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The conditional tense Follow the rules here and you will not go wrong when using the conditional tense.

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Présentation au sujet: "The conditional tense Follow the rules here and you will not go wrong when using the conditional tense."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 The conditional tense Follow the rules here and you will not go wrong when using the conditional tense

2 The conditional tense is used to say what would or wouldn’t happen. Example: Si j’étais riche, j’achèterais une belle maison à la campagne. If I was rich, I would buy a beautiful house in the country. S’il pleuvait, je ne sortirais pas. If it rained, I wouldn’t go out. Ma tante a dit qu’elle arriverait vers midi. My aunt said she would arrive at around midday. Grammar: The conditional tense 1

3 How would you translate the following sentences? S’il faisait mauvais, je ne jouerais pas au tennis. If the weather was bad, I wouldn’t play tennis. Si elle avait assez d’argent, elle achèterait une nouvelle voiture. If she had enough money, she would buy a new car. Mon père a téléphoné pour dire qu’il rentrerait en retard. My father phoned to say that he would come home late. Elle a dit qu’elle ne mangerait pas ici. She said that she wouldn’t eat here. Si j’avais mon livre, je pourrais faire mes devoirs. If I had my book, I would be able to do my homework. Grammar: The conditional tense 2

4 From the examples you have already seen, you may have worked out how to form the conditional tense. It is very easy to form: 1Take the stem (first part) of the future tense. 2Add the following endings: je -aisnous-ions tu -ais vous-iez il / elle / on -aitils / elles-aient Which other tense that you have already met has exactly the same endings? Answer: The imperfect tense! Grammar: The conditional tense 3

5 Reminder - Because you need the future tense stem to form the conditional tense, it might be a good idea to revise this! Question: How do you form the stem of regular verbs in the future tense? Answer: By using the infinitive. Example: infinitivefutureconditional manger - to eatje mangeraije mangerais Remember also that -re verbs lose the final -e in the future tense stem: attendre - to waitj’attendraij’attendrais Grammar: The conditional tense 4

6 Question: Which common verbs have an irregular stem in the future tense, and therefore also in the conditional tense? Answer: infinitivefutureconditional aller - to goj’irai j’irais avoir - to havej’aurai j’aurais courir - to runje courrai je courrais devoir - to have toje devrai je devrais envoyer - to sendj’enverrai j’enverrais être - to beje serai je serais faire - to make / doje ferai je ferais mourir - to dieje mourrai je mourrais pouvoir - to be able toje pourrai je pourrais recevoir - to receiveje recevrai je recevrais savoir - to know je saurai je saurais venir - to comeje viendrai je viendrais voir - to seeje verrai je verrais vouloir - to want toje voudrai je voudrais Grammar: The conditional tense 5

7 Look at the following regular verb which is written out in full in the conditional tense: jouer - to play jejouerais I would play tujouerais you would play il / ellejoueraithe / she would play nousjouerionswe would play vousjoueriezyou would play ils / ellesjoueraientthey would play Can you write the following three verbs out in the same way? Be careful! One is regular, one ends in -re and the other is irregular: aller - to go, vendre - to sell, finir - to finish Grammar: The conditional tense 6

8 aller - to go j’irais I would go tuiraisyou would go il / elleiraithe / she would go nousirionswe would go vousiriezyou would go ils/ellesiraientthey would go vendre - to sell jevendrais I would sell tuvendraisyou would sell il / ellevendraithe / she would sell nousvendrionswe would sell vousvendriezyou would sell ils/ellesvendraientthey would sell finir - to finish jefinirais I would finish tufiniraisyou would finish il / ellefiniraithe / she would finish nousfinirionswe would finish vousfiniriezyou would finish ils/ellesfiniraientthey would finish Grammar: The conditional tense 7

9 Ma ville idéale _____ moderne et très verte. Il y _____ beaucoup de commerces et il n’y _____ pas de chômage. Dans le centre-ville on _____ une zone piétonne très agréable avec des cafés, des restaurants et des boutiques et on _____ se promener tranquillement. Les magasins _____ très tard et les rues _____ animées. Pour limiter la pollution, il y _____ un réseau de transports très fiable et les autos _____ interdites en centre-ville. On _____ rouler facilement en vélo grâce aux pistes cyclables et il y _____ aussi un tramway. Comme distractions, on _____ aller au cinéma, aux concerts ou au théâtre sans trop dépenser de l’argent. Les habitants _____ très fiers d’y habiter. 1 serait 2 aurait 4 verrait 3 aurait 6 fermeraient 7 seraient 8 aurait 9 seraient 10 pourrait 11 aurait 12 pourrait 13 seraient 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1être 2avoir 3avoir 4voir 5pouvoir 6fermer 7être 8avoir 9être 10pouvoir 11avoir 12pouvoir 13être 5 pourrait Menu Grammar: The conditional tense 8

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