Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris News and Views - Update de la Run Sel. - Plans pour l’analyse - Status du budget - AOB (conf., ecoles etc..)

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1 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris News and Views - Update de la Run Sel. - Plans pour l’analyse - Status du budget - AOB (conf., ecoles etc..)

2 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Update of Run Selection Using also p13.06 and being a bit more conservative on rejection  50 pb -1 reconstructed lumi after jetmet runselection

3 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris METB (“no”CH) vs METC (withCH) one entry/run. METC-x METB-y METC-y METB-y METB is much more stable than METC. Main effect is removal of CH. P13.04 – P13.06 data Mean MET-x Mean MET-y

4 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris METB and SETB (mean, RMS)

5 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris METx and y, and RMS

6 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Variables for Run Selection Shift-xy RMS-xy Scal.E T

7 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Variables for Run Selection

8 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Good Run Definition Only Runs with >= 1000 events are considered. (451 runs, p13.04/05) RUNS from 162004 to 170374 Define the average shift: MET-xy = sqrt [ ( ) 2 +( ) 2 ] For a GOOD RUN: 1) Require MET-xy < 3 GeV 2) Require mean scalar E T between > 80 GeV. 3) Require stable RMS of METx and y (< 11 GeV in average)  RUN SELECTION released last week. With full statistics, use MET-xy < 5 GeV in all files of a run, and MET-xy < 3.5 GeV in average. RMS-xy < 16 GeV in all files of a run RMS-xy < 15 GeV in average.

9 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris More Lumi for Moriond? MORIOND sample: mid-august to January shutdown lumi runs: 877; 756 > 1000 Event Events 166 966231 Live fraction 0.79 Recorded Lumi 66 258 nb -1 (delivered 82.5 pb -1 ) AVAILABLE in P13.04 –P13.06 (7 th of February) V2.1 kept: 537 Runs on a total of 631 reconstructed with p13.04-06 kept: 126 107952 Events on a total of 144 545766 fraction: 0.93 kept: 51 228 nb -1 of Recorded Lumi on a total of 54127 929 nb -1

10 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Before / After ? MORIOND sample: mid-august to January shutdown Selection Feb.3: Before with good run lists we were keeping 436 runs  45.7 pb -1 recorded (44.9 offline) Selection Feb.12 537 runs  51.3 pb -1 Recorded Lumi (49.1 offline) (4 runs removed because of METshift close to limit and bad phi jet distribution: 168511/169890/165665/165715).

11 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Upgrades for P14 Implement at reco level the MET proposed treatment for p13 (same cells used up to layer 14 for MET, Jets, e.m. objects. Rejection of unclustered energy in CH):  remodel MET block: 1) Phase out Towers computations(METT kept) 2) Store more info at cell Level: METC, METD (1-14), METNG, MET42, METNADA METCH, METEM, METFH, METMG, METICD  Store combined px,py,pz of CH cells in each jet (A,B) in order to easily create META or METB. enhanced NADA in CH layers new T42 algorithm to reduce low energy noise

12 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Projets d’Analyse Steph: Top_Analyze sur le skim du Higgs  Convaincre Top et Higgs de faire un skim commun: 1) canal e+jets (ok pour les 3 theses) 2) Que fait on avec mu+jets???? Evolution des collabs:  Single Top: collab. naturelle se met en place avec Sebastien et les autres single-toppers. Seb utilise t-il top_analyze?  Sections efficaces: noyau autour de Steph et Jean-Roch tout ceci en continuant a developper T42, jets et Nada

13 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Run IIb Reunion avec les autres c.d.g. pour essayer de les faire adopter une position proche de la notre:  Resultat plutot encourageant sur le moment (soutien discret de PP en particulier) mais depuis ca n’a pas beaucoup bouge’ et les CS de marseille et grenoble approchent  Leur envoyer notre proposition comme base de proposition in2p3  que faire si ca ne converge pas?

14 Jet/Met Feb.-12-2003 G. Bernardi LPNHE - Paris Budget Situation tres mauvaise On a recu 51kE sur 72kE demandes (56 en 2002) du labo On a recu 12kE sur 22kE “ (27 en 2002) in2p3 Donc 63kE par rapport a 83 last year et 94 demandes (le groupe a grossi disons de 5 a 6) J’ai demande’ infos aux autres c.d.g  pas de reponse Next step protestation a wormser/augustin

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