Warm up Can you unscramble the following words. Then, imagine that those items belongs to your friend; now, write a few sentences to compliment your friend.

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Présentation au sujet: "Warm up Can you unscramble the following words. Then, imagine that those items belongs to your friend; now, write a few sentences to compliment your friend."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Warm up Can you unscramble the following words. Then, imagine that those items belongs to your friend; now, write a few sentences to compliment your friend for each item he/she has. Look on p. 44 for compliments.

2 To describe beauty, age, goodness, and size, you use adjectives like beau, joli, grand, petit, nouveau (new) Some of these adjectives have irregular feminine forms: Beau/belle nouveau/nouvelle vieux/vieille But beau in front of a vowel  un bel anorak Vieux un vieil ami . nouveauun nouvel hôtel

3 To make plural to beau and nouveau, add X
--> Beaux , nouveaux To make belle, nouvelle, and vieille plural, add simply s  belles, nouvelle Des change to de before an adjective that precedes a plural noun. II y a de jolies fleurs dans ce jardin There are beautiful flowers in the garden. **on page 44, Do # 20 (We need to finish). P. 44 , cd 2 Tr. Act. 22

4 On page 46: Map of Chartres
Let find different location on the map. On page 47, do # 25 The use of different prepositions we already learned: à côté de, près de, devant, … ** Changing Gear: Draw a map of the first floor of KHS, then describe locations using prepositions: près de, à côté,…

5 P. 45 Vocabulary: En ville Un terrain de camping; une gare, une église; une piscine; une poste; un office de tourisme; Une cathédrale; un musée; un parc; une banque; un lycée; une auberge de jeunesse; une bibliothèque; un théatre. ** handouts** Exit**

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