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DF Blanc Révision Leçon 4 le 30 mars. Construct two sentences saying that each person is GOING TO the place indicated, and that they are GOING TO DO the.

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Présentation au sujet: "DF Blanc Révision Leçon 4 le 30 mars. Construct two sentences saying that each person is GOING TO the place indicated, and that they are GOING TO DO the."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 DF Blanc Révision Leçon 4 le 30 mars

2 Construct two sentences saying that each person is GOING TO the place indicated, and that they are GOING TO DO the verb indicated. Modèle: Paul / la bibliothèque / étudier. Paul va à la bibliothèque. Il va étudier.

3 Construct two sentences saying that each person is GOING TO the place indicated, and that they are GOING TO DO the verb indicated. Nous / le stade / regarder le match. Nous allons au stade. Nous allons regarder le match.

4 Construct two sentences saying that each person is GOING TO the place indicated, and that they are GOING TO DO the verb indicated. Mes copains / la plage / jouer au volley. Mes copains vont à la plage. Ils vont jouer au volley.

5 Construct two sentences saying that each person is GOING TO the place indicated, and that they are GOING TO DO the verb indicated. Ma soeur / la piscine / nager. Ma soeur va à la piscine. Elle va nager.

6 Construct two sentences saying that each person is GOING TO the place indicated, and that they are GOING TO DO the verb indicated. Je / l’aéroport / voyager en France. Je vais à l’aéroport. Je vais voyager en France.

7 Construct two sentences saying that each person is GOING TO the place indicated, and that they are GOING TO DO the verb indicated. Tu / le café / déjeuner avec des amis. Tu vas au café. Tu vas déjeuner avec des amis.

8 Construct two sentences saying that each person is COMING BACK FROM the place indicated, and that they JUST DID the verb indicated. Modèle: Paul / la bibliothèque / étudier Paul revient de la bibliothèque. Il vient d’étudier.

9 Nous / le stade / regarder le match. Nous revenons du stade. Nous venons de regarder le match. Construct two sentences saying that each person is COMING BACK FROM the place indicated, and that they JUST DID the verb indicated.

10 Mes copains / la plage / jouer au volley. Mes copains reviennent de la plage. Ils viennent de jouer au volley. Construct two sentences saying that each person is COMING BACK FROM the place indicated, and that they JUST DID the verb indicated.

11 Ma soeur / la piscine / nager. Ma soeur revient de la piscine. Elle vient de nager. Construct two sentences saying that each person is COMING BACK FROM the place indicated, and that they JUST DID the verb indicated.

12 Je / l’aéroport / voyager en France. Je reviens de l’aéroport. Je viens de voyager en France. Construct two sentences saying that each person is COMING BACK FROM the place indicated, and that they JUST DID the verb indicated.

13 Tu / le café / déjeuner avec des amis. Tu reviens du café. Tu viens de déjeuner avec des amis. Construct two sentences saying that each person is COMING BACK FROM the place indicated, and that they JUST DID the verb indicated.

14 Modèle: Tu / faire du français / 2009 Tu fais du français depuis 2009. Construct two sentences saying that each person HAS BEEN DOING the activity listed since the time given.

15 Nous / faire du ski nautique / 1999 Nous faisons du ski nautique depuis 1999. Construct two sentences saying that each person HAS BEEN DOING the activity listed since the time given.

16 Ma famille / visiter Montréal / vendredi passé Ma famille visite Montréal depuis vendredi passé. Construct two sentences saying that each person HAS BEEN DOING the activity listed since the time given.

17 Tu / jouer au football / sept ans Tu joues au football depuis sept ans. Construct two sentences saying that each person HAS BEEN DOING the activity listed since the time given.

18 Les Choletais / venir à Fairview / 1993 Les Choletais viennent à Fairview depuis 1993. Construct two sentences saying that each person HAS BEEN DOING the activity listed since the time given.

19 Depuis quand habites-tu à Fairview? J’habite à Fairview depuis _______. Répondez à la question (phrase complète).

20 Depuis combien de temps est-ce que vous étudiez le français? Nous étudions le français depuis (10 mois). Répondez à la question (phrase complète).


22 Depuis combien de temps est-ce que les Choletais sont ici? Ils sont ici depuis (10 jours). Répondez à la question (phrase complète).

23 Depuis quand est-ce que les Choletais sont ici? Ils sont ici depuis (le 18 octobre). Répondez à la question (phrase complète).

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