Le passé composé LO: use the perfect tense accurately for regular verbs with “avoir” Vendredi 17 septembre.

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1 Le passé composé LO: use the perfect tense accurately for regular verbs with “avoir” Vendredi 17 septembre

2 Hier / le week-end dernier 1.J’ai regardé 2.J’ai mangé 3.J’ai dansé 4.J’ai fini 5.J’ai choisi 6.J’ai attendu 7.J’ai perdu 8.J’ai fait 9.J’ai bu 10.J’ai vu I ate I chose I drank I did I watched I saw I lost I danced I waited I finished

3 Le passé composé (perfect tense) J’ai regardé – I watched To form the perfect tense, use “avoir” in the present tense + the past participle of the verb

4 avoir in the present tense: – j’ai – tu as – il a – elle a – on a – nous avons – vous avez – ils ont – elles ont to have in the present tense – I have – you have – he has – she has – we have – you have – they have

5 Participes passé (past participles) InfinitifParticipe passé -er (regarder)-é (regardé) -ir (finir)-i (fini) -re (attendre)-u (attendu)

6 infinitifparticipe passé regarderregardé danser manger acheter chanter finir choisir prétendre attendre

7 1.Yesterday, I watched TV. 2.Yesterday, I ate a pizza. 3.Yesterday, I bought a CD. 4.Yesterday, I waited for my bus. 5.Yesterday, she bought a dress. 6.Yesterday, he sang a song. 7.Yesterday, they watched a film. 8.Yesterday, we danced.

8 www.quia.com/web

9 Devoirs – pour Lundi learn avoir in the present tense + how to make past participles

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