Past Tense 01/11/2011 Mademoiselle Morgan 1 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take.

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1 Past Tense 01/11/2011 Mademoiselle Morgan 1 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’.

2 There are two ‘buddies’ used to form the past tense… 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 2 avoirêtre Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’.

3 How do you form a regular ‘avoir’ verb in the past tense? 01/11/2011 Mademoiselle Morgan 3 Step 2. Take off the ‘er’ ending of the verb to get the stem. Step 1. Pronoun + present tense of ‘avoir’ + verb. Step 3. Add ‘é’ to make the past participle. Step 1. J’/tu/il, elle/nous/ vous/ils, elles + ai/as/a/avons/ avez/ont + Verb e.g. parler Step 1. J’/tu/il, elle/nous/ vous/ils, elles + ai/as/a/avons/ avez/ont + Verb e.g. parler Step 2. parl Step 2. parl Step 3. parlé Step 3. parlé J’ai parlé

4 Some regular –er verbs which take ‘avoir’… 01/11/2011 Mademoiselle Morgan 4 manger – to eat étudier – to study parler – to speak danser – to dance chanter – to sing écouter – to listen (to) regarder – to watch jouer – to play nager – to swim visiter – to visit ( a place not a person ) Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’.

5 Can you remember any of these ‘être’ verbs? 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 5

6 How do you form ‘être’ verbs in the past tense? 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 6 Step 1. Pronoun + present tense of ‘être’ + A MS VAN DER TRAMP verb Step 2. Find the correct past participle. Step 3. REMEMBER: Verbs which take ‘être’ agree. Is it feminine? Is it plural? Step 1. Je/tu/il, elle/ nous/vous/ils, elles + suis/es/est/ sommes/êtes/sont + One of the ‘MS VAN DER TRAMP’ verbs e.g. aller Step 1. Je/tu/il, elle/ nous/vous/ils, elles + suis/es/est/ sommes/êtes/sont + One of the ‘MS VAN DER TRAMP’ verbs e.g. aller Step 2. allé Step 2. allé Step 3. Feminine Add an ‘e’. Plural Add an ‘s’. Step 3. Feminine Add an ‘e’. Plural Add an ‘s’. Elles sont allées

7 être game 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 7 Monter - monté Sortir – sorti Remember…! Venir – venu MS VAN DER TRAMP Aller - allé Naître – né Descendre - descendu Entrer - entré Retourner - retourné Tomber - tombé Rester - resté Arriver - arrivé Mourir - mort Partir - parti

8 Corrigez les fautes 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 8 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Je (feminine) suis allé. Je suis allée.

9 Corrigez les fautes 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 9 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Elle a venue. Elle est venue.

10 Corrigez les fautes 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 10 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Il es parti. Il est parti.

11 Corrigez les fautes 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 11 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Ils sommes allés. Ils sont allés.

12 Corrigez les fautes 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 12 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Elles sont morte. Elles sont mortes.

13 Corrigez les fautes 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 13 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Nous avons montés. Nous sommes montés.

14 Corrigez les fautes 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 14 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Vous (feminine) êtes sortis. Vous êtes sorties.

15 Corrigez les fautes 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 15 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Ils est venus. Ils sont venus.

16 Corrigez les fautes 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 16 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Je (masculine) suis allée. Je suis allé.

17 Corrigez les fautes 01/11/2011Mademoiselle Morgan 17 Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Lesson Objectives To recap how to form the past tense: using verbs which take ‘avoir’. using verbs which take ‘être’. Tu (masculine) es nées. Tu es né.

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