Reflexive verbs usually (but not always) have the sense of something being done to oneself or to one another. In French, they are recognised by the ‘se.

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Présentation au sujet: "Reflexive verbs usually (but not always) have the sense of something being done to oneself or to one another. In French, they are recognised by the ‘se."— Transcription de la présentation:


2 Reflexive verbs usually (but not always) have the sense of something being done to oneself or to one another. In French, they are recognised by the ‘se / s’’ in front of the infinitive. Eg se laver –to wash yourself s’amuser – to enjoy yourself se retrouver – to meet (each other)

3 Each subject is used with its own reflexive pronoun: (I) Je me (you) tu te (he/she/it/we) il/elle/on se (we) nous nous (you) vous vous (they) ils/elles se

4 The verb endings of-course will follow the patterns we have already learned. And so we get: Je me couche vers minuit le samedi - I go to bed about midnight on Saturdays Ils s’amusent bien en vacances – They are having a good time on holiday.

5 Here is the pattern of a reflexive verb: Se laver –to get washed Je me lave Tu te laves Il/elle se lave On se lave Nous nous lavons Vous vous lavez Ils/elles se lavent


7 A toi maintenant! 1.Je ……… ………………. a huit heures.(se lever) 2.Tu ….. ………………. plus tard le weekend?(se coucher) 3.On …’…………. bien au centre sportif.(s’amuser) 4.Quand il fait chaud je …… …………….. dans la mer.(se baigner) 5.On … ……………… a quelle heure? (se retrouver) 6.Ma mère …… …………. dans le jardin. (se reposer) 7.Le samedi ils …. ………………. en ville.(se promener) 8.Elles….’………………….. Minou et Minette. (s’appeler) 9.Ou ……. …………….. les toilettes? (se trouver)

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