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Making sentences negative
HIGHER FRENCH GRAMMAR Making sentences negative
Negatives you already know
NE is shortened to N’ if the verb starts with a vowel or “h” NE … PAS = not = never NE … JAMAIS
= Negatives you already know VERB
Make a negative verb sandwich! = VERB Remember, the negative goes AROUND the verb.
Negatives you already know
After pas, du, de la, un, une and des become ‘de’ or d’ J’ai un frère (I have a brother) Je n’ai pas de frères (I haven’t got any brothers) Il y a une piscine (There is a swimming pool) Il n’y a pas de piscine (There isn’t a swimming pool)
Practice 1 Make the following sentences negative, using either NE…PAS or NE…JAMAIS as indicated: 1. Je regarde la télé (not) 2. Il joue au foot (never) 3. Elle écoute le prof (never) 4. Tu vas au cinéma? (not) 5. Il fait ses devoirs (never) 6. Je sors ce soir (not) Je ne regarde pas la télé Il ne joue jamais au foot Elle n’écoute jamais le prof Tu ne vas pas au cinéma? Il ne fait jamais ses devoirs Je ne sors pas ce soir
Other negatives There are another 6 negatives you need to know:
NE … RIEN NE … PLUS NE … PERSONNE NE … QUE NE … NI … NI NE … AUCUN NE … NULLE PART = nothing / not anything = no longer / no more = no-one = only = neither … nor = not a single, none at all = nowhere/ not anywhere
(He doesn’t do anything)
Practice 2 Make the following sentences negative, using the correct negative as indicated: Il fait (nothing) Il ne fait rien (He does nothing) (He doesn’t do anything)
Practice 2 J’aime les pommes (no longer) Je n’ aime plus les pommes
Make the following sentences negative, using the correct negative as indicated: J’aime les pommes (no longer) Je n’ aime plus les pommes (I don’t like apples any more) (I no longer like apples)
Practice 2 Elle écoute (no-one) Elle n’ écoute personne
Make the following sentences negative, using the correct negative as indicated: Elle écoute (no-one) Elle n’ écoute personne (She doesn’t listen to anyone) (She listens to no-one)
Practice 2 Je regarde les films (only) Je ne regarde que les films
Make the following sentences negative, using the correct negative as indicated: Je regarde les films (only) Je ne regarde que les films (I only watch films)
Practice 2 Je regarde Friends / ER (neither … nor)
Make the following sentences negative, using the correct negative as indicated: Je regarde Friends / ER (neither … nor) Je ne regarde ni Friends ni ER (I watch neither Friends nor ER)
Practice 2 Je regarde les feuilletons (not a single, not any)
Make the following sentences negative, using the correct negative as indicated: Je regarde les feuilletons (not a single, not any) Je ne regarde aucun feuilleton (I don’t watch any soaps)
Reminder NE … PAS = not NE … JAMAIS = never NE … RIEN
NE … PLUS NE … PERSONNE NE … QUE NE … NI … NI NE … AUCUN NE … NULLE PART = not = never = nothing / not anything = no longer / no more = no-one = only = neither … nor = not a single / not any = nowhere/ not anywhere
Practice 3 I don’t have a part-time job anymore
Using the negative phrases you have just learnt, copy and translate the following sentences: I don’t have a part-time job anymore Je n’ai plus de petit boulot I don’t earn any money Je ne gagne pas d’argent I never go out during the week Je ne sors jamais pendant la semaine I don’t do anything at school Je ne fais rien à l’école
COMPOUND VERBS (a verb that is made up of 2 parts)
Things to watch out for! You didn’t think it was going to be that easy did you? COMPOUND VERBS (a verb that is made up of 2 parts) When the verb is made up of 2 parts, the second part of the negative is placed after the first part OR the second part of the verb. It depends which group the negative belongs to. Group A or Group B.
Il n’a pas pris de douche
COMPOUND VERBS Group A negatives : ne…pas, ne…plus, ne…jamais, ne…rien The second part of the negatives (pas/plus/jamais/rien) go after the first part of the verb or after the first verb. Ex: Il a pris une douche. 1st part of verb 2nd part of verb 1st part of negative 2nd part of negative Il n’a pas pris de douche
(He hasn’t done anything)
COMPOUND VERBS Make the following sentences negative, using the correct negative as indicated: 1st part of verb 2nd part of verb Il a fait (nothing) (He has done) Il n’a rien fait (He hasn’t done anything) 2nd part of negative 1st part of negative
Copy and translate the following sentences: Je suis allé en vacances avec mes parents. > (I didn’t go on holiday with my parents) Je ne suis pas allé en vacances avec mes parents. 2. J’ai fumé >(I’ve never smoked) Je n’ai jamais fumé 3. Je veux travailler>(I don’t want to work anymore) Je ne veux plus travailler
ne…personne, ne…que, ne…ni…ni, ne…aucun(e), ne…nulle part.
COMPOUND VERBS 2 Group B negatives ne…personne, ne…que, ne…ni…ni, ne…aucun(e), ne…nulle part. In this case personne/que/ni/aucun(e)/nulle part go after the second part of the verb. 1st part of verb 2nd part of verb 2nd part of negative 1st part of negative Ils n’ont vu personne (They didn’t see anyone)
Ils ne sont allés nulle part.
COMPOUND VERBS 2 Ils n’ont vu que moi. (They saw only me.) Ils ne sont allés nulle part. (They went nowhere.)
REFLEXIVE VEBRS Je m’entends bien avec ma sœur (not)
With reflexive verbs the first part of the negative is placed before the reflexive pronoun reflexive pronoun verb Je m’entends bien avec ma sœur (not) (I get on with my sister) Je ne m’entends pas bien avec ma sœur (I don’t get on with my sister) 2nd part of negative 1st part of negative
Copy and translate the following sentences: Je me dispute avec mes parents >(I don’t argue with my parents) Je ne me dispute pas avec mes parents Le week-end, je me réveille de bonne heure >(At the weekend, I never wake up early) Le week-end, je ne me réveille jamais de bonne heure
Jamais, personne and rien can be used on their own -Qu’est-ce que tu prends au petit déjeuner? -Rien
PERSONNE / RIEN Personne ne le connaît Rien ne me plaît
Personne and rien may also be subjects and will need to be placed at the beginning of the sentence. Watch out! ne is still required! Personne ne le connaît (no-one knows it) Rien ne me plaît (nothing pleases me)
Copy and translate the following sentences:
Recap Exercises Copy and translate the following sentences: Nobody knows where he is Personne ne sait où il est They didn’t hurry up Ils/elles ne se sont pas dépêché(e)s I haven’t finished my homework Je n’ai pas fini mes devoirs She doesn’t want to lend me her car Elle ne veut pas me prêter sa voiture Our French teacher is never angry Notre professeur de français n’est jamais en colère
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