WALT: Recognise and write about weather in the past, present and future tenses. WILF: Accurate sentences in the 3 tenses for grade B.

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Présentation au sujet: "WALT: Recognise and write about weather in the past, present and future tenses. WILF: Accurate sentences in the 3 tenses for grade B."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 WALT: Recognise and write about weather in the past, present and future tenses. WILF: Accurate sentences in the 3 tenses for grade B.

2 The next slide will show you examples of weather phrases in the different tenses. Keep referring to it to help you through this lesson.

3 PastPresentFuture il y avait du soleilil y a du soleilil y aura du soleil il pleuvaitil pleutil pleuvra il y avait du ventil y a du ventil y aura du vent il neigeaitil neigeil neigera il y avait des nuagesil y a des nuagesil y aura des nuages il faisait chaudil fait chaudil fera chaud il faisait froidil fait froidil fera froid

4 The next slide will remind you of the compass points, note them don in your books if necessary.

5 le nord le sud l’est l’ouest NO SOSE NE

6 le nord-ouest le sud-est le nord-est le sud-ouest N S E O

7 inthe south westof Italyit iswindy. dansle sud-ouestde l’Italieil y adu vent. Look at how these sentences are constructed in English and French yesterday inthe eastof Belgiumit wassnowing! hier dansl’estde la Belgiqueilneigeait! The coloured boxes can be changed for the time, area, country, tense and weather

8 inthe south eastof Franceit issunny. yesterday inthe northof Englandit wasraining! tomorrow inthe southof Spainit will behot. Translate the following sentences into French

9 j’adore - I love j’aime - I like je n’aime pas - I don’t like je déteste - I hate c’est - it is c’était - it was ça sera - it will be tous les jours – everyday souvent – often hier – yesterday demain - tomorrow parce que - because mais - but trop - too très - very Useful phrases for adding more detail, note them down if necessary.

10 Translate into French! I love the snow, but it is very cold! In Austria it snows everyday. In the north of England it will rain. Today I am going to the park, it will be warm. Yesterday in the south east of England it was very windy and it rained.

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