Façon de dire parler de – to speak; to talk dire – to say; to tell Raconter – to tell; to narrate Passer (avoir) – to spend time Passer (être) – to pass.

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Présentation au sujet: "Façon de dire parler de – to speak; to talk dire – to say; to tell Raconter – to tell; to narrate Passer (avoir) – to spend time Passer (être) – to pass."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Façon de dire parler de – to speak; to talk dire – to say; to tell Raconter – to tell; to narrate Passer (avoir) – to spend time Passer (être) – to pass by; to stop by Insolite - random

2 Façon de dire Rendre visite à + personne Visiter + lieux et choses ‘tout le temps’ – imparfait! Être adjectif envers + personne

3 Tournure de phrase Nobody knows what he is growing in his garden. Jose would sing and listen to Mr. Medouze’s stories until m’man Tine would call him.

4 La Voix passive Discours direct Le présent L’imparfait Le futur proche Le passé composé Le futur et le conditionnel Discours indirect L’imparfait Le plus-que-parfait Le conditionnel

5 Traduction 1)Soumane said that she doesn’t like Mr. Medouze because he got her in trouble with her mother. 2)Victorine said that she doesn’t like him because he won’t let her eat the fruits from his trees.

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