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Publié parAndrée Peron Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Pour commencer: put these verbs in the present tense 1. Nettoyer (ils) 2. Finir (ils) 3. sortir (ils) 4. Faire (ils) 5. Etre (ils) 6. Avoir (ils) 7. Aller (ils)
Learning objectives: You will be able to understand the use and the formation of the subjunctive mood. Pour commencer: put these verbs in the present tense 1. Nettoyer (ils) 2. Finir (ils) 3. sortir (ils) 4. Prendre (ils) 5. Faire (ils) 6. Etre (ils) 7. Avoir (ils) 8. Aller (ils) 1. Ils nettoient 2. Ils finissent 3. Ils sortent 4. Ils prennent 5. Ils font 6. Ils sont 7. Ils ont 8. Ils vont
DEFINITION OF THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD Learning objectives: You will be able to understand the use and the formation of the subjunctive mood.
Subjunctive mood Definition: is used not to indicate that something is being asserted but that it is contrary to fact, supposed, doubted, feared or desired. The subjunctive mood barely exists in English, although more so in writing than in speech. meaning lacking in reality, others call it “The Fairy Tale Syndrome”
FORMATION OF THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD Learning objectives: You will be able to understand the use and the formation of the subjunctive mood.
English language formation of the subjunctive mood Put these verbs in the present tense: 1. he............to study often (to try) 2. Lucy...............to the meeting (to come) 1.1) it is important that he..........to study often (to try) 2.2) The teacher insists that Lucy............to the meeting (to come) “If music be the food of love, play on”
English language formation of the subjunctive mood Put these verbs in the present tense: 1. he...tries.........to study often (to try) 2. Lucy.......comes........to the meeting (to come) 1.1) it is important that he try to study often (to try) 2.2) The teacher insists that Lucy come to the meeting (to come) “If music be the food of love, play on”
FORMATION OF THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD? Learning objectives: You will be able to understand the use and the formation of the subjunctive mood.
French language formation of the subjunctive mood 1.Ils nettoient 2.Ils finissent 3.Ils sortent 4.Ils prennent 5.Ils font 6.Ils sont 7.Ils ont 8.Ils vont 1.je nettoie 2.je finisse 3.je sorte 4.je prenne 5.je fasse 6.je sois 7.J’ aie 8.J’aille Le présent Le subjonctif
Ready, steady, go Put the verbs in bracket in the subjunctive mood: 1. Il faut que je..............mes devoirs (faire) 2. Il faut que j’..............de bonnes notes (avoir) 3. Il est possible que je..............vous visiter (venir) 4. Viens que je te..................un cadeau (choisir) 5. Bien que je...............en retard, mon père ne va rien dire (être)
USAGE OF THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD? Learning objectives: You will be able to understand the use and the formation of the subjunctive mood.
The subjunctive is used after verbs/ expressions of will which express an order, a need, a piece of advice, or a want such as: demander que– to ask (someone to do something) vouloir que– to want that il est important que– it is important that il est nécessaire que– it is necessary that il faut que– it is necessary that il vaut mieux que– it is better that E.g. Je suis en retard, il faut que je parte. – I’m late, it’s necessary that I leave.
The subjunctive is used after verbs/expressions of emotion or feeling which indicate fear, happiness, anger or regret such as: E.g. Je suis content qu’il fasse beau. – I’m happy that the weather is good. avoir peur que– to be afraid that craindre que– to fear that être content que– to be happy that il est dommage que– it is too bad that regretter que– to regret that
The subjunctive is used after verbs/expressions of doubt, possibility, and opinion such as: E.g. Il est douteux que tu arrives à l'heure. – It is doutful that you will arrive on time. douter que – to doubt il est possible que – it is possible that il est peu probable que – it is improbable that il semble que – it seems that
The subjunctive is used after the following conjunctions: E.g. Anne étudie beaucoup bien qu’elle ait très envie de partir en vacances. – Anne studies a lot although she would like to be on holiday. à condition que– provided that afin que– so that avant que– before bien que– although pour que– so that
plenary A) With your partner, discuss the following: 1. Define the subjunctive mood. 2. How to form the subjunctive mood. 3. When would you use it. B) Explain the difference between these two sentences: Je cherche une villa qui a une piscine et qui est au bord de la mer. Je cherche une villa qui ait une piscine et qui soit au bord de la mer.
Formation of the subjunctive Chanter Je chante Tu chantes Il/elle/on chante Nous chantions Vous chantiez Ils/elles chantent Perdre Je perde Tu perdes Il/elle/on perde Nous perdions Vous perdiez Ils/elles perdent Finir Je finisse Tu finisses Il/elle/on finisse Nous finissions Vous finissiez Ils/elles finissent
allerfairepouvoirsavoirvouloir je (j')aillefassepuissesacheveuille tuaillesfassespuissessachesveuilles il/elle/o n aillefassepuissesacheveuille nousallionsfassionspuissionssachionsvoulions vousalliezfassiezpuissiezsachiezvouliez ils/ellesaillentfassentpuissentsachentveuillent
avoirêtre je (j')aiesois tuaiessois il/elle/onaitsoit nousayonssoyons vousayezsoyez ils/ellesaientsoient
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