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Publié parHenriette Laporte Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Warm up Lesson 3 Essential Question: Are there any other types of verbs besides –er verbs and how do you conjugate them?
Tell the time in complete sentences, starting with il est… 1. 1:15 2. 3:20 3. 5:30 4. 6:40 5. 8:45 6. 12:00 AM 7. 12:00 PM
Review ● What are the subject pronouns in French? (Clue) They are on the walls. ● Je ● Tu ● Il/elle/on ● Nous ● Vous ● Ils/elles
Name some –er verbs. ● danser ● chanter ● manger ● regarder ● écouter ● étudier ● téléphoner ● jouer ● aimer ● adorer ● marcher ● travailler ● répéter ● parler ● surfer ● détester
How do you conjugate these verbs? EXAMPLE: Jouer ● Je jou ● Tu jou ● Il/elle jou ● Nous jou ● Vous jou ● Ils/elles jou
Translate these sentences into French. ● I like listening to music. ● J’aime écouter de la musique. ● They (girls) sing. ● Elles chantent. ● We watch the tv. ● Nous regardons la télé. ● You (singular) speak French. ● Tu parles français.
-re verbs ● You’ve already learned about –er verbs in French. Here are the forms for a group of verbs that end in –re. attendre-to wait for j(e)attendsnousattendons tuattendsvousattendez il/elle/onattendils/ellesattendent
Examples ● Il attend Marc. – He waits for Marc. ● Nous attendons le bus. – We wait for the bus. ● Notice that in the third person singular form, you do not add an ending to the stem.
● How are the –re verbs similar to –er verbs?
More –re verbs ● entendre ● perdre ● répondre (à) ● vendre ● rendre ● rendre visite à ● to hear ● to lose ● to answer ● to sell ● to return ● to visit (someone)
Practice ● I will show you a verb form and you tell me what subject pronoun goes with that form. ● perdons ● vend ● rendez ● entends ● attendent
En classe Lise overhears snippets of conversations between her classmates before the bell. Complete these sentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs. 1. Attention! Tu _____ ton livre. (perdre) 2. Est-ce qu’on ___ des écouteurs là-bas? (vendre) 3. Nous ____ Annabelle après la sortie. (attendre) 4. Elles ne_____ pas aux questions du prof. (répondre) 5. Béa et Léo ___ des tee-shirts. (vendre) 1.2
1. Vous ___ Ludovic pour aller en cours? (attendre) 2. Il ne___ pas visite à sa grand-mère. (rendre) 3. Je___ toujours mes crayons de couleur. (perdre) 4. Tu __la musique? (entendre) 5. Pourquoi vous ne___ pas à mes e-mails? (répondre)
Informations personelles With a classmate, take turns asking each other the following question to find out what you have in common. 1. Est-ce que tu vends tes vieux CD? 2. Est-ce que tes amis répondent toujours à tes e-mails? 3. Ton équipe (team) de football préférée perd souvent? 4. Est-ce que tu rends visite à tes grands- parents régulièrement? 5. Tes copains et toi, vous attendez le week-end avec impatience? 6. Est-ce que tu perds souvent tes devoirs? 1.1, 1.3
Culture ● According to Bill 101, also known as the French Language Charter, all Quebec children must attend schools where French is the language of instruction. One exception is that “old time Quebeckers”, schooled in English elementary schools can choose the language of instruction for their children; this only accounts for 10% of students in Quebec. After high school, students can choose to enroll in either French or English language universities. 4.2
Bill 101 ● In Quebec, the French Language Office can levy fines of up to $7000 on businesses that fail to properly label products and write instructions or promotions in French. Critics claim that the bill has caused thousands to leave Quebec and hindered employment opportunities in markets such as the hi-tech industry. 3.1
Your thoughts ● What do you think are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this bill? ● How would you feel if part of the U.S. passed a similar bill to make Spanish, Chinese, or another language the official language?
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