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Publié parMathieu Barret Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Les avantages et les inconvénients de métiers différents.
Les avantages et les inconvénients.
It is a satisfying job. One can help people. It is not badly paid. There is no stress in the job. I am my own boss. I like to be in the open air. One day I shall be rich! What I like the most is the variety. One is well paid. One works outside. I like the atmosphere. I like the involvement with people. The hours are long. I start early in the morning. One must work outside of normal hours. I hate seeing an animal suffer. I am not well paid. It is a bit boring. One has to bend over a lot. It is tiring. One is standing up all the time. I often have sore feet.
Les Avantages It is a satisfying job. One can help people.
It is not badly paid. There is no stress in the job. I am my own boss. I like to be in the open air. One day I shall be rich! What I like the most is the variety. One is well paid. One works outside. I like the atmosphere. I like the involvement with people. C’est un travail satisfaisant. On peut aider les gens. Ce n’est pas mal payé. Il n’y a pas de stress dans le métier. Je suis mon propre patron. J’aime être en plein air. Un jour je serai riche! Ce que j’aime le plus c’est la variété. On est bien payé. On travaille à l’extérieur. J’aime l’ambiance. J’aime le contact avec les gens.
Les Inconvénients The hours are long. I start early in the morning.
One must work outside of normal hours. I hate seeing an animal suffer. I am not well paid. It is a bit boring. One has to bend over a lot. It is tiring. One is standing up all the time. I often have sore feet. Les heures sont longues. Je commence tôt le matin. Il faut travailler en dehors des heures normales. Je déteste voir un animal souffrir. Je ne suis pas bien payé(e). C’est un peu ennuyeux. Il faut beaucoup se pencher. C’est fatigant. On est debout tout le temps. J’ai souvent mal aux pieds.
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