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Work Effort in the LHC Injector Complex, Including Linac4 Connection, for the Upgrade Scenarios
J-B. Lallement, B. Mikulec Thanks for the invaluable input from the LIU project leaders and LIU work-package holders and many other colleagues + precious planning help from D. Hay, S. Mataguez and D. Mcfarlane B. Mikulec
2 talks in 1 For coherency and clarity:
Linac4 ready for connection by end 2016
Flexibility to adapt to any connection schedule If connection in LS2: Risk of Linac2 breakdown – Emergency connection at 50 MeV with reduced performance. Linac4 in standby 2-3 years after the reliability run (1 week of beam every 2 months). Key experts will leave the project before LS2 (retirements, LDs, Fellows) . Keep the motivation to follow a planning. JB. Lallement – RLIUP Workshop – 31/10/2013
Linac4 : Working on two fronts
1. Linac2-Linac4 interface : Where the connection takes place 2. Measurement line(s) at PSB injection : Upgrade needed from 50 to 160 MeV 50 MeV 160 MeV JB. Lallement – RLIUP Workshop – 31/10/2013
JB. Lallement – RLIUP Workshop – 31/10/2013
L2/L4 interface : 12 weeks Linac2 Linac4 Linac2 TL New path for DC cables. Shielding wall. Emergency exit. “Chateau”. Chicane. 12 weeks (4 weeks cool down) Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Linac2/Linac4 interface Cool down Line removal up to BHZ.20 DC cable path Emergency exit door Château Chicane Shielding wall Line installation L2 tunnel access door JB. Lallement – RLIUP Workshop – 31/10/2013
Measurement line(s) : 12 weeks
2 measurement lines : LBE and LBS. LBE upgraded for 160 MeV. LBS replaced by a diagnostic in the L4 TL. Connection time and work considerably reduced: 4-5 months less, 1 M CHF saved, better resolution. Decoupling L4 planning from PSB and PS. Can be kept for ions (or similar solution in L3). 12 weeks (6 weeks cool down) Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 LBE line Cool down Removal of L2 LBE Installation of L4 LBE Cabling JB. Lallement – RLIUP Workshop – 31/10/2013
Linac4 : 15 weeks to deliver a beam to the PSB
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Linac2/Linac4 interface Cool down Line removal up to BHZ.20 DC cable path Emergency exit door Château Chicane Shielding wall Line installation L2 tunnel access door LBE line Removal of L2 LBE Installation of L4 LBE Cabling Beam commissioning 3 weeks of beam commissioning : Produce different types of beam and full characterization (transverse and longitudinal parameters). Commissioning will be extended until validation from PSB. Linac4 is in the shadow of PSB. JB. Lallement – RLIUP Workshop – 31/10/2013
No ions in the PS during cabling and LBE work
While ions in the PS, possible work at L4/L2 interface and PSB. Beam stopper in the BI line for ions in PS. Magnet consignation (LT.BHZ30). Time required for Linac4 with no beam in the PS : 6 weeks (after 6 weeks of cool down). JB. Lallement – RLIUP Workshop – 31/10/2013
Outline Linac4 connection to the PSB – an option in case of an intermediate shutdown? PSB LS2 planning estimate PS LS2 planning estimate SPS LS2 planning estimate Summary
Linac4 Connection to the PSB in an Intermediate Shutdown
Linac4 reliability run will be concluded end 2016 PSB equipment for Linac4 connection ready end 2016 Current baseline: Linac4 to be connected during LS2 (2018?), but: Risk of Linac2 breakdown increases emergency connection of Linac4 (50 MeV protons), but risk stop of ~2 months and reduced performance for many physics beams and spoil Linac4 commissioning Linac4 would be in standby during 2-3 years Difficult to maintain motivation for current commissioning progress Maintenance cost Several experts will leave project; problem with recommissioning? Linac4 connection to PSB, 2 GeV PSB upgrade and upgrades of all other machines would be in parallel Considerable risk in terms of post-LS2 beam quality/reliability LS2 duration determined by work in the PSB (see next slides)
Injection line
PSB Planning Overview for L4 connection to PSB
Consider purely Linac4 connection to PSB; >200 activities Main activities: Cabling campaign (5 months), magnet exchange (BI line), vertical beam distribution, injection kickers (horizontal painting), injection section (injection chicane + charge-exchange foil), beam instrumentation etc. KSW HV conditioning (1 month) after machine closure in parallel with HW testing and cold checkout. Complex beam commissioning (~2 months) Detailed planning worked out for installation of injection section to be confident on time estimate (4 months). Cabling (3 shifts/day) Hardware installation
Summary L4 Connection to PSB
LHCPROBE injected into PS LHC production beam injected into PS LHC production beam injected into LHC LHCPILOT injected into LHC Duration for the Linac4 connection to the PSB: 9.2 months Deliverable: LHC production beam injected into PS; coincides with injection of LHCPILOT beam into the LHC Other physics beams to follow at an estimated rate of ~2/week First beam to the PS after 9 months Ion run and CMS pixel detector installation in parallel? Ion beam commissioning in LHC ion injector chain end of 2016 in parallel to p run LHC ion run of up to 3.5 month after X-mas CMS pixel detector installation: 4.5 months Could other activities profit? (NA61/SHINE etc.) Maybe move LHCPILOT injection into LHC 1 week later (+shift LHC production beam into LHC) tbc by Karel!
Boundary Conditions for LS2 Planning
Studied: PSB, PS and SPS Considered: All tunnel activities Mainly LIU activities, but also include Usual machine opening/closing activities Estimated radiation cool-down times Estimated cabling campaign durations and Consolidation items that could affect the overall LS duration. Surface activities only included if they affect LS duration Estimates for beam commissioning times
Main PSB LS2 Activities Modification for H- injection at 160 MeV (if not done during an intermediate shutdown): Renovation of PSB injection line, new vertical beam distribution system at injection, complex new injection section with charge- exchange stripping foil, related beam instrumentation, injection and painting chicanes, internal dumps, new vacuum sectorisation etc. (see Linac4 connection to PSB) New MPS Renovation of cooling and ventilation systems RF upgrade New or improved beam instrumentation Modifications to main magnet cooling circuits + shimming; replacement of several additional magnets New extraction kicker, new recombination kicker and septa Impressive cabling campaign!
PSB LS2 Planning 3m waiting for cabling … 1m 8.5m 2m 2w + 7m 5m 3m
Close PSB 1m 8.5m 2m MPS testing MPS testing 2w + MPS Testing (new MPS building) 7m 5m 3m Renovation of PSB cooling system Run in new RF system Beam commissioning 3m waiting for cabling … 5.5m 5m Dismantling and installation in parallel Equipment tests and HV DC conditioning BE.KFA14L1 Start connecting and testing equipment 9m Cabling campaign After 2.5m LHCPROBE beam to PS 12m Ventilation consolidation (work in tunnel possible, but partly no redundancy) First 1.5 months: radiation cool-down (2w for standard works at end of run + 1m MPS testing) Cooling system renovation: start dismantling transfer line cooling stations; 7 months very tight for complete renovation study underway to construct new station in parallel to existing one in new MPS building Min. cabling campaign duration: 9 months! (3 shifts/day) First beam to PS after 17.5 months Delivery of LHC production beam to PS: after 18 months
PS LS2 Planning
PS LS2 Planning Summary Radiation cool-down: 1 month
General access: after 2 months Assumed duration of cabling campaign: 8 months (detailed cabling study still to be done) Many LIU-related activities already carried out during LS1 Magnets: new vertical correctors and normal/skew quadrupoles (2 GeV) – 5 months; replace PFW – 1 year (consolidation) New injection kicker, bumper, septum – 4 months RF: 10 MHz upgrade etc.; duration defined by general maintenance BI: not time-critical (BWS, BLMs, injection SEM grid, IPM?) Vacuum, electrical services, … Close PS: after 13 months 4 weeks of hardware test and 2 weeks of cold check-out Ready for beam from PSB: after 14.5 months Magnets: Storage place in lab is limiting factor (max 4. magnets/month) RF: 10 MHz system renovation; upgrade of feedback amplifiers; fully digital beam control Do we have to change a large fraction of vacuum flanges (insulation problem)?
SPS LS2 Planning Start of shutdown works: <2 months
Restart: ~3 months BI activities (BGI, BSRT, IMM, head-/tail m., BLM, MOPOS, wire scanners) 200 MHz RF: ~12.5 months EN-STI (new external dump etc.) TE-ABT (fast rise-time kicker for ions etc.) TE-EPC (MSE-septa power supply) Replacement of faulty magnets aC-coating of 6 sectors: 12 months Cabling campaigns: estimated 10 months CV maintenance
SPS: RF 200 MHz Upgrade - Schedule
Work cannot be split and has to be done in one go…
SPS: RF 200 MHz – LS2 Details New building to be finished with all services by end 2015 New amplifiers installation to start in new building beginning 2016 First six months of LS2 for cavity rearrangement in LSS3 Cabling Cooling system Removal of all 18 existing cavity sections Displacement/install new cavity supports Displacement/installation new pickups Re-install 18 existing cavity sections Installation 2 new cavity sections Installation 6 new coupler covers Installation 6 new main power couplers Vacuum connections and tests Alignment Details of LSS3 interventions and schedule to be worked out Availability of key services (cabling, CV, VSC) to be verified Second six months of LS2 for system commissioning and tests 2E11/bunch for 25 ns
SPS: aC Coating Technology now developed for treating chambers in magnets Needs to be done in special workshop of 700 m2 surface (not feasible in tunnel; preferably to be done in BHA5) Tested for MBB and MBA chambers, and pumping ports 4 SPS half-cells now equipped Estimated flow: 6 magnets in / 6 magnets out per day Scope of deployment: carbon thin film coating of min. 90% of the SPS MBB+MBA (~5 km; >700 dipoles), QF+QD, LSS and maybe SSS (10%) Including pumping port shields BHA5: belongs to ATLAS Need 700 m^2 workshop on surface; only option for magnet removal would be BA6 due to crane + good lift (+road transport), but no workshop available
SPS LS2 Planning Summary
Remark: US1 + US2 involve identical hardware modifications! (e--cloud mitigation already included in US1 changes) General access: after 2 months Critical interventions: 200 MHz upgrade: 12.5 months; cannot be split aC coating: 12 months Cabling campaigns? – need study End of LS2 installations: after 14.5 months Patrols, DSO tests (1.5 weeks) 6 weeks for magnet + EPC tests 4 weeks cold checkout ready to receive beam from the PS after 16.5 months 1.5 months for beam commissioning (new SPS RF beam control!)
Summary Overall LS2 Planning
LS2 (upgrade scenarios 1 and 2 equivalent for injectors): Limited by PSB activities (cabling) PSB first beam (LHCPROBE) to the PS: after 17.5 months PS ready for beam from PSB already after 14.5 months Beam commissioning to be added: 5 weeks* SPS ready for beam from PS: after 16.5 months Beam commissioning to be added: 1.5 months First injection of LHCPILOT into the LHC: after ~20.5 months Depending on e--cloud situation in SPS, min. time for injection of LHC production beam into the LHC: after ~22 months (scrubbing!) PS beam commissioning: assuming restarting with old beam control and switch-over possibility old/new beam control implemented; 2w (OP) + 3w (RF) PS beam commissioning: add 2 weeks (LS1.5 or LS2) for setup of LHC production beam SPS beam commissioning: add min 6 weeks for LHC production beam (scrubbing? e-cloud situation?) LHC from 1st injection to 1st collision (Verena; in case of no major changes!): 4-6 weeks * Assume restarting with old beam control and have a switch-over possibility old/new beam control.
A Few Words on Risk Management
Minimise upgrade risks (mainly in terms of duration) through Advance certain interventions if possible during short stops (not a lot to gain…) Mechanical mock-ups Test stands/beam tests where applicable (half-sector test in L4T) Integration studies (include CV and EL equipment!) Detailed planning of each modification including co-activity and personnel resources Early preparation of new applications/controls Detailed beam commissioning planning for restart.
Concluding Remarks Gaining 3 months in the PSB works would be necessary to align the LS2 injector schedules. Detailed study of cabling and rack situation in all machines required. Investing an additional 3.5 months proton physics to connect Linac4 to the PSB during an intermediate shutdown (together with CMS pixel detector exchange and other potential consolidation/upgrade activities) would save 3 months in LS2, reduce the risk of coactivity during LS2 and of a very difficult beam recommissioning. Would finally result in 0.5 additional months overall – useful time for ion community?
Backup Slides
Alternative Option for L4 Connection to PSB
Remark: This option is not preferred (great difficulties in commissioning of ion injector chain with ions after shutdown)!
D. Ricci, JC. Guillaume on behalf of EN-EL-CF
Cabling implementation and resources for LIU project during LS1.5 and LS2 D. Ricci, JC. Guillaume on behalf of EN-EL-CF
Working scenarios Scenario I Scenario II LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5
LIU Top priorities (PSB, PS, SPS) Identification cables PSB Transfert line PSB-LINAC4/LINAC2 clean-up PSB Installation PSB & LINACs PSB upgrade PS upgrade SPS upgrade + clean-up campaigns Identification cables PS, SPS,LINAC2 Scenario II LS1 LS1.5 LS2 LIU Top priorities (PSB, PS, SPS) Identification cables PSB Transfert line PSB-LINAC4/LINAC2 PSB upgrade PS upgrade SPS upgrade + clean-up campaigns Identification cables PS, SPS,LINAC2 (T. Stops) LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5 15/10/13
Machine layout Equipments in PSB injection tunnel are powered/controlled from LINAC2, LINAC4 and Booster locations. LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5 15/10/13
Scenario I: LINAC4/LINAC2
LINAC4/LINAC2 cabling requests LS1.5 (Transfert line PSB-LIN4/LIN2) LS2 Installation de 100 câbles 23 câbles 77 câbles Enlèvement de env. 300 câbles 0 câbles Env. 300 câbles LS1.5: Les convertisseurs existants sont laissés en place (BHZ20, 30 et 40). Seuls un tirage de nouveaux câbles est nécessaire pour les équipements de la ligne LBE: Quad, Steerers, SEM grids, BCT, Beam dump et Wire scanner. LS2: Les convertisseurs (BHZ20, 30 et 40)seront remis en place définitive au bat 363; remise à jour du câblage des lignes BI, LBE, LT et LTE. En LS2, l’installation des nouveaux convertisseurs va nécessiter le nettoyage d’anciens câbles situés dans les faux-plancher du bat. 363. LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5
Scenario I: LIU Booster
LIU-PSB cabling requests LS1.5 (Transfert line PSB-LIN4/LIN2) LS2 (PSB upgrade) Installation de 1785 câbles 954 câbles 831câbles Enlèvement de 1210 câbles 510 câbles 700 câbles Ce qui représente une section supplémentaire de: 2 echelles CTRL et 1.5 échelles Power (LS1.5) 0.5 échelles CTRL et 1 échelle Power (LS2) BCER vers galerie surface Cheminée BCER vers machine Entrée puits Booster depuis BCER Le retrait prévu par LIU des câbles obsolètes ne suffit pas pour LS1.5, il faut prévoir une campagne de retrait plus conséquente. Sortie BOR vers BCER LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5 15/10/13
LIU Booster project flow
- - - - - - Situation actuelle User A User B User C User A User B User C Demandes peu précises (tenants, aboutissants, type de câbles) Passages actuels bouchés pas pris en compte dans les demandes. Etudes des systèmes, demandes de câbles et de racks Repérage des câbles obsolètes EN-CV Design Intégration Nouvelles installations à prendre en compte. Coordination projet GS-SE - - - EN-EL Etudes câblage EN-EL-CF Need actions from: Machine project technical coordination Planning coordination Enlèvement des câbles obsolètes Coordination planning Installation infrastructures (racks et échelles à câbles) Installation des câbles LIU (par campagnes géographiques) LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5 15/10/13
Scenario I : PSB Cabling campaigns
Zones géographiques Câbles enlevés Câbles ajoutés Temps estimé LS1.5 (km) LS1.5 (3shifts) LS2 (km) LS2 (3shifts) Travaux mécaniques dans le PSB et S. de Ctrl 2 semaines (inst. racks, cheminements) Zone 1: S. de Ctrl vers Booster Ring 22 28 8 semaines 45 50 15 semaines Zone 2 : S. de Ctrl vers ligne BI et Cellules 1 et 16 40 30 11 semaines 2 1 semaines Zone 3: S. de Ctrl vers Lignes BT, BTP, BTM 2.5 3 3.5 Total Zones 1, 2, et 3 67.5 62 22 semaines 49.5 55.5 19 semaines (12.3 semaines dépose) (9 semaines dépose) Travaux mécaniques dans le LI2. Zone 4: Linac4 vers LT Linac 2 1 1 semaine 10 3 semaines (Travaux zone 4: Dans l'ombre des zones 1, 2 et 3.) Moyenne: 2.2 km/sem/shift. Hyposthèse: 1 min / m (pose et dépose) Budget: Env 4 MCHF LS1.5 & LS2 Cette hypothèse doit être vérifiée avec des informations plus précises LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5 15/10/13 Team work in // in the three zones not possible due to limited area and access constraints
LS2 for injectors: DEC 2017 – JUN 2019 (???)
Scenario II (LS2) Combination of Scenario I (LS1.5) and Scenario I (LS2) Transfer line PSB-LINAC4/LINAC2 PSB, PS, SPS upgrade + all related clean-up campaigns Previsional machine planning: LS2 for injectors: DEC 2017 – JUN 2019 (???) LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5 15/10/13
Resources pour LIU LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5 15/10/13
LIU doit mettre en place une personne qui s’occupe de la coordination technique du projet pour prendre en charge: 1) Mise à jour de l’intégration de tous les services existants et futurs, 2) Identification des câbles obsolètes par les utilisateurs, 3) Prise en compte des contraintes techniques de la zone, 4) Interface avec les utilisateurs. EN-EL-CF: resources to be foreseen for projet LIU (PSB, PS, SPS). 1 à 2 Chargés de projet (ingénieur électricité) dès le mois de novembre 2013 à fin LS2 selon graphique. 1 à 2 Techniciens pour le suivi du repérage des câbles obsolètes et préparation campagne de décâblage à partir de Janvier 2014 selon graphique. Au moment de l’installation: 1 surveillant de chantier par shift (FSU) Given the project complexity, it is advisable to keep the already trained resources in CF (engineers and technicians) which are otherwise foreseen to leave by the end of LS1 + contractor resources: 48 people for PSB only during LS1.5 (8 people/shift + 2x turnover due to reached dose limit) Corresponding to 50% of the total deployed for LS1 (all machines) EN-EL-CD: Intégration 3D pour mise à jour: 1) Des échelles à câbles – existantes et nouvelles, 2) Racks – existants et nouveaux, 3) Plans d’exécution. EN-EL: Mise ne place d’un ou plusieurs contrats d’exécution pour être opérationnel pour le LS1.5 et LS2 et être capable de travailler en 3 shifts sur une très ongue période. LS 1.5 LS 2 Nbre personnes (PSB, PS et SPS) LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5 15/10/13
LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5
Option: Recâblage complet du Booster Nombre de câbles signaux installés (selon câblo EN-EL) : Longueur totale estimée: km Durée estimée pour le retrait total des câbles signaux: 14 semaines en 3 shifts (2 campagnes en //) Travaux mécaniques (réfection des échelles à câbles) semaines en 3 shifts En admettant que 75% des câbles soient ré-installés, (= 450km), la durée estimée pour la ré-installation des câbles est de (connectique comprise) 50 semaines en 3 shifts Total du recâblage: semaines en 3 shifts (17 mois) Hypothèse Option: Dépose: 15 s/m Pose: 30 s/m Hypothèse Scénario 1 (PSB seulement) Pose & Dépose: 1 min/m soit 21.3 semaines pour la dépose sur un total de 41 (L1.5 + LS2). Budget préliminaire: 11 MCHF Cette hypothèse doit être vérifiée avec des informations plus précises - l’identification par les utilisateurs des câbles inutilisés. 40 LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5 LIU cabling feasibility LS1.5 15/10/13 15/10/13
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