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Publié parMoisé Blaise Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Français 2, 5 Novembre 2014 Read blog comments. Reply to one of them in French. What has three teeth and sixty feet? Tant – so much. Attends! Je ne t’en demand pas tant. Wait! I’m not asking you so much. Goals – Practice with adjectives that come before the noun. Practice with our house vocabularylearn compliments. Les Devoirs – A la page 44, #24.
Français 2, 6 Novembre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 44. Faites # 22 Ecoute. Did you hear about the man who fell into the upholstery machine? Le gaz – gas. Il y a de l’eau dans le gaz. It’s getting bad. Goals – Pull together the details so we can do our orale. Les Devoirs – Rough draft écriture 2-2.
Français 2, 7 Novembre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 45. Faites Panorama Culturel. Améliorer- to improve. Il faut améliorer ton comportement. You must behave better. Why don’t mummies take vacations? Goals –Practice presenting your floor plan for orale. Work with your rough draft. Les Devoirs – Final Draft écriture 2-2!
Français 2, 7 Novembre 2012 Ouvrez vos livres à page 47. Faites #25. What has three teeth and sixty feet? Tant – so much. Attends! Je ne t’en demand pas tant. Wait! I’m not asking you so much. Goals – New vocabulary. Focus on describing where things are. Evaluate video. Les Devoirs – Make true sentences using vocabulary on page 47 and the map on page 46. You may not use sentences from #25.
Français 2, 8 Novembre 2012 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 47. Faites # 26 Ecoute. La chance - luck. Bonne Chance! Why are there fences around cemeteries? Goals – Review vocabulary, new vocab. Introduce contractions. Finish evaluating 2-2. Cultural Information. Les Devoirs – Page 48, #27.
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