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Publié parSalomé Hamel Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Edson Brito April, 10, 2011 French IP
Legacy is anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.
How I perceive legacy through my family is through hope. My parents want me to have a better life than they have, they want me to be very successful in life and I want to do that for both them and myself. I am basically their legacy.
How I intend to contribute to my family’s legacy is by making my family proud of who I am, and achieve what they want me to achieve. In the future I will have the same support for my children.
My family consists of people that are already apart of our legacy. The people that started it all and the people that are currently in it. We hope for the best and try to push people in our family to work hard, and it is working. This is my family. (In French)
C’est Ma mere’ Elle habite a Cape Verde Elle est tres courte Elle est incroyable
C’est mon pere Il habite a Cape Verde Il est assidu Ma pere est tres intelligent
C’est Ma niece Elle habite a Boston Elle a trois ans Ma niece est energique
C’est mon frere Il habite a Cape Verde Ma frere est vingt-neuf ans Il est
C’est ma soeur Il habite a Cape Verde il est tres intelligent elle est tres petite
C’est mon cousin Il s’appelle Jason Il a dix-sept ans il aime les ordinateurs
C’est ma cousine Elle s’appelle Gianny Elle a onze ans elle aime les jeux
C’est mon frere Il habite a Cape Verde Il amie le futbol Il a trent-trois ans
C’est ma niece Elle habite a Boston Elle s’appelle Leeanna Elle a sept ans
C’est mon petit cousin Il habite a Boston Il est un bebe Elle s’appelle Josaih
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