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Publié parNazaire Alves Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Questions: -W-W-W-What are their main tasks? - What skills should laboratory technicians have? (quote at least 6) -W-W-W-Why is it important for a lab technician to be accurate? - In short, what is the purpose of their job? Medical laboratory technicians
Important Vocabulary * to work behind the scene: travailler dans l’ombre * to be an integral part of sthg: faire partie intégrante de qqch * to be able to do sthg: être capable de faire qqch * under pressure: sous la pression * accuracy/ to be accurate: précision/ être précis, juste… * a match: une compatibilité/ correspondance * a sample: un échantillon * an area: un domaine * to improve: améliorer
ANSWERS 1.They prepare and perform tests so as to detect, analyse, diagnose and treat diseases 2.- They must know how to use complex equipment and computers - They must be able to work well with their hands - They must be able to stand for hours at a time - They must be able to work under pressure - They must be able to pay close attention to details/ be accurate - They must have good communication skills 3. Because they may have to determine a match for blood transfusion, locate an abnormal cell in a healthy tissue sample. 4. In short, they help improve the health and lives of their patients.
Translate Les techniciens de laboratoire ont l’habitude de travailler sous la pression. (to be used to doing sthg) Je suis en train de localiser une cellule contaminée dans un échantillon de tissu. Il travaille comme technicien de laboratoire à Atlanta depuis 5 ans/ depuis 2004. Hier, j’ai fait plusieurs tests sur le même patient.
Correction Lab technicians are used to working under pressure. I am locating a contaminated cell in a tissue sample. He has been working as a lab technician in Atlanta for 5 years/ since 2004. Yesterday, I performed/ carried out several tests on the same patient.
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