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University of Westminster
Niveau Bleu CLIL activities: using French for maths, art, geography and PE in Year 3 University of Westminster 15 November 2014 Kathy Wicksteed
What is Niveau Bleu? Full resources for Year 3 French
Project for all KS2 and transition Easy for non-specialists to teach Built-in training for primary practitioners Covers all requirements of Programme of Study Free on Culturethèque website Now with CLIL activities Ask first how many know about NB – if many, call show this quickly.
CLIL/cross-curricular benefits according to the EU
Sponge effect more contact with the language varied learning activities better language skills and proficiency motivation and confidence intercultural understanding multilingual awareness The Benefits of CLIL
Connecting three ways of learning
Explicit learning about the language, understanding its systems, memorising, practising Subject lessons taught in English Using the language to learn parts of other curriculum ..subjects Literacy … and differentiating them
Why CLIL activities in Year 3?
Complementing Niveau Bleu, for the children to: realise they can use the language for other things consolidate vocabulary and pronunciation develop confidence in guessing the meaning of words use target language independently role-play new identities to develop intercultural understanding
Le Concours de Maths The CLIL modules
Art: Maquettes de Paris & Une Frise de Paris Geography: Je parle français! & Francophonie role play PE: Vitesse et Mouvement
Module contents Lesson plan PowerPoint(s)
What I have learned assessments Other resources
Lesson Plan Content Overview: French element and subject element
Learning objectives: French and subject Vocabulary list: full vocabulary list with sound files available Resources: list and links to online resources Learning focus/teaching sequence Assessment / Feedback
CLIL activity 1: Maths Using numbers 0 to 6
Designed to be used after Niveau Bleu Module 2 Overview and learning strategies…
Le concours de maths Ensure they understand Encourage guessing
Exchange greetings with the children in French as they arrive for the lesson. The activity is a maths competition. With the trophy as a hint, you could ask the pupils what a concours might be - Qu'est-ce que c'est un concours?, using a gesture to show you are thinking hard about this. With luck one of them may guess correctly which you can acknowledge saying Très bien, en anglais on dit 'competition'. Ensure they understand Encourage guessing Allow use of English to check understanding
Gestures using fingers Speed up for fun
C’est quel chiffre? This is a reminder of the numbers (chiffres in French) using finger gestures. Name one of the numbers and use a gesture to show that the children should respond with their fingers. Ask C’est quel chiffre? (which number is it?) Praise correct answers using bravo, super or très bien. Then reverse the activity. Hold up your fingers to indicate a number and ask C’est quel chiffre? If you need to reinforce the activity, speed it up or ask pupils to choose a number (Quel chiffre?) that the others have to show with their fingers. Gestures using fingers Speed up for fun Hand over to the kids
Vrai ou faux? Closed questions
This slide introduces four new words needed to talk about sums. The children have to say whether each sum is correct or not ('true or false'). Read each sum aloud so that they hear the words plus, fois, moins and égale. For example, for the first sum ask Un plus deux égale quatre.C'est vrai ou c'est faux? (thumbs up for vrai and down for faux) To link each word to its symbol, point to each one as you speak. In the next two slides the children can practise using the words themselves. Closed questions Questions are about maths, not what a word means © culturethèque-ifru 2014
Plus, moins ou fois? © culturethèque-ifru 2014
This is the same activity with the addition of ‘fois’ for multiplication (the equivalent of 'times' in English). Said out loud, the sums are: - Quatre moins un égale trois - Deux fois trois égale six - Un plus deux égale trois - Cinq fois un égale cinq The children could again say each sum in chorus. © culturethèque-ifru 2014
C’est le concours! Arrange for the children to work in pairs or teams of three for the competition. Their task is to create as many sums as they can using only the symbols and the numbers 0 to 6. Hand out number and symbol cards with two or three sets per team. Cards for printing are included in the resource pack, or plastic ones can be used. Using them enables the children to try various options before writing down the sum. Encourage the children to use French when they are working on the sums. No grammar in involved – the children simply say each of the five words in order. Some may do this slowly as they try to remember the words. The final slide on this Powerpoint provides a vocabulary list that the children can refer to for a reminder.
Deux plus un égale trois!
Le concours 2 + 1 = 6 – 4 = 3 x 2 = 5 – 1 = 4 1 x 5 = 5 4 – 3 = Deux plus un égale trois! Bravo les enfants! Nous avons SIX calculs! This slide shows how the competition works. One new word, calcul (meaning ‘sum’) is introduced. When you click, the numbers appear one by one across the top of the slide. Ask the whole class to say each word in unison. Then say C’est un calcul, point to the list on the left, count how many sums there are and say Six calculs! The similarity to ‘calculate’ should help the children to understand its meaning. Before starting the competition check that the children understand what to do. Give them a time limit and tell them to start (Commencez!) and later to stop (Arrêtez!) To find the winners ask each team in turn to read out a sum in French. Write the sum on the board and if it’s correct award a point to the team. The team with the most sums wins. Use team work Make it competitive and ‘physical’ Get everyone to say something Encourage interaction in target language © culturethèque-ifru 2014
1+4=5 Vocabulaire moins fois égale calcul plus Please s’il te plaît
Thank you merci Yes oui No non Number chiffre Vocabulary wall enables the children to revisit vocabulary during the week
CLIL activity 2: Art Creating the Paris landmarks learned in Niveau Bleu Designed to be used after Niveau Bleu Module 4
1 2 3 Une Frise de Paris Dessiner Couper Coller
This CLIL activity is designed for use after completing Modules 3 and 4 of Niveau Bleu. The PowerPoint shows how to make a frieze of Paris monuments (une frise in French), and introduces the vocabulary needed for the lesson. The children will be familiar with the monuments and locations, which feature in the Niveau Bleu modules. Provide photographs that show them in detail to help them draw or paint them accurately, or they can research them on the internet. Show the children the paper for the backing of the frieze – Nous allons créer une frise de Paris! Then explain the three actions of drawing (dessiner), cutting (couper) and glueing (coller). Say each word in French and use gestures to demonstrate the actions. You can check the pupils’ understanding by asking what the words mean in English - Qu’est-ce c’est en anglais? (a map of England or Union Jack could clarify ‘anglais’ if necessary). Kathy Wicksteed Culturethèque-ifru May not be copied for commercial purposes.
Les outils Un feutre La colle Des ciseaux
Introduce this new vocabulary, holding up a glue stick, scissors or felt tip and asking “Qu’est-ce que c’est, la colle, des ciseaux ou un feutre?” This can be done quickly as the words will feature again. Sharing classroom language for real purposes Award those heard using French Politeness awards for saying s’il te plaît and merci
Le feutre s’il te plaît Awards for those heard using French, including s’il te plaît and merci Le feutre s’il te plaît
Merci! Merci!
Les ciseaux s’il te plaît
Merci! If you want to reinforce asking and thanking, pupils can be invited to ask for one of the objects. The children will work on their models for the rest of the lesson. Use French as much as possible to manage the lesson. To congratulate the children you can say excellent, super (pronounced ‘soopair’), très bien or bravo. Photos of the monuments are on the next slide. Merci!
La colle s’il te plaît Four slides to encourage the children to ask each other for glue or a felt-tip in French. Move to the next slide to see the child getting the item they have asked for. Awards could be given during the lesson to those who are heard using French when speaking to another pupil. The additional vocabulary needed is s’il te plaît and merci. La colle s’il te plaît
Merci! Merci!
Les monuments (1) L’Opéra Le Canal Saint-Martin Le Sacré-Cœur Le Centre Pompidou La Seine Les Bouquinistes 1 2 3 4 5 6 A reminder ( L’Opéra, c’est quelle photo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ou 6?) Get the children speaking. Make it a quick competition - say a number and the first person to put their hand up and say the correct landmark gets a point (un point). ‘Real’ content Needed for the subject activity Revisiting learning in a new context Build from children saying a number to saying the name of a monument 27
Maquettes de Paris This CLIL activity is designed for use after completing Modules 3 and 4 of Niveau Bleu. The slides show how to make 3D models of Paris monuments and provide the vocabulary needed for the lesson. The children will already be familiar with the monuments: the Arc de Triomphe, Tour Eiffel and Pyramide du Louvre. Photos of the Arc de Triomphe and Pyramide du Louvre are included in the resource pack to help the children to add details to their models. Before moving to the next slide, give a quick reminder by asking the children the name of each monument. Kathy Wicksteed Culturethèque-ifru May not be copied for commercial purposes.
Les maquettes Une maquette means a small model. You could make one or more finished examples to show the children, but they might also enjoy the mystery of not seeing what their model looks like in advance. Introduce the activity by saying Nous allons créer des maquettes. Looking at the three templates, ask the children to decide which monument is which: ‘Qu’est-ce que c’est? La Pyramide du Louvre, la Tour Eiffel ou L’Arc de Triomphe?’
Décorez les maquettes
Before they cut out the template the children need to add details and colour to the Arc de Triomphe and the Pyramid. The Eiffel Tour will take longer to make and does not need colouring, so the children can start to cut it out immediately. If there is time they can then make a grass base for the tower (the Eiffel Tower photo provided shows the grass around the tower). The Arc de Triomphe template is missing some of its circles and friezes. Point out first that there are no circles on the left ( ‘Il n’y a pas de cercles’ ), then ask if there are circles on the right – Il y a des cercles? Then explain ‘On va ajouter des cercles’ (a gesture will clarify what this means). With the photo as a guide, the children can also add the two missing friezes, colour the stone a pale beige and make the archways black. For the pyramid, point out the lack of squares (carreaux) in the same way and the children can refer to the photo to colour the pyramid and add the squares.
The photos on this slide can be used as a guide for the children
The photos on this slide can be used as a guide for the children. They can also be printed separately. Les Photos
Tiny Paris http://madebyjoel.com/2011/08/paper-city-paris.html
CLIL activity 3: Geography
Draws on the Niveau Bleu theme of countries and introduces the concept of La Francophonie Designed to be used after Niveau Bleu Module 6 Two activities
Je parle français Bonjour les enfants! Bonjour!
The slides are an introduction to creating a world map of five countries where French is spoken. The children will need blank world maps (included in the resources) and atlases or a wall map. To check understanding, point to the row of children and ask Les enfants parlent français ou anglais? A bright pupil might be able to reply in a full sentence – Les enfants parlent français. Kathy Wicksteed Culturethèque-ifru May not be copied for commercial purposes.
Memory rather than grammar at this stage
Je m’appelle Sophie. J’habite au Canada. Je m’appelle Aina. J’habite à Madagascar Je m’appelle Amadou. J’habite au Mali. Je m’appelle Han. J’habite au Vietnam. Je m’appelle Daniel. J’habite en France. The Francophone children reveal their name and the country they live in. The French names of countries use au or en depending on their gender. Here, Canada, Mali and Vietnam are masculine and France feminine, but as a relatively small island Madagascar is simply à. These differences do not need explaining to the children at this stage in their learning – they will find it straightforward to copy the way they hear the preposition before the name of the country, as a French child would. Check their understanding by asking Sophie habite au Mali ou au Canada? or Qui habite au Canada? Amadou ou Sophie? Reinforce correct answers - Très bien, Sophie habite au Canada. A quick whole class vrai ou faux quiz would be fun before moving on – ask the children to reply in chorus to ‘[Name] habite [in Country], vrai ou faux?’ Nos pays Memory rather than grammar at this stage Vrai ou faux ‘chorus’ quiz: [Name] habite [in Country], vrai ou faux?
Pays Francophones J’habite au Canada J’habite en France
J’habite au Mali J’habite en France J’habite au Canada J’habite à Madagascar J’habite au Vietnam The slide doesn’t show the speech bubbles until you click, so the children have to name the countries from memory. Point out the title ‘Pays Francophones’ and ask them what they think it means in English. In clockwise order from Canada (to make the bubbles appear in the right order) ask where each child lives: ‘Sophie,elle habite où?’ ‘Daniel, il habite où?’ etc, pointing at the relevant child. Click to show if the answer is correct. Pays Francophones
Où sont les pays? The map has the names of each of the five countries but no other hints. Invite pupils in turn to point to one of the five. Où est la France? Où est le Canada? Où est le Vietnam? Où est le Mali? Où est Madascar? Praise with bravo, excellent or super! © culturethèque-ifru 2014
Les drapeaux ~ C’est quel pays?
r - - c - - i e m C - n - d – - a – i M g - - c - - Introduce the word drapeau by pointing at the flags – Voilà des drapeaux. Invite the children to identify the country of each flag using the clues – C’est le drapeau de quel pays? or simply C’est quel pays? If necessary go back to slide two to remind them of the names of the countries.
C’est quel drapeau? Vietnam Canada Mali France Madagascar
A quick follow-up. Ask Quel est le drapeau du Vietnam? etc, and choose one of the pupils to point at it. Work down the list from the top so that the answer is revealed on each click. The genders of countries are variable and ‘of’ has different forms: Quel est le drapeau… - de la France - du Vietnam - du Canada - du Congo - de Madagascar
La carte du monde Écrivez les noms des 5 pays francophones
Coloriez les pays Dessinez les drapeaux des pays Hand out the blank world maps and ask the children to give the map the title ‘Des pays francophones’. (‘Les pays francophones’ or ‘La francophonie’ imply that all francophone countries are included.) Read the instructions and clarify them with gestures. To check understanding you can ask the children to work out the meaning in English. For drawing the flags provide atlases that include national flags or show the flags on Slide 5. Pays Francophones © culturethèque-ifru 2014
Additional activity: Role Play
Une réunion francophone
Une invitation! Tu es invité à Une réunion francophone à Paris The role-play rounds off the Francophonie topic with an activity that gets the children on their feet and speaking French. The class needs to have completed the first part of the activity. The story line is that the children have been invited to a francophone get-together taking place in Paris, where they meet each other for the first time. Each of them is assigned the role of one of the five francophone children and they introduce themselves to each other at the event. The PowerPoint explains the event and revisits the language that they need to use. To create an appropriate atmosphere you could bring some party-related items into the classroom. To introduce the activity, read the invitation on this slide and check the children’s understanding by asking them to explain it in English. Look puzzled and ask Qu’est-ce que c’est en anglais? Kathy Wicksteed Culturethèque-ifru May not be copied for commercial purposes.
C’est formidable! Nous allons à une réunion francophone en France!
Nous allons à Paris! C’est formidable! Nous allons à une réunion francophone en France! Say Les enfants francophones sont invités à la réunion! C’est formidable! (with a thumbs up!) La réunion est en France, à Paris.
? au à en ou J’habite Canada. J’habite Madagascar J’habite
Mali. This is a reminder of the children’s names, countries and the prepositions for the countries. At this stage in their learning the children can memorise the prepositions without any reference to grammar.* The names of the children are Sophie (Canada) Aina (Madagascar) Amadou (Mali) Han (Vietnam) and Daniel (France). Point out the prepositions at the top of the slide. Then ask Sophie habite où? If necessary give choices: au Canada, à Canada ou en Canada? Reply emphasising the preposition (Oui, elle habite au Canada). Then do the same with the others. * The prepositions are related to genders: Au is masculine, en feminine (eg. La France) and à is used for a small country such as an island. J’habite Vietnam. J’habite France. Au, en ou à?
A la réunion… Bonjour! Bonjour!
In the role-play the children introduce themselves to as many other children as possible, greeting each other and asking and telling each other their name and the country they live in. When playing the roles the children can vary the order of their questions, using their French in a more independent way. The next five slides show two conversations with Amadou in both, speaking to Han and then to Sophie. Click to show the characters and speech bubbles. Ask pupils to volunteer to speak as the characters: ‘Qui sera Han? Qui sera Amadou? Qui sera Sophie?’ If they need support, read out the conversations yourself first.
A la réunion… Je m’appelle Han. Comment tu t’appelles?
Je m’appelle Amadou. Click for the speech bubbles.
A la réunion… J’habite au Vietnam. J’habite au Mali. Tu habites où?
Click for the speech bubbles.
Amadou dit bonjour à Sophie..
Click to make Amadou appear and click again for the speech bubbles. Bonjour! Je m’appelle Sophie.
Amadou parle avec Sophie..
Je m’appelle Amadou. Tu habites-où, Amadou? Click for the speech bubbles.
La conversation 1. Bonjour!
The children practise the conversation for the role-play. Ask them to choose which child they are (for now): Décidez, tu es Sophie, Amadou, Aina, Han ou Daniel? Point out the three parts of the conversation listed on the slide and ask them to talk with a neighbour (Parlez avec un voisin). Choose two of the children to come to the front to demonstrate their conversation. The conversation Bonjour! Comment tu t’appelles? Je m’appelle (name). Comment tu t’appelles? Je m’appelle (name). Tu habites où? J’habite (au Canada / au Mali / au Vietnam / en France / à Madagascar) Tu habites où? J’habite (au Canada / au Mali / au Vietnam / en France / à Madagascar) 1. Bonjour! 2. Comment tu t’appelles? 3. Tu habites où?
C’est la réunion! Comment tu t’appelles? Où habites-tu? Bonjour!
Finally move on to the role-play. Hand out the cards, taking gender into account. Allow time for the children to fill in the name of ‘their’ country (based on their name and the flag). The cards also give a reminder of the questions. Make sure the children understand that they should walk around the room to speak with as many people as possible: ‘Levez-vous et parlez avec beaucoup d’enfants’. (If necessary ask a pupil to explain this in English: Qu’est-ce que c’est en anglais?) Please note: As there are only five names they are likely to have conversations with people who have the same name as them. You could suggest (in English) that they do a high five when this happens!
C’est fini… Au revoir! Au revoir! Au revoir!
To end the activity clap your hands and say C’est fini! Show this slide (click to show the speech bubbles) and encourage the children to say goodbye to each other (Dites au revoir). Say Asseyez-vous to calm things down. C’est fini…
CLIL activity 4: PE Draws on the Niveau Bleu theme of countries and introduces the concept of La Francophonie Designed to be used after Niveau Bleu Module 6 Two activities (The slides are available separately)
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