Warm up There are organizations which advocate animals rights; otherwise the killing of animals to use parts of the bodies for any human need is a violation.

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Présentation au sujet: "Warm up There are organizations which advocate animals rights; otherwise the killing of animals to use parts of the bodies for any human need is a violation."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Warm up There are organizations which advocate animals rights; otherwise the killing of animals to use parts of the bodies for any human need is a violation to their rights (to live). Write five sentences expressing your opinions.

2 Irregular subjunctive forms: You have already learned some verbs that have irregular stems in the subjunctive. Here are some others. * To form the subjunctive of the verb pouvoir, add the regular subjunctive endings to the stem puiss- Je ne pense pas qu’on puisse toucher les animaux.

3 To form the subjunctive of the verb aller, add the regular endings to the stems all- ( for the nous and vous forms) and aill-( for the other forms ). que j’aille que nous allions que tu ailles que vous alliez qu’il/elle/on aille qu’ils/elles aaillent Je ne veux pas que tu ailles en Afrique. J’ai peur que vous alliez très vite.

4 All subjunctive forms of the verbs être and avoir are irregular: que je sois que j’aie Que tu sois que tu aies Il/elle/ on soit il/elle ait Que nous soyons nous ayons Que vous soyez vous ayez Ils/elles soient ils /elles aient II a peur que ça soit trop dangereux. Je ne pense pas qu’iI y ait d’orignaux.

5 Go back to Mise en train p.188 & 189: cd 7,Tr.1 Answer question p. 190 # 1, 2, 3, & 5 Reading about animals p. 204 & 205 Correction brainstorms Projects( Children of Bangui) * * Handouts* Movie about smart animal vs human beings * Look back yesterday activities * Preparation Test chapter 7

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