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Publié parSylvianne Darras Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
Independent Study Week 6
Welcome to Week #6 This week you will have daily grammar exercises to practice the Present Tense of RE Verbs and adverbs. You will be quizzed on Friday.
Continue to do the following each day: Complete the daily log Summarize a current event Work through BBC Ma France Read Chapter 5 of La Joconde by Friday. Do not take the book home with you, I only have one copy of it. Place it on my desk when you are finished reading it. Merci!
Early French History Continued Watch this video on Charles Martel: http://www.history.com/videos/charles- martel-repels-the-moors#charles-martel- repels-the-moors Charles Martel was King of the Franks a couple of hundred years following Clovis’ rule. Write a summary of the video.
RE Verb Review http://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/vre1.html Visit this website to review the RE verbs and present tense endings. Copy the endings, the verbs and their meanings in your notes. Complete the activities at the bottom of the page and check your answers. You will be quizzed next Friday.
Look up the following verbs and write them in your notebook. Attendre Défendre (le château) Descendre (les escaliers, la montagne) Entendre (les oiseaux, la musique) Étendre (les bras, les jambes) Fondre (le fromage, la glace, le chocolat) Pendre (les vêtements) Perdre (les clés, le sac à main, le sac à dos) Prétendre Rendre (un baiser, un invitation, grâce, un cadeau) Répandre (la nouvelle, le sel) Répondre (à) Vendre
Adverbs Review Visit this website to review adverbs: http://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/adv2.htm l Complete the exercises at the bottom of the page and check your answers.
Mon: Practice with Present Tense RE Verbs Write in English. J’attends Pierre depuis deux heures et puis je suis très frustré. Nous fondons le chocolat. Jean pend les vêtements. Tu prétends le chien? Vous répondez aux questions?
Check your answers. I’m waiting for Pierre for two hours and so I’m very frustrated. We are melting the chocolate. Jean is handing the clothes. Are you (informal) claiming the dog? Are you (formal) answering the questions?
Tues: Practice with Present Tense IR Verbs Write in English. Nous répandons la nouvelle. Je perds toujours les clés. Entends-tu les oiseaux? La glace fond parce qu’il fait très chaud. Elle étend les bras.
Check your answers. We are spreading the news. I always lose my keys. Do you (informal) hear the birds? The ice cream is melting because it’s very hot. She is stretching her arms.
Weds: Practice with Present Tense IR Verbs Write in English. Je descends la montagne. Prétendez-vous les chats? Il entend la musique. Elles vendent leurs robes.
Check your answers. I’m going down the mountain. Are you (formal) claiming the cats? He hears the music. They (f) are selling their dresses.
Thursday: Practice with Present Tense IR Verbs Write in English. Je vends ma voiture. Il perd souvent son manteau. Ils défendent leur soeur. Est-ce que tu répands la nouvelle?
Check your answers. I’m selling my car. He often loses his coat. They (m) are defending their sister. Are you (informal) spreading the news?
Friday Write in English. Nous descendons les escaliers. Je perds rarement les clés. Vous répondez aux questions en français ou en anglais? Il m’attend.
Check your answers. We are going down the steps. I rarely lose my keys. Are you (formal) answering the questions in French or in English? He’s waiting for me.
Current Events http://www.france24.com/en/france Visit the website above. Summarize a current event in France in one paragraph, in English.
BBC: Ma France This series will help your pronunciation greatly. Visit this link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/mafrance/ flash/# You will need headphones. They are in the closet in the front of the room. Work through the videos. You should spend at least 15 minutes on this site a day. Log what you completed.
Watch this video. This video was made by the same tourists in France. http://blip.tv/world-traveler/loire-alsace- 580378 It shows the Loire Valley and Alsace.
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