The Passé Composé The past tense in French is referred to as the passé composé. It is made up of two parts! You must always have these two parts to create.

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Présentation au sujet: "The Passé Composé The past tense in French is referred to as the passé composé. It is made up of two parts! You must always have these two parts to create."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 The Passé Composé The past tense in French is referred to as the passé composé. It is made up of two parts! You must always have these two parts to create it. First part = the auxiliary verb The second part = the past participle.

2 To form past participles for er, ir and re verbs, you will do the following: Er verbs, change er to é IR verbs, remove the ir, replace with i Re verbs, remove the re, replace with u The auxiliary verb is what will change according to the subject.

3 Here are some past tense sentences. Underline the auxiliary verb and circle the past participle. J’ai regardé la télé hier(yesterday). Nous avons fini nos devoirs. Ils ont mangé la pizza. Vous avez rangé votre chambre. Elle a maigri en été. Elles ont attendu le bus. J’ai travaillé au restaurant avec mon ami.

4 Nous (voyager) Ils (danser) Je (vendre) Il (perdre) Vous (choisir) Tu (finir)

5 Ex 1 et 2 page 111 Acheter =to buy Ex2 1. As-tu fini les decorations? –Oui, J’ai fini les decorations.

6 To negate sentences in the passe compose, put the ne and pas around the form of avoir. J’ai attendu le bus. Je n’ai pas attendu le bus. Nous avons attendu le bus. Nous n’avons pas attendu le bus.

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