In French… The relative pronouns in French are ce qui and ce que. They both mean WHAT. - Ce qui stands for the subject of the clause it introduces. - Ce.

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Présentation au sujet: "In French… The relative pronouns in French are ce qui and ce que. They both mean WHAT. - Ce qui stands for the subject of the clause it introduces. - Ce."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 In French… The relative pronouns in French are ce qui and ce que. They both mean WHAT. - Ce qui stands for the subject of the clause it introduces. - Ce que stands for the direct object. It is usually followed by a noun or a pronoun that is the subject of the clause.

2 CE QUI me plaît, cést de faire du yoga. CE QUE j’aime, c’est faire de la natation. Notice that ce que is always followed by a subject, where ce qui is usually followed by a verb. Before a vowel sound, ce que becomes ce qu’.

3 Complete the following sentences with ce qui, ce que, or ce qu’. _____ ils aiment, c’est faire de la plongée. _____ m’ennuie, c’est d’aller à la pêche. _____ Thomas préfère, c’est la pizza. _____ les élèves n’aiment pas, c’est les devoirs _____ mon frère déteste, c’est les petits pois.

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