customize button to alter your numbered list options and click OK 3. Add text. Each time you hit ‘Enter’ (on your keyboard) a new number or letter will appear.
III. Guide pour les outline
Creer un outline Cliquez sur numero de outline, choisissez une option et cliquez OK. -ou- Cliquez le bouton caracteres pour modifier les options et appuyez sur OK. Ajoutez un texte et cliquez ENTRER pour avoir une nouvelle ligne et Tab pour un retrait. Creating an Outline 1. Click on the Outline Numbered tab, choose an option and click OK -or- 2. Click the Customize button to alter your outline options and click OK 3. Add text. Hit ‘Enter’(on your keyboard) to get a new line and ‘Tab’ (on your keyboard) to indent. 4. To select a pre-assigned grouping, click on the desired option under the Outline Numbered tab and click OK 5. To create/edit your own bullet, letter, or number sequence, click the Customize button
Utiliser des listes et des outline
Souvenez vous… L’option par defaut est toujours inexistante, choisissez un ensemble de puce ou de numero a modifier. Un outline peut melanger une serie de puces et de numeros, vous pouvez avoir 9 differents retraits. Things to Remember... The default setting is always “none,” choose a set of bullets or numbers to use or edit. An outline can combine a series of bulleted and numbered lists, you can have up to nine different indentations.
Tables Description verbale…
Une table ajoute de l’espace a un document et a plusieurs utilisations. Les Tables sont utilisees pour les emplois de temps, pour presenter des statistiques et d’autre utilisations. A table adds spice to a document, and has a wide variety of uses. For instance tables can be used for schedules, to present survey data, and numerous other uses. In addition, tables are easy to make, and look terrific when used properly. A full, hands on description on how to make a table is available in the Guided Walkthrough.
Cellules Les Cellules sont faites par l’intersection des lignes et des colonnes dans une table. Chaque cellule est independante des autres et peut conserver un texte, des numeros et des images. Cells are made by the intersection of rows and columns in a table. Each cell is independent of all the others, and can hold text, numbers, or pictures. Individual cells can be joined together, which is known as merging, and can also be split apart. To merge cells, highlight the cells you want to join by clicking and dragging, then select Table from the tool bar. Now select Merge Cells.
Graphiques Vous pouvez facilemt mettre une image ou une image de la bibliotheque dans une cellule. Cliqez tout simplement sur une cellule et utilisez la commande inserer. La taille du graphique peut etre modifier en manipulant les contours de l’image It’s easy to put a picture or piece of clip art into a cell. Just click in a cell, and use the Insert Picture command. The size of the graphic can be changed by manipulating the black sizing handles that appear in the corners of the graphic. In addition the heights of rows and widths of columns can be changed to accommodate your graphic. Just place your mouse cursor on a cell border, and you will notice the arrow turns into two parallel lines with arrows sticking out. Now you can just click and drag to change the dimensions of the cell.
Faire une table Pour creer une table dans un document Word, cliquez sur table dans la barre de Menu et ensuite selectionnez inserer et ensuite table. Selectionnez ensuite le nombre de colonnes et de lignes que vous desirez. To create a table in a Word document, click Table in the menu bar, then select Insert, then Table. A box will pop up, allowing you to select the number of columns and rows you want. You can make a table quickly by clicking the “Insert Table” button. If not already on your toolbar, this button can be displayed by right-clicking on the toolbar, and selecting “Standard”.
Utiliser les tables Vous avez maintenant une table sur votre ecran et pouvez taper dans n’importe quelle cellule sans affecter les autres. Vous pouvez manipuler le texte ou les numeros dans les cellules comme vous le desirez. You now have a table on your screen, and can type in any of the cells without affecting any other cell. You can manipulate the text or numbers in each cell however you want. Some things you can change include font type, size, and color. To change the color, select the cell or cells you want to modify. To alter a single cell, instead of clicking and dragging, just click once within the cell. Then go to Table in the tool bar, then select Table Properties. Select the Table tab, then click Borders and Shading. Under Fill, click on the color you want, and under Apply to, change the scroll bar to Cell. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Classes Homework Projects Exam/Quiz
Editer les Tables Vous pouvez changer plusieurs cellules en une seule fois en passant la souris sur elles et proceder aux modifications. Meme apres avoir fait la table, vous pouvez ajouter ou supprimer des lignes et des colonnes. Again, you can change multiple cells at once by dragging your mouse over them, then making the desired changes. The table is not set in stone; even after the table is made, you can add or delete rows and columns. To delete a whole row, for instance, first select the row by clicking in any cell in that row. Then go to Table in the tool bar, select Delete, then choose Delete Rows. You can also do other things like change borders or change the shading of the table. To change a border, go to Table in the tool bar, then select Table Properties. Select the Table tab, then click on Borders and Shading. Select the Borders tab, and change the Style scroll bar to something you like.
Tables Quiz Si vous tapez trop dans une cellule, le texte debordera dans la cellule suivante. A. vrai B. faux Clicking the slide one more time will show the answer within the picture of a computer. The answer is B.
I. Guide des tables Changer la page d’options
Cliquez sur Page d’option. 2. Selectionnez taille de la page et cliquez sur landscape. 3. Cliquez sur l’option de la marge. 4. Entrez les valeurs desirees 5. Cliquez sur OK. Changing the Page Setup Tables are usually wider than they are tall, so it’s helpful to change the layout of the page towards the horizontal rather than standard vertical Click File on the menu bar, and select Page Setup Select the Paper Size tab, and click on the Landscape option button Now click on the Margins tab Change both top and bottom margins Change both left and right margins Hit OK
II. Guide des tables Creer une Table
Cliquez sur Table dans la barre de Menu et selectionnez inserer et puis table. Choisissez “#" colonnes et “#” lignes cliquez OK Create the Table Click Table in the menu bar, then select Insert, then Table Choose the desired number of columns and rows in your table. Remember, you can always add or delete columns and rows Hit OK
III. Guide des tables Inserer les Cellules
Selectionnez auutant de cellules adjascantes que vous desirez. Cliquez sur Table dans la barre de menu et cliquez sur inserer des cellules. Merging Cells Sometimes, you want to make a row or column of cells one big cell, in order to type a title for instance Select as many adjacent cells as you require by clicking and dragging Click Table in the menu bar, then select Merge Cells
IV. Guide des tables Changer la largeur d’une ligne
Selectionez la cellule. Cliquez sur Table, proprietes des tables, selectionnez la ligne Choisissez lalargeur Cliquez la largeur de la ligne et selectionez exactement ou par defaut. Changing Row Height Select the cells. Click on Table, then Table Properties, then select the Row tab Check the Specify height box, and change the height to #” by typing that number in. Click the Row Heights list box arrow, and select Exactly or At Least Now click the Cells tab, and click the Center button. Hit OK
V. Guide des tables Ombres et bordures Cliquez dans la table
Cliquez sur Table, apres proprietes des tables, selectionnez bordures et couleurs et appuyez sur le bouton des bordures. Choisissez les options Choisissez le style et la couleur. Cliquez sur Ok Shading and Borders Click in the table Click on Table, then Table Properties, then select the Borders and Shading tab, then press the Borders tab Choose the Setting Choose Style Choose the Color Click the Shading tab In the Style list box, you may click the down arrow and change the % 8. Click OK
VI. Guide des tables Inserer l’image de la bibliotheque
Cliquez dans votre table et cliquez inserer, ensuite image et apres image de la bibliotheque. Cliquez sur l’image de votre choix et appuyez OK. Inserting Clip Art Click in the bottom left cell of your table Click on Table, Insert, and Rows Below to add another row Select all the cells in this new row and click on Table, then Merge Cells Click on Table, Table Properties, then Row Uncheck the Specify Height box Hit OK. Go back to your table, and click on Insert, then Picture, then Clip Art Click on a piece of Clip Art you like, then click Insert Picture Click on the Clip Art in your table to make handles appear, then hit Center on the Formatting Toolbar Resize the Clip Art by manipulating the handles as you see fit. To Move Your Clip Art Select the clip art and double click it Format Picture dialog box will appear Click the Layout Tab and click on Advanced Select the Infront of the Text icon 5. Click OK 6. Click OK again in the Format Picture dialog box 7. Select and drag your picture as you see fit.
Introduction aux styles
Les styles contiennent la taille de la police et les justifications. En changeant le style, vous changez automatiquement et uniformement tous les textes sous cette forme. Styles store formatting information, such as font size and justification for elements of text. By changing the style, you automatically and uniformly modify all other text under that style. With styles, you don’t have to keep changing each individual element of text every time it occurs, whether it a single character, phrase, paragraph, header, or whatever. Besides font type, size, and text, styles can also format borders and shading, text flow, alignment, indents, tabs, and line spacing.
Les caracteres et les styles de paragraphe
Le style d’un caractere affecte seulement le texte surligne et inclut la taille, la couleur et le style de la police. Le style d’un paragraphe formatte la meme chose mais concerne le paragraphe entier. A so-called character style only affects text that is highlighted, and deals with character formatting such as style, font, and size. A paragraph style formats the same things as a character style, but applies the formatting to the entire paragraph. To create or edit either a character or paragraph style, click on Format, than select Style.
Styles et options par defaut
Quand vous selectionnez le style, une boite de dialogue qui liste les styles en utilisation apparaitra. A moins qu’un style different soir selectionne, l’option normale sera utiliser. When you select the Style command, a dialogue box will pop up, listing the styles currently in use. Unless a different style is selected, the default style setting of Normal will be in use. “Heading 1” and “Body Text” styles are used in tandem with AutoFormatting to apply changes everywhere in a document. AutoFormatting will be discussed in the next objective. “Default Paragraph Font” lets you know the default font for new text, and is a character style. “Normal” entails the settings of default font, left alignment, and single spacing for paragraphs.
Les Styles D’autres choses que vous verez dans la boite de dialogue est: la description, le caractere de l’apercu,l’apercu du paragraphe et les nouvelles commandes d’appliquer et de modifier. Les styles vous permettent d’appliquer des formes uniformes a la selection du texte. Other things you will see in the Style dialogue box are Description, Character Preview, Paragraph Preview, and the New, Apply, and Modify command buttons. 1. The “Description” box shows you the aspects of style for text, including font style (like Arial, for example), font size, alignment, line spacing, and widow/orphan control 2. The “Character Preview” box shows you what the text you want to modify will look like 3. The “Paragraph Preview” box illustrates what the paragraph you want to modify will look like 4. The “New” button will enable you to create a new style 5. The “Apply” button will put your style modifications into effect. The “Modify” button will let you alter the characteristics of a certain style through the “Format Paragraph” and “Format Font” commands. Basically, styles let you quickly and easily apply uniform changes to selections of text
Styles Quiz Sous quel titre de la barre d’outil est localise le style?
A. Insertion B. Format C. outils D. fenetre Clicking the slide one more time will show the answer within the picture of a computer. The answer is B.
Formation automatique
Les styles sont pratiques pour faire des changements uniformes dans un document, qu’arrive t il si vous avez un long document? La formation automatique peut aider Styles are great for making uniform changes in a document, but what if you have an existing or very long document? AutoFormat can help! AutoFormat can be found by clicking Format on the Toolbar, then AutoFormat.
La formation automatique prend des decisions!
La formation automatique par a travers les documents et prend des decisions a vtre place. Elle decide de ce qui serez mieux pour chaque paragraphe. AutoFormat goes through the document, and makes certain decisions for you as to what would look best for each paragraph. For instance, if you have a one-line paragraph, AutoFormat assumes it’s a heading, and applies the Heading 1 style. To ordinary paragraphs, it applies the Body Text style, and it can recognize lists and add bullets or numbers to them.
La derniere de la formation automatique
La formation autmatique peut donner a votre document un aspect plus professionel. Elle peut reconnaitre certains caracterers qui font partie d’une page web ou d’un lien hypertexte. AutoFormat can also make your document look more professional with special touches. AutoFormat can recognize certain characters as being part of a web page name, and turn web and addresses into hyperlinks. Here are some more things it can do! 1. AutoFormat can make quotation marks curl towards the text 2. It can add superscripts to numbers (3rd 4th) 3. It can make typographical symbols for fractions (½ ¼) as well as ® ™ © and so on. 4. www. signifies a web page 5. @ signifies an address 6. Clicking on the hyperlink will take to to the web The “AutoCorrect” command in the “Tools” menu is what allows you to select different options for AutoFormat. Once your preferences are set, selecting AutoFormat in the “Format” menu will apply the changes you desire. If you like, you can review each change AutoFormat wants to make, and reject them.
Formation automatique
Quiz Qu’est-ce qu’un paragraphe d’une seule ligne pour la formation automatique? A. le corps du texte B. une liste C. une caption D. Une entete Clicking the slide one more time will show the answer within the picture of a computer. The answer is D.
La section du Format Description verbale… Formatter controle:
les entetes et les Footers numeros de page, de taille et d’orientation Les Marges et les Colonnes From previous chapters you have learned formatting on a character and paragraph levels. All you documents were composed of a single Section, which meant any formatting affecting the whole document. Now, you will be able to break your document into different section with different formatting for each. Formatting at a section level controls: Headers and footers Page numbering, size and orientation Margins and columns Formatting at a section level gives your document a more polished look since you may customize your document to fit your individual needs, you may: 1. Change the margins - the first page might need a larger margin than the rest of the pages in your document. 2. Change the orientation – from portrait to landscape to accommodate an especially wide table for example. 3. Change the page numbering to contain Roman (I, II, III etc.) and Arabic (1, 2, 3 etc.) numerals within the same document. 4. Change the number of columns on a page with one column at the top and two or more columns in the body of the document.
Pause de section Divisez le document en sections avec un format individuel. Le format est garde dans la division de la section. Le texte au-dessus de la section prend le format de la section suivante. The Insert menu allows you to mark where one section ends and another begins by inserting section breaks. You may choose where to insert a Section break, on the same, next, odd or even page. Word will automatically store all the formatting you have done within each section in the section break. This is important because getting rid of section break means getting rid of all the formatting as well. The text above the break will adopt the formatting of the next section.
Pause de section Quiz Qu’arrive t’il au texte ci-dessus une fois qu’une pause de section est supprimee? A. Rien n’arrive au texte. B. Le texte assume le formatage de la section suivante en assumant qu’il y en ait une. C.le texte est efface avec la pause de section. D.le texte saute a la page suivante en changeant sa police et la taille de sa police. Clicking the slide one more time will show the answer within the picture of a computer. The answer is B.
En-tetes et pieds de page
Vous pouvez inserer une en-tete (en faut de la page) ou un pied de page (en bas de la page) Peut etre formate differement pour prendre la forme de chaque page. Inserer a partir de l’affichage dans le menu. To keep your pages professional-looking, you may use Headers and Footers. A header is basically a line of text which is printed at the top of every page and a footer is printed at the bottom. You may have both a header and footer on every page; you may have one or the other. You may choose not to include a Header or a Footer on the first page of your document, or you may choose to insert different Headers and Footers on even and odd pages in your document. Headers and Footers are created from the View menu. A simple header and footer is created by the Insert Page Number command (depending whether is the page numbers are on the top or bottom). Headers and Footers can be centered, left or right aligned, with any font or font size. Special codes may be inserted to automatically insert the date and/or time and page number when the document is printed. Once you insert a Header and/or a Footer they will automatically appear on every page, you may however modify the header and footer for each page, sometimes this requires a section break to be inserted.
Numeros des pages Iserer a travers le bouton Insertion du Menu.
Les numeros des pages peuvent etre places en bas ou en haut des pages. Vous pouvez choisir entre des chiffres Romains ou Arabiques. To insert Page Numbers into a document use the Insert Page Numbers command. Page Numbers can be placed at the bottom or the top of a page, and can be centered, or left/right aligned. You may choose Roman or Arabic numerals and whether you want to start page numbers on the first page. Headers and Footers can be used in place of page numbers.
Table des matieres Creer a partir de l’indexe et des tables.
Il liste les entetes et les numeros de pages dans le meme ordre que dans le document. Word cree une table de matieres automatiquement des que vous utilisez les styles d’en-tete (1-9) The Table of Contents is created thought the Index and Tables command from the Insert menu. It lists headings in the same order they are placed in the document and page numbers where these entries appear. Word will create a table of contents automatically as long as all the headings are specified with a built-in heading style (Headings 1 through 9). Any changes you make will automatically be reflected in the table of contents as long as you specify all the headings.
Quelle phrase a propos des tables de matieres est vraie?
Table des matieres Quiz Quelle phrase a propos des tables de matieres est vraie? A. les tables de matieres peuvent seulement etre crees sous un seul format construit. B. word modifiera automatiquement votre table de matieres. C. les tables de matieres existantes ne peuvent pas etre modifiees. Clicking the slide one more time will show the answer within the picture of a computer. The answer is B.
Un Index Word cree un index une fois que toutes les informations sont entrees. Vous pouvez choisir differents syles a partir de l’index. Creer les indexes et le meu a partir de l’insertion du menu. Word will create an Index automatically as long as you marked all the entries you want to appear in the index. You may choose from different styles for you Index after you mark all the entries to be included. Word will put them all in an alphabetical order and place the corresponding pages as well.
Laquelle de ces phrases est fausse concernant un index?
Quiz Laquelle de ces phrases est fausse concernant un index? Un index et cree automatiquement par Word en marquant les donnes. B.il ya plusieurs varietes de styles d’un index C. Une fois que vous avex cree un index, il e peut pas etre modifie pour creer un nouvel index. Clicking the slide one more time will show the answer within the picture of a computer. The answer is C.
La commande “aller a” Localiser das la commande edition dans la barre de Menu. La commande aller a place le point d’insertion a la page desiree. Vous pouvez entrer le nombre de page que vou voulez et allez sur edition. The ‘Go To’ Command can be located in the Edit menu by pressing the F5 function key on your keyboard, or you may double click the Page number on you status bar at the bottom of your screen. The ‘Go To’ Command moves the insertion point to he desired page, once the dialog box is open you may enter you desired page number.
I. Guide pour creer un index
L’entrée pour creer un index: Placez le pointeur au debut du document. Cliquez sur Insertion, ensuite index et tables. Cliquez sur le bouton de l’entrée de Marque. To create an Index Entry When working on a long document sometimes it is imperative to include and index to help the reader along the way by listing selected terms with the pages they appear on. You may also include any what a particular term means along with a page number. Before you can create an index however, you need to create an Index entry. To create an index entry: 1. Scroll back to the very beginning of your document or click Ctrl+Home on your keyboard which will bring you to the very beginning of the document. 2. Next, click on the Insert menu and choose Index and Tables, once Index and Tables dialog box appears, click on the Mark Entry button. 3. Mark Index Entry dialog box will appear.
Guide pour creer un index (suite)
Pour marquer les entrees vous avez besoin de: Etre au debut du document. Selectionnez un texte et cliquez sur marque. Continuer jusqu’a ce que vous atteniez la fin du document. To Mark Entries Once the Mark Index Entry dialog box appears: 1. Move the cursor onto the document and you may start marking your entries by selecting the text. (Move the cursor over it until it is highlighted). 2. Once you select the text, move the cursor back to the Mark Index Entry dialog box, the text you have selected will now appear in the Main entry text box, click Mark. Continue doing so until you reach the end of the document. 3. You may also cross reference each entry when you first select it by clicking the Cross-reference option and add a subentry (subentries are especially useful when a word has multiple meanings). 4. You may select the page number format by checking the Bold or Italic boxes under Page number format Once you have marked all of your entries, you are now ready to create the actual Index. You will be able to format what you Index will look like as well as make other changes. You may now close the Mark Index Entry dialog box and move to the next step.
Guide pour creer un index (suite)
Etre a la fin du document. Cliquez sur Insertion, selectionez index et tables. Selectionnez un nombre de colonnes. Selectionnez le format souhaite. Cliquez sur Ok. To Create an Actual Index Since all of your entries are already marked, you can go ahead and create the actual Index. To make sure that you indeed marked all the entries, you may view them by clicking ¶. Word displays all the marked entries with the following insertion {٠XE٠“YOUR ENTRY” ٠} If you realized you have missed an entry, don’t worry, simply go to Insert, click Index and Tables, click on Mark Entry. Once the dialog box appears, go to the entry you want to mark and mark it. Close the dialog box. To create the actual Index: 1. Move to the end of the document (you may click Ctrl+End on you keyboard which takes you to the end of the document). 2. Click on the Insert menu and select Index and Tables command. 3. Once the Index and Tables dialog box appears, click the Index tab if it is necessary. 4. You may select the format of your index as well as the number of columns. Word will show you what each format looks like in the Print Preview box. Once you are satisfied with the appearance of the Index, click OK. You may click the Undo button if you are unhappy with some aspect of your Index. Once you have completed the above steps, an Index will appear at the end of your document. You may further change the appearance of your Index with Page Setup. If you need to update your Index after your have already created it and add more text: 1. Click on Insert, select Index and Tables, click Mark Entry, after the Mark Index Entry Dialog box appears, select the desired text in the document and mark it. 2. Now, close the Mark Index Entry window and open the Index and Tables window, by clicking Insert and choosing Index and Tables. 3. Apply any formatting you want and click OK, a message box will appear asking you: “Do you want to replace the selected index?” click Yes. 4. Your updated Index will appear.
Guide pour creer un index (suite)
Pour deplacer l’index sur une nouvelle page: Cliquez a la gauche de la premiere lettre dans l’index. Cliquez sur fichier et selectionnez sur Mise en Page. Click surLayout Tab. Selectionnez Nouvelle page Selectionnez cette Section. Cliquez sur OK. To Move the Index to a New Page Once you have created your Index, you may want to move it to the next page. To do so: 1. Scroll down to your Index; click to the left of the first letter that is listed in the Index, the entire index will be automatically selected. 2. Click the File menu and select Page Setup command 3. Click the Layout tab, under Section Start select New Page, in the Apply to list box, select This Section. Click OK. 4. If you want to change the orientation of your document, for example to accommodate a table that is very wide, you need to click on the Margins tab on the Page Setup window, then under Orientation, select Landscape. Word has all of the pages automatically set up to Portrait.
II. Guide pour creer une table de matiere
Cliquez sur Insertion, selectionnez sur Index et Tables Cliquez sur Table des matieres. Verifiez le numero des pages. Verifiez la page de droite et ses numeros. Choisissez le format. Cliquez sur OK. To Create a Table of Contents It is easy to create a Table of Contents if you are already using the built-in outline-level formats (Levels 1-9) or heading styles (Heading 1 – Heading 9) in your document. To create the Table of Contents: 1. Click on the Insert Menu and then click on Index and Tables option. 2. Once a dialog box appears, click on Tables of Contents tab 3. To show the page numbers and align them in your table of contents, check the Show Page Numbers box as well as Right Align Page Numbers box. 4. Click on the Formats box list to choose your desired format, Word will show you a preview in the Print preview box. 5. From the Tab Leader box list choose your desired tab leader to be displayed along with the page numbers. 6. Click OK.
Guide pour creer des tables de matieres (suite)
Pour modifier une table de matieres Sur la barre de deroulement verticale, cliquez sur parcourir Object Selectionnez parcourir par Page Cliquez sur F9, ensuite modifier toute la Table, cliquez sur OK To Update a Table of Contents To update your table of contents if you have made changes to the document, you need to make sure that you scroll to the the beginning of your document or simply click Ctrl+Home on your keyboard. Once you have done that: 1. On the vertical scroll bar to your right, click on Select Browse Object button. 2. Select the Browse by Page option. 3. You have to make sure to move to the page where your table of contents is located, you may do so by clicking the Next page or Previous page buttons on the vertical scroll bar to your right. Then, make sure your cursor is to the left of the first phrase in your table of contents. 3. Click F9, the Table of Contents box will appear. 4. Choose Update Entire Table button. 5. Click OK.
III. Guide pour creer des sections
Pour inserer une pause de section : Cliquez sur Insertion et choisissez pause Cliquez sur page suivante Cliquez sur ¶ pour voir ou la pause est inseree. To Insert a Section Break When working with long documents you will probably want to divide the document into different sections, this will make sure that any formatting you do will only affect your desired section and not the whole document. To insert a Section break: 1. Click on the Insert menu and choose Break 2. Once the dialog box appears, you will have several options to choose from regarding the Break type and Section break types: a. Next page option allows you to insert a section break and start the new section on the very next page b. Continuous option allows you to insert a section break and start a new section on the same page c. Even page/Odd page options allow you to insert a section break and start a section on the next even or odd pages.
IV. Guide pour creer une en-tete et un pied de page
Pour creer une en-tete ou un pied de pages: Cliquez sur affichage, selectionnez en-tete et pieds de pages. Inserez le texte, utilisez Inserer texte automatique. Cliqiuez sur echanger entre en-tete et pied de pages. Formattez votre pied de page de la meme maniere. Cliquez sur fermer To Insert a Header or a Footer Sometimes you want to include more than just the page numbers in your documents; this is where Headers and Footers come in. Headers and Footers give your documents a professional quality by allowing you to insert text at the top and bottom of your page. You may insert text on the top (Header) or the bottom (Footer) of your screen. To insert a header: 1. Click the View menu and select Header and Footer 2. The rest of the text will show up faded, which indicates that you will only make changes within the dashed lines that mark the header and footer. 3. When you Click the Auto Insert Text button, you have several options to choose from that Word will automatically insert for you into all of your headers. 4. You may insert page numbers by clicking Insert Page Numbers button. To insert number of pages, click on Insert Number of Pages. 5. If you want to insert different Headers on different pages, you may do so by clicking Page Setup button which will take you to the Page Setup window. Once there, you may format your Header and Footer by clicking the desired options under Headers and Footers. 6. To switch between Header and Footer, click Switch Between Header and Footer button.
V. Guide pour inserer les numeros de pages
Cliquez sur Inserer, choisissez numeros de pages sous Position choisissez haut or bas Sous Alignment, choisissez droit, gauche ou Centre Cliquez sur montrer les numeros sur la premiere page Cliquez sur Format To Number Pages To keep your pages in order it is always a good idea to number your pages. If you have not already inserted a Headers and Footers that contain page numbers, you may insert page numbers. If you have a cover page as your first page, you have the option of not numbering it. To number your pages: 1. Click on the Insert menu and click on Page Numbers. 2. Once a dialog box appears, choose the Position for your page numbers – either on Top (Header) or the Bottom (Footer) of the screen. 3. Under Alignment, choose whether you want to align your page numbers on the right, left or the center. 4. You may click OK now, or you may further format your page numbers by clicking Format.
Guide pour inserer les numeros de pages
Pour formatter les numeros de pages Selectionnez votre Numero de format Selectionnez ou vous voulez commencer a numeroter les pages en cliquant commencer a et choisissez un numero. Cliquez sur OK. To Format Page Numbers Once you have clicked the Format button on the Page Numbers dialog box, the above window will appear. This allows you to further format you’re your page numbers. You may choose whether you want Arabic or Roman numerals to appear as your page numbers. To do so: 1. Click on the Number format pull down menu, select you desired page number format. 1, 2, 3 or -1-, -2-, -3-, etc. 2. You may also select on what page you want your page numbers to first appear, by clicking Start at and selecting a number. 3. You may also select to include chapter number by clicking Include chapter number and selecting the desired formatting. 4. After you are satisfied with your selections, click OK.
VI. Guide pour “aller a” Pour se deplacer dans un document
Cliquez sur Edition, selectionnez trouver Cliquez sur aller a Selectionez le format desire sous “aller a quoi” Tapez le numero de pages Cliquez sur suivant. To Move Within a Document If You want to quickly go to a particular page in your document, or if you want to directly move to where you inserted a Section or a Table of Contents, you don’t have to scroll up or down. There is an easier way. In order to move within a document: 1. Click on Edit, and select Find or simply press Ctrl+F. 2. Once Find and Replace window comes up, click on Go To tab. 3. Indicate which formatted feature you want to go to by choosing under Go to what window. 4. Enter the page number under Enter page number. 5. Click on Next.
Chapitre Complet C’est la fin de ce chapitre. C’etait sympa de travailler avec vous et nous esperons tous que vous qpprendrez autant de choses que nous avon appris en fesant cette lecon. Aurevoir, les amis!
Realise par: Izabella Galustyan Justin Levis Diana Schoenberg
Eva Goudiaby Armel Bokam
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