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Publié parNoémie Lepretre Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Michel Guerard Justin Washington Culinary Institute Of Virginia
Overview Who is Michel Guérard What is his significance as it is related to culinary arts What can todays culinarian learn from Michel Gue’rard Summary Conlusion
MICHEL GUERARD'S CUISINE Michel Guérard was born March, 27,1933 He was born Vétheuil, ( Northwestern Suburbs of Paris France)Vétheuil He worked as a pastry chef at the Hôtel de Crillon where he gain his apprenticeship He married Christine Barthelemy. He and his wife co-owned three restaurants. He created a revolutionary way to cook more healthy more tasty foods using less calories.
What can todays culinarian learn from Michel Gue’rard Chef Michel is considerd one of if not the father of nouvelle cusine Nouvelle Cusine is pretty much traditional French cooking with a healthy less fatting spin. At 80 years old Chef Michel is still perfecting his culinary skill and creating new recipes. Chef Michel has numourous books 3 Michelin stars under his built.
Summary Chef Michel Guerarad has changed how the modern culinarian should look at how he or she wants there food to be presented. He did away with all the excess fatty sauces and seasonings to create an entrée that instead of being over flavored by seasonings and sauces flavored by aromatic vegetables and natural flavors taking away a lot of calories. Chef Michel has given a lot to the culinary community and I have learned a lot by researching him.
References Michel Guérard. (2014). In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/248248/Michel-Guerardhttp://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/248248/Michel-Guerard La grande cuisine minceur, with Alain Coumont, Éditions Robert Laffont, Paris, 1976.Alain Coumont La cuisine gourmande, Éditions Robert Laffont, Paris, 1978. Petit almanach des inventeurs improbables et méconnus, with Jean-Paul Plantive, Ginkgo éditeur, 2003. L'almanach des petits mestiers improbables, with Jean-Paul Plantive, Ginkgo éditeur, 2004. Petit almanach des plantes improbables et merveilleuses, with Jean-Paul Plantive, Ginkgo éditeur, 2005. La Cuisine très facile, Recettes pour débutants ou maladroits, Ginkgo éditeur, 2006. La grande cuisine minceur, with Alain Coumont, Éditions Robert Laffont, Paris, 1976.Alain Coumont La cuisine gourmande, Éditions Robert Laffont, Paris, 1978. Petit almanach des inventeurs improbables et méconnus, with Jean-Paul Plantive, Ginkgo éditeur, 2003. L'almanach des petits mestiers improbables, with Jean-Paul Plantive, Ginkgo éditeur, 2004. Petit almanach des plantes improbables et merveilleuses, with Jean-Paul Plantive, Ginkgo éditeur, 2005. La Cuisine très facile, Recettes pour débutants ou maladroits, Ginkgo éditeur, 2006.
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